C.H. LAU, H.L.N. LAU, H.K. NG, S. THANGALAZHY-GOPAKUMAR, L.Y. LEE and S. GAN, 2024. Evaluation of synthetic and bio-based additives on the oxidation stability of palm biodiesel: Parametric, kinetics and thermodynamics studies Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments. 64(2024), 103738 Y.Y. CHONG, S. GAN, L.Y. LEE, H.K. NG and S. THANGALAZHY-GOPAKUMAR, 2023. Role of Catalysts in Biofuel Production through Fast Pyrolysis. In: KRUSHNA PRASAD SHADANGI, PRAKASH KUMAR SARANGI, KAUSTUBHA MOHANTY, IREM DENIZ and ANJANI RAVI KIRAN GOLLAKOTA, eds., Bioenergy Engineering: Fundamentals, Methods, Modelling, and Applications Elsevier. 115 - 132 CHI HOU LAU, SUYIN GAN, HARRISON LIK NANG LAU, LAI YEE LEE, SUCHITHRA THANGALAZHY-GOPAKUMAR and HOON KIAT NG, 2022. Insights into the effectiveness of synthetic and natural additives in improving biodiesel oxidation stability Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments. 52, Part D, 102296 ZANDIE M, NG HK, GAN S, MUHAMAD SAID MF and CHENG X, 2022. The viability of using gasoline-integrated biodiesel/diesel mixtures in engines as a solution to greenhouse gas emissions: a review Clean Energy. (In Press.)
LIM, E.H.X., CHONG, K.Y., CHOK, M.K., LOCK, C.H., CHONG, Y.Y., THANGALAZHY-GOPAKUMAR, S., NG, H.K., LEE, L.Y. and GAN, S., 2021. Investigation of eggshell as catalyst on the torrefaction of empty fruit bunch Materials Science for Energy Technologies. 4, 189-201 E.J.C. CHOO, X. CHENG, G. SCRIBANO, H.K. NG and S. GAN, 2021. Development and validation of a n-butanol reduced chemical kinetic mechanism under engine relevant conditions International Journal of Chemical Kinetics. 53(12), 1285–1305 VEZA I, SAID MFM, LATIFF ZA, ABAS MA, PERANG MRM, NG HK, SULE A, RIYADI TWB and TAMALDIN N, 2021. Strategies to Form Homogeneous Mixture and Methods to Control Auto-Ignition of HCCI Engine International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering. 18(4), 9253-9270 VASU, H., WONG, C.F., VIJIARETNAM, N.R., CHONG, Y.Y., THANGALAZHY-GOPAKUMAR, S., GAN, S., LEE, L.Y. and NG, H.K., 2020. Insight into Co-pyrolysis of Palm Kernel Shell (PKS) with Palm Oil Sludge (POS): Effect on Bio-oil Yield
and Properties Waste and Biomass Valorization. 11, 5877–5889 TAN, S.M., NG, H.K. and GAN, S., 2020. Numerical studies of in-cylinder combustion and soot emission characteristics of biodiesel fuels from different feedstock Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences. 70(1), 46-61 LEE, X.J., LEE, L.Y., HIEW, B.Y.Z., GAN, S., THANGALAZHY-GOPAKUMAR, S. and NG, H.K., 2020. Valorisation of oil palm wastes into high yield and energy content biochars via slow pyrolysis: Multivariate process optimisation and combustion kinetic studies Materials Science for Energy Technologies. 3, 601-610 TAN, M.-G., HO, J.-H., GOH, H.-T., NG, H.K., ABDUL LATIF, L. and MAZLAN, M., 2020. Revealing stroke survivor gait deficits during rehabilitation using ensemble empirical mode decomposition of surface electromyography signals Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 61, 102045 CHONG, Y.Y., NG, H.K., LEE, L.Y., GAN, S. and THANGALAZHY-GOPAKUMAR, S., 2020. Kinetics and mechanisms for catalytic pyrolysis of empty fruit bunch fibre and cellulose with oxides SN Applied Sciences. 2(8), 1464 CHONG, Y.Y., THANGALAZHY-GOPAKUMAR, S., GAN, S., LEE, L.Y. and NG, H.K., 2020. Esterification and neutralization of bio-oil from palm empty fruit bunch fibre with calcium oxide Bioresource Technology Reports. 12, 100560 J.W. SAM, H.K. CHEOW, J.-H. HO, H.K. NG and A.B. CHAI, 2020. Vibration suppression of a car engine frame via tuned vibration absorber design International Journal of Vehicle Noise and Vibration. 