Ir. Ts. Dr. Wong Kok Cheong received his B.Eng (Hons) from University Malaya in the Mechanical Engineering, M.Eng degree from Kyushu Institute of Technology Japan and PhD degree from The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus.
He has several years of working experience in multinational company. He is currently an Associate Professor at the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus, delivering undergraduate courses in Introduction to Aersopace Technology, Aerodynamics, Finite Element Analysis, Design and Manufacturing.
His research interests are related to fluid flow and heat transfer particularly in the area of jet impingement and microfluidic cooling, convection in porous media, and fluid structure interaction.
Expertise Summary
Convection in Porous Media, Jet Impingement cooling, Microflow, Multiphase flow, Heat transfer, Computational Fluid Dynamics
Teaching Summary
Modules taught: Finite Element Analysis, Aerodynamics, Introduction to Aerospace Technology, Design and Manufacture 1, Design and Manufacture 2
Selected Publications
K.C. WONG, N.H. SAEID, 2009. Numerical study of mixed convection on jet impingement cooling in a horizontal porous layer under local thermal non-equilibrium conditions Int. J. Thermal Science. 48, 860-870
K.C. WONG AND N.H. SAEID, 2009. Jet impingement cooling of a finite thickness solid layer conjugated with po-rous medium Numerical Heat Transfer Part A. 55, 706-720
K.C. WONG AND N.H. SAEID, 2009. Unsteady mixed convection of a confined jet in a fluid-superposed high poros-ity medium Numerical Heat Transfer Part A. 56, 827-845