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Y.W. TAN, A.B. CHAI, K.Y. TSHAI, J.H. HO, S. KAMARUDDIN and A. ANDRIYANA, 2024. Effectiveness of Starch Nanocrystals on Mechanical and Shape Memory Behaviour of Smart Rubber International Journal of Nanoelectronics and Materials. 17(June), 61-68 ROSLIM RAMLI, AI BAO CHAI, SHAMSUL KAMARUDDIN, JEE HOU HO, FATIMAH RUBAIZAH MOHD. RASDI, DAVIDE S. A. DE FOCATIIS, SIEW KOOI ONG and ROBERT THOMAS BACHMANN, 2024. Effects of oil palm trunk biochar as filler on physical and mechanical properties of deproteinised and epoxidised natural rubber latex foam Journal of Rubber Research. 27, 623-637 IQRAQ KAMAL, VERONICA LESTARI JAUW, SIVADAS CHANDRA SEKARAN, KAN ERN LIEW, JEE HOU HO and CHIN SEONG LIM, 2024. Real-Time Acoustic Based Anomaly Detection of Composite Specimen Using Convolutional Autoencoder In: 2024 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Engineering and Technology (IICAIET).
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R. RAMLI, A.B. CHAI, S. KAMARUDDIN, J.H. HO, D.S.A. DE FOCATIIS and K. T. GOH, 2022. Natural rubber latex foam technology for bedding industry Science, Engineering and Health Studies. 16, 22010003 R. RAMLI, A.B. CHAI, S. KAMARUDDIN, J.H. HO, F.R.M. RASDI and D.S.A. DE FOCATIIS, 2022. The acoustic properties of latex foam made from deproteinized natural rubber latex and epoxidized natural rubber latex Journal of Rubber Research. 25(4), 321-336
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