16(1/2), 13-29 CHONG, Y.Y., THANGALAZHY-GOPAKUMAR, S., GAN, S., NG, H.K. and LEE, L.Y., 2019. Effect of oxide catalysts on the properties of bio-oil from in-situ catalytic pyrolysis of palm empty fruit bunch fiber Journal of Environmental Management. 247, 38-45 TAN, M.-G., HO, J.-H., GOH, H.-T., NG, H.K., ABDUL LATIF, L. and MAZLAN, M., 2019. A new fractal-based kinetic index to characterize gait deficits with application in stroke survivor functional mobility assessment Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 52, 403-413 ZUO, J.-W., WONG, K.-C. and NG, H.K., 2019. Heat transfer network and correlation for a double-layered microchannel heat sink Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences. 56(1), 88-99 ZUO, J.-W., WONG, K.-C. and NG, H.K., 2019. The thermal performance of three-layered microchannel heat sink with tapered channel profile Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences. 56(1), 147-156 CHONG, Y.Y., THANGALAZHY-GOPAKUMAR, S., NG, H.K., GAN, S., LEE, L.Y. and GANESAN, P.B., 2019. Catalytic pyrolysis of cellulose with oxides: effects on physical properties and reaction pathways Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy. 21(8), 1629–1643 K.M. CHIN, S.-H. TEH, J.-H. HO and H.K. NG, 2019. Controller design and trajectory tracking of a two-link robotic orthosis via sinusoidal-input describing function model International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotic Research. 8(6), 845-851 Y.H. YAP, M.S.W. LIM, Z.Y. LEE, K.C. LAI, M.A. JAMAAL, F.H. WONG, H.K. NG, S.S. LIM and T.J. TIONG, 2018. Effects of sonication on co-precipitation synthesis and activity of copper manganese oxide catalyst to remove methane and sulphur dioxide gases Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 40(A), 57-67 H.S. LAU, H.K. NG, S. GAN and S.A. JOURABCHI, 2018. Torrefaction of oil palm fronds for co-firing in coal power plants Energy Procedia. 144, 75-81 KUA, YIN LENG, GAN, SUYIN, MORRIS, ANDREW and NG, HOON KIAT, 2018. Simultaneous Recovery of Carotenes and Tocols from Crude Palm Olein Using Ethyl Lactate and Ethanol. Journal of Physics Conference Series. 989, 012005 THANGALAZHY-GOPAKUMAR, S., LEE, C.W., GAN, S., NG, H.K. and LEE, L.Y., 2018. Comparison of Bio-Oil Properties from Non-Catalytic and In-Situ Catalytic Fast Pyrolysis of Palm Empty Fruit Bunch Materials Today: Proceedings. 5(11), 23456-23465 B.N. MADANAYAKE, S. GAN, C. EASTWICK and H.K. NG, 2018. An investigation into the use of CFD to model the co-firing of Jatropha curcas seed cake with coal International Journal of Green Energy. 15(11), 605-621 LEE, X.J., LEE, L.Y., GAN, S., THANGALAZHY-GOPAKUMAR, S. and NG, H.K., 2017. Biochar potential evaluation of palm oil wastes through slow pyrolysis: Thermochemical characterization and pyrolytic kinetic studies Bioresource Technology. 236, 155-163 CHONG, Y.Y., THANGALAZHY-GOPAKUMAR, S., NG, H.K., GANESAN, P.B., GAN, S., LEE, L.Y., MANICKAVEL, V.S.A.R., ONG, C.M. and AL HINAI, H.S.R., 2017. Emulsification of bio-oil and diesel Chemical Engineering Transactions. 56, 1801-1806 D. CHANDRAN, H.K. NG, H.L.N. LAU, S. GAN and Y.M. CHOO, 2017. Deterioration of palm biodiesel fuel under common rail diesel engine operation Energy. 120, 854-863 S.P. JALILIAN AHMADKALAEI, S. GAN, H.K. NG and S. ABDUL TALIB, 2017. Evaluation of ethyl lactate as solvent in Fenton oxidation for the remediation of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH)-contaminated soil Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 24(21), 17779-17789 CHONG, Y.Y., THANGALAZHY-GOPAKUMAR, S., GAN, S., NG, H.K., LEE, L.Y. and ADHIKARI, S., 2017. Kinetics and mechanisms for co-pyrolysis of palm empty fruit bunch fibre (EFBF) with palm oil mill effluent (POME) sludge Energy and Fuels. 