ePortfolio for Lifelong Learning

See our project pages on the eFramework website at http://www.elframework.org/refmodels/epll/

Project News and Key Documents

August/September 2006: As preparation for the forthcoming JISC ITT for studies on good practice and techology-supported approaches in recruitment and admissions, the project has prepared three briefing documents which also form part of the annexes to the forthcoming final report. See ITT support documents page for further details.

20 July 2006: The project held a third workshop for CETL and DeL project team members, focussing on research. Morning sessions were given by Peter Rees Jones on ePortfolio and Administration and Phil Harley on the Nottingham Passportfolio evaluation. The afternoon session was led by Elizabeth Hartnell-Young of the University of Nottingham Learning Sciences Research Institute.

July 2006: Peter Rees Jones and Angela Smallwood were invited to present the project's findings to a meeting of the SPA programme (Supporting Professionalism in Admissions) in London. See presentation. (The SPA programme has been developed from the Admissions to Higher Education Review on Fair Admissions (The Schwartz Report) and offers a resource for universities, colleges and others wanting to maintain and enhance excellence and professionalism in admissions.)

27 June 2006: Angela Smallwood held a consultation workshop on ePortfolios for HE induction with representatives of the Senior Tutors Group at the University of Nottingham. See Briefing Note.

10 June 2006: The project team shared its findings with CETIS Portfolio SIG meeting at the University of Nottingham, including input from the consultant Alan Paull. See slides from the project team presentation.

29 April 2006: JISC granted the project funding for an extension until the end of August 2006. An interim report on project findings was submitted to JISC at the end of April 2006.

April 2006: Project Director Angela Smallwood and External Evaluator Clive Church gave a presentation to a meeting of the CETIS Portfolio SIG in Liverpool.

23 March 2006: Peter Rees Jones gave a presentation on project progress at the Project Advisory Board meeting in Nottingham.

23 February 2006: Carl Ebrey from the University of Nottingham made a presentation on work using the UK LeaP interoperability standards to the BSI IST/43 group meeting held at the University of Nottingham. See UK LeaP: the Nottingham Experience.

13 February 2006: Peter Rees Jones and Angela Smallwood led a workshop day for the UCAS Curriculum Development Group and other invited admissions staff at UCAS head office, Cheltenham. The purpose was to propose the services needed to support HE admissions in 2011, taking account of the full range of stakeholder viewpoints. The outcomes are presented in the following four documents:

1 February 2006: Following on from the event held in July 2005, the project held a further workshop for CETL and DeL project teams. The morning session provided projects with an update on the work of the ePortfolio Reference Model (see presentation by Peter Rees Jones and participants were invited to contribute to a matrix of services for their stakeholders, here condensed into a summary. In the afternoon the consultants Glenaffric led a session on evaluation. Glenaffric later produced a summary report on the event.

December 2005: The project team ran a workshop on the ePortfolio Reference model for JISC DeL projects at a programme meeting held in York. See presentation and copy of the worksheet used for the workshop exercise.

29 Nov-2 Dec 2005: The project took part in online EDUCA Berlin, the 11th International Conference on Technology Supported Learning and Training, see Developing and piloting an ePortfolio for Lifelong Learning - the role of web services. He gave a further presentation on Developing a thin ePortfolio for Lifelong Learning in the e-Framework.

November 2005: Peter Rees Jones gave a presentation on Integration of learning, administrative and analytic services within the e-Framework to achieve reformed admissions processes.

November 2005: The project led the ePortfolio strand of the 2005 JISC-CETIS Conference held at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh. For further information see http://www.e-framework.org/Default.aspx?tabid=756.

September 2005: Illustration of a chain of services: use case drawn from a variety of Individual Learning Plan practice at Year 11. A further presentation shows a chain of services to produce an Individual Learning Plan.

12 July 2005: Thirty members of the UK ePortfolio community were invited to represent their CETL or DeL project at an event held in Nottingham. Peter Rees Jones and Paul Bailey of JISC presented and introduction to the e-Framework and the current outline for the ePortfolio Reference Model. Projects were invited to consider where on this layout their own work fitted, and to begin to build relationships with others working on similar issues. Participants used worksheets to guide discussion for Workshop 1 and Workshop 2, in which they were asked to show which actors they felt should be considered and how services from the e-Framework should interface with ePortfolio, adding any further services they felt were needed.. (Geoff Hammond of CETL4HealthNE based at the University of Newcastle has allowed us to reproduce his completed version of the morning exercise 2.) In the afternoon Darren Cambridge of George Mason University in the US presented his own vision of the future, inviting those in the room to consider how ePortfolios would look in 2030 and what isues would need to be overcome to arrive at this point.

16 June 2005: International colleagues were invited to Nottingham for a major invitation seminar on ePortfolio into Employment. A pre-meeting event was held for UK and European colleagues the evening before. A proposition for discussion was circulated before the event. Workshop groups used worksheets to guide discussion: Workshop groups 1 and 2 disucssed transitions to work/work-based learning from school or college; Workshop group 3 discussed concurrent education and employment/transitions to employment from university.

Key documents

Outline diagram showing original scope of project, indicating a series of possible pathways and associated transitions.

Technical Report from the Specifying an ePortfolio project. This summarises and draws conclusions from previous project work with the UKLeaP standard. Work in this area is continuing under this project and the University of Nottingham RIPPLL project; this will inform a revised and updated version of the document planned for late 2006.

Early in the project, before the involvement of UCAS, the team held discussions with Ufi/learndirect about the different types of learners they engaged. Ufi/learndirect commissioned Stan Lester to write a series of scenario/use casesexploring this.

Full text of Newsletter published on the eFramework site, January 2006.

Briefing paper for JISC-SURF consultation event, Amsterdam, February 2006.

The project commissioned a scenario and use case from Col McCowan of Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia, on the use of ePortfolio content by graduate employers.

As part of the continuing work for JISC arising from this project, a series of documents under the umbrella title 'ePortfolio for Development' is in preparation. The first of these, Implementation by Regional Partnerships, discusses how a thin ePortfolio model can be used to support regional projects and Lifelong Learning Networks.