School of Geography

Sarah Starkey

Sarah StarkeySubject: BSc Geography
Graduated: 2012

Place of work: Landsec
Position: Portfolio Manager

What made you choose to study geography at the University?

I love the outdoors and was always really interested in understanding how an underlying landscape has been created and what mechanics are at work!

What skills did you acquire during this time?

A strong ability to analyse, evaluate and report write.

What are your fondest memories from your time at the school?

Probably the field trips, one of which included a trip to 'England's worst nightclub' in Keswick and the great friends I made on my course.

Where are you working now and what does the role involve?

I am portfolio manager working on asset managing outlet centres. Day-to-day role involves proactive implementation of asset strategy to facilitate the improvement of income streams, driving asset value through negotiation of new leases, rent reviews and asset management initiatives.

Asset management initiatives include refurbishment, creation of additional space and repurposing existing space. Initiatives each require a business case to be created and approved to demonstrate the value of the capital investment or strategic direction to the business.

What advice would you give to someone considering following a similar career path?

Go out and get as much work experience as possible to understand both what you do and don't want to do. I love my career choice, its massively challenging and varied, you are constantly meeting people and not always at a desk. So if this is what you're looking for, then real estate is a great option



School of Geography

Sir Clive Granger Building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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