31(8), 8217-8227 CHONG, Y.Y., THANGALAZHY-GOPAKUMAR, S., GAN, S., NG, H.K. and LEE, L.Y., 2017. Synergic effect and kinetic mechanisms for co-pyrolysis of empty fruit bunch and palm oil sludge. Journal - The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia. 78(1), 1 - 6 J.Y. TAN, H.K. NG, S. GAN and F. BONATESTA, 2017. Numerical simulations of constant-volume spray combustion of n-heptane with chemical kinetics Indian Journal of Science and Technology. 10(7), 1-5 W.W.S. HO, H.K. NG and S. GAN, 2016. Advances in ultrasound-assisted transesterification for biodiesel production Applied Thermal Engineering. 100, 553-563 D. CHANDRAN, H.K. NG, H.L.N. LAU, S. GAN, Y.M. CHOO and S. JAHIS, 2016. Compatibility of biodiesel fuel with metals and elastomers in fuel delivery system of a diesel engine Journal of Oil Palm Research. 28(1), 64-73 S.P. JALILIAN AHMADKALAEI, S. GAN, H.K. NG and S. ABDUL TALIB, 2016. Investigation of ethyl lactate as a green solvent for desorption of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) from contaminated soil Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 23(21), 22008–22018 K.M. PANG, H.M. POON, H.K. NG, S. GAN and J. SCHRAMM, 2015. Soot formation modeling of n-dodecane and diesel sprays under engine-like conditions SAE Technical Paper 2015-24-2468. 13 J.C. ONG, H.K. NG, J.H. HO and K.M. 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D. CHANDRAN, H.K. NG, H.L.N. LAU, S. GAN and Y.M. CHOO, 2015. Physico-chemical properties changes of palm biodiesel fuel under diesel engine operation International Journal of Mining, Metallurgy & Mechanical Engineering. 3(3), 151
THANGALAZHY-GOPAKUMAR, S., LEE, C.W., GAN, S., NG, H.K. and LEE, L.Y., 2015. Comparison of bio-oil properties from non-catalytic and in-situ catalytic fast pyrolysis of palm empty fruit bunch In: Compendium of Papers of the 5th International Conference for Advances in Energy Research (ICAER 2015), Mumbai, India; 14–18 December 2015.
D. CHANDRAN, H.K. NG, H.L.N. LAU, S. GAN and Y.M. CHOO, 2015. Compatibility of fuel delivery materials with palm biodiesel fuel under diesel engine operation In: Book of Abstracts of the International Conference on Renewable Energy and Green Technology (ICREGT 2015), Bandung, Indonesia; 4–5 December 2015. 41
D. CHANDRAN, H.K. NG, H.L.N. LAU, S. GAN and Y.M. CHOO, 2015. Experimental investigation into the deterioration of palm biodiesel fuel under engine operation for the elucidation of fuel delivery materials degradation In: Book of Abstracts of the MPOB International Palm Oil Congress (PIPOC 2015): Chemistry, Processing Technology & Bio-Energy Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; 6–8 October 2015. 70
M.G. TAN, Y.C. TEA, J.H. HO, H.T. GOH, H.K. NG and I. KONG, 2015. A motion sensor network for quantitative gait measurement World Journal of Engineering. 12(6), 619-626 S.A. JOURABCHI, S. GAN and H.K. NG, 2015. Parametric investigation of rapid heating fast pyrolysis of Jatropha curcas waste for bio-oil production. In: A. MENDEZ-VILAS, ed., Materials and Technologies for Energy Efficiency BrownWalker Press. 17-21
S.A. JOURABCHI, S. GAN and H.K. NG., 2014. Pyrolysis of Jatropha curcas pressed cake for bio-oil production in a fixed-bed system Energy Conversion and Management. 78, 518–526 H.M. POON, H.K. NG, S. GAN, K.M. PANG and J. SCHRAMM, 2014. Chemical kinetic mechanism reduction scheme for diesel fuel surrogate Applied Mechanics and Materials: Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies. 541-542, 1006-1010 M.S.Z. GUI, S.A. JOURABCHI, H.K. NG and S. GAN, 2014. Comparison of the yield and properties of bio-oil produced by slow and fast pyrolysis of rice husks and coconut shells In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Process Engineering and Advanced Materials, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; 3-5 June 2014.
M.S.Z. GUI, S.A. JOURABCHI, H.K. NG and S. GAN, 2014. Comparison of the yield and properties of bio-oil produced by slow and fast pyrolysis of rice husks and coconut shells Applied Mechanics and Materials: Process and Advanced Materials Engineering. 625, 626-629 M.G. TAN, C.B. LEONG, J.H. HO, H.T. GOH and H.K. NG, 2014. A compact low cost wearable sensor system for quantitative gait measurement Applied Mechanics and Materials: Advanced Development in Industry and Applied Mechanics. 627, 212-216 H.M. POON, H.K. NG, S. GAN, K.M. PANG and J. SCHRAMM, 2014. Development and validation of chemical kinetic mechanism reduction scheme for large-scale mechanisms SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants. 7(3), 653-662 Y.L. KUA, S. GAN, H.K. NG and A. MORRIS, 2014. Ethyl lactate as a green solvent to extract carotenoids and vitamin E from crude palm oil In: Proceedings of the 2014 National Seminar on Palm Oil Milling, Refining, Environment and Quality (POMREQ), Sarawak, Malaysia; 3–4 November 2014.
Y.L. KUA, S. GAN, H.K. NG and A. MORRIS, 2014. The potential of ethyl lactate as a green solvent to extract carotenoids and vitamin E from crude palm oil In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Processing of Foods, Vegetables and Fruits (ISPFVF 2014), The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; 11–13 August 2014.
W.J. THOO, A. KEVRIC, H.K. NG, S. GAN and P.J. SHAYLER, 2013. Semi-empirical correlations of physical and chemical delay periods of diesel-gasoline combustion Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering: Volume 1: Advanced Internal Combustion Engines (I). 189, 493-502 S.M. TAN, H.K. NG and S. GAN, 2013. Computational study of soot entrainment via thermophoretic deposition and crevice flow in a diesel engine Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering: Volume 2: Advanced Internal Combustion Engines (II). 190, 951-963 X. CHENG, H. MOHAMED ISMAIL, H.K. NG, S. GAN and T. LUCCHINI, 2013. Effects of fuel thermo-physical properties on spray characteristics of biodiesel fuels Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering: Volume 3: Future Automotive Powertrains (I). 191, 117-126 W.W.S. HO, H.K. NG and S. GAN, 2013. Investigation of a novel ultrasound-assisted heterogeneous transesterification process In: Proceedings of the 9th World Congress of Chemical Engineering / 15th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress, Seoul, Korea; 18–23 August 2013.
X. CHENG, H.K. NG, S. GAN and J.H. HO, 2013. Development of biodiesel skeletal mechanisms for kinetic combustion modeling SAE Technical Paper Series 2013-01-2633. H.M. POON, H.K. NG, S. GAN, K.M. PANG and J. SCHRAMM, 2013. Evaluation and development of chemical kinetic mechanism reduction scheme for biodiesel and diesel fuel surrogates SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants. 6(3), 729-744 D. CHANDRAN, H.K. NG, H.L.N. LAU, S. GAN and Y.M. CHOO, 2013. Effects of biodiesel deterioration on existing fuel system materials as a result of Common Rail Diesel Engine operation In: Book of Abstracts of the MPOB International Palm Oil Congress (PIPOC 2013): Chemistry, Processing Technology & Bio-energy, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; 19-21 November 2013. 91-92
VENNY, S. GAN and H.K. NG, 2012. Modified Fenton treatment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in packed soil column In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Soil Pollution and Remediation (SOILREM 2012), Yantai, Shandong, China; 24-26 September 2012. 242-243
X. CHENG, H. MOHAMED ISMAIL, H.K. NG, S. GAN and T. LUCCHINI, 2012. Effects of fuel thermo-physical properties on spray characteristics of biodiesel fuels FISITA Technical Paper Series F2012-B01-023. 191, 117-126 S.A. JOURABCHI, S. GAN and H.K. NG, 2012. Investigation of pyrolysis parameters on the yield and quality of bio-oil from Jatropha curcas wastes In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Chemical and Bio Process Engineering (ICCBPE 2012), Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia; 21-23 November 2012. 6
S.A. JOURABCHI, S. GAN and H.K. NG, 2012. Pyrolysis of Jatropha curcas wastes to produce bio-oil. In: A. MENDEZ-VILAS, ed., Fuelling the future: advances in science and technologies for energy generation, transmission and storage BrownWalker Press. 93-97
W.J. THOO, A. KEVRIC, H.K. NG, S. GAN and P.J. SHAYLER, 2012. Semi-empirical correlations of physical and chemical delay periods of diesel-gasoline combustion FISITA Technical Paper Series F2012-A03-011. 189, 493-502 H. MOHD. ISMAIL, X. CHENG, H.K. NG, S. GAN, T. LUCCHINI, 2011. Numerical study on the combustion and emissions characteristics of different biodiesel feedstocks and blends using OpenFOAM In: Proceedings of the Conference on Internal Combustion Engine Simulations Using OpenFOAM® Technology, Milan, Italy; 11-12 July 2011.
VENNY, S. GAN, H.K. NG, 2011. Chelate enhanced modified Fenton treatment for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons contaminated soils (Article #107) In: Proceedings of the World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET), Venice, Italy, 27-29 April 2011. 525-530
C.L. YAP, S. GAN and H.K. NG, 2011. Enhanced Fenton treatment on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons-contaminated soil by green solvents In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Remediation and Management of Contaminated Land: Focus on Asia (Brownfield Asia 2011), Petaling Jaya, Malaysia; 12-14 July 2011.
VENNY, S. GAN and H.K. NG, 2011. The oxidation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in soil slurry using chelated Fenton treatment (Paper/Article Code: I11) In: Proceedings of the Postgraduate Colloquium for Environmental Research, Semenyih, Malaysia; 15-16 July 2011.
VENNY, S. GAN and H.K. NG, 2011. Advanced oxidation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)-contaminated soils using modified Fenton treatment (Paper/Article Code: N-03) In: Proceedings of the International Engineering for Sustainability Conference 2011, Penang, Malaysia; 14-16 October 2011.
VENNY, S. GAN and H.K. NG, 2011. Optimisation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon removal from contaminated soil using modified Fenton treatment (Article #134) In: Proceedings of the World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET) (Issue 58), Bali, Indonesia; 26-28 October 2011. 657-663
H. MOHD. ISMAIL, H.K. NG, S. GAN, 2010. Evaluation of CFD sub-models for in-cylinder diesel engine simulation In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Energy: Energy Solutions for a Sustainable World, Singapore, 21-23 April 2010. 479-488
LAU, E.V., GAN, S. and NG, H.K., 2010. Extraction techniques for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils International Journal of Analytical Chemistry. H. MOHD. ISMAIL, C.W. QUECK, H.K. NG, S. GAN, 2010. Artificial neural networks modelling of engine-out responses for a light-duty diesel engine when fuelled with biodiesel In: Proceedings of the SAE International Conference on Sustainable Mobility 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1-3 December 2010.
J-H. NG, H.K. NG, S. GAN, 2010. Characterisation of engine-out emissions from a light-duty diesel engine when fuelled with biodiesel fuels In: Proceedings of the SAE International Conference on Sustainable Mobility 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1-3 December 2010.
S.M. TAN, H.K. NG, S. GAN, 2010. Computation studies of breakup model parameters on fuel spray penetration and soot formation In: Proceedings of the 8th ASEAN ANSYS Conference: Smart Engineering for a Sustainable Future, Singapore, 12-13 October 2010.
K.M. PANG, H.K. NG, S. GAN, 2010. Modelling of soot structure in a light-duty diesel engine using integrated CFD and reduced chemical kinetic mechanism with parallel computation In: Proceedings of the SAE International Conference on Sustainable Mobility 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1-3 December 2010.
S.M. TAN, H.K. NG, S. GAN, 2010. Computational study of injection parameters and the effects on in-cylinder combustion and emissions formation processes In: Proceedings of the SAE International Conference on Sustainable Mobility 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1-3 December 2010.
K.M. PANG, H.K. NG, S. GAN, 2010. Simulation of in-cylinder diesel combustion using integrated CFD and reduced chemistry In: Proceedings of the 8th ASEAN ANSYS Conference: Smart Engineering for a Sustainable Future, Singapore, 12-13 October 2010.
J.-H. NG, H.K. NG, S. GAN, 2010. Advances in biodiesel fuel for application in compression ignition engines Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy. 12(5), 459–493 S. GAN, H.K. NG, C.W. OOI, N. OSMAN MOTALA, M.A.F. ISMAIL, 2010. Ferric sulphate catalysed esterification of free fatty acids in waste cooking oil Bioresource Technology. 101(19), 7338-7343 J.-H. NG, H.K. NG, S. GAN, 2010. Recent trends in policies, socioeconomy and future directions of the biodiesel industry Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy. 12(3), 213-238 J.-H. NG, H.K. NG and S. GAN, 2010. Development of a novel single-mode, steady-state test cycle for light-duty diesel engines (Paper F2010A110) In: Proceedings of the FISITA 2010 World Automotive Congress, Budapest, Hungary; 30 May–4 June 2010.
K.M. PANG, H.K. NG, S. GAN, 2009. Light-duty diesel engine modelling with integrated detailed chemistry in 3-D CFD study In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Energy and Environment (ICEE 2009), Malacca, Malaysia, 7-8 December 2009. 307-311
H. MOHD. ISMAIL, H.K. NG, S. GAN, 2009. Evaluation of CFD sub-models for in-cylinder light-duty diesel engine simulation In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Energy and Environment (ICEE 2009), Malacca, Malaysia, 7-8 December 2009. 313-319
S. GAN, E.V. LAU, H.K. NG, 2009. Remediation of soils contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) Journal of Hazardous Materials. 172(2-3), 532-549 J-H. NG, H.K. NG, S.A. JOURABCHI, C.M. YOU and S. GAN, 2009. A novel steady-state test cycle for emissions characterisation of a light-duty diesel engine fuelled with biodiesel In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering (CBEE 2009), Singapore; 9-11 October 2009. 206-210
S. GAN, H.K. NG, S.S. CHEN, 2008. Investigations into the effects of antioxidant additives on pollutant emissions from the non-pressurised combustion of palm oil biodiesel In: Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers, Vilamoura, Portugal, 25-28 March 2008.
J-H. NG, H.K. NG, M.L. CHAI, T.P. OOI, P.S. TEOH, 2008. Computational study of multiple injection strategy in a light-duty direct injection diesel engine In: Proceedings of the 2nd Regional Conference in Vehicle Engineering and Technology: Enhancing Transport Technology for Regional Competitiveness, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 15-16 July 2008. 13-18
H.K. NG, S. GAN, C.J. LYE, C.L. HAN, 2008. Experimental study of emission trends from the combustion of various palm oil methyl ester blends in a non-pressurised burner In: Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers, Vilamoura, Portugal, 25-28 March 2008..
H.K. NG, S. GAN, C.J. LYE, C.L. HAN, 2008. Characterisation of emissions from the non-pressurised combustion of various palm oil methyl ester blends with gas oil In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Environment, Penang, Malaysia, 15-17 December 2008.
H.K. NG, P.J. SHAYLER, 2006. Characterisation of diesel spray combustion using CFD analysis for emissions control of a light-duty diesel engine In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Environment, Penang, Malaysia, 13-15 November 2006.
H.K. NG, P.J. SHAYLER, M.WILLCOCK, 2006. Investigations of pollutant formation and emissions from HPCR diesel engines SAE Technical Paper Series 2006-05-0337.
H.K. NG, P.J. SHAYLER, 2006. CFD investigation of the effects of split main fuel injection parameters on combustion and emissions in a light-duty diesel engine In: Proceedings of the Regional Conference on Vehicle Engineering and Technology: Towards a Competitive Vehicle Development for Regional Market, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 3-5 July 2006..
H.K. NG, P.J. SHAYLER, 2004. The installation of KIVA-3V CFD code on PCs and performance benchmarking for the simulation of combustion in internal combustion engines Journal of the Energy Institute. 77(513), 90-96
P.J. SHAYLER and H.K. NG, 2004. Simulation studies of the effect of fuel injection pattern on NO and soot formation in diesel engines SAE Technical Paper Series 2004-01-0116. Also in SAE Special Publication SP-1823