LEGG, STEPHEN, Geography's Foucault. In: LORENZINI, DANIELE, ed., The Foucauldian Mind Routledge. (In Press.)
LEGG, STEPHEN, (In Press.) Enfolding empire into 1930s London: the India Round Table Conference Urban History.
LEGG, STEPHEN, 2024. Who were the Early Globalisers?: The Historical Geographies of India in Interwar London Geography Review. 37(4), 37-39
GUPTA, CHARU and LEGG,. STEPHEN, 2024. Communal Geographies: An Introduction South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies. 46(6), 1168-1183
LEGG, STEPHEN, 2024. How to talk about British colonialism in the middle of a culture war Journal of Historical Geography. 84, 154-159
LEGG, STEPHEN, 2025. Mapping, Geography Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. 50(1) e12707
LEGG, STEPHEN, 2024. Contesting monuments:: Heritage and historical geographies of inequality, an introduction Journal of Historical Geography.
LEGG, STEPHEN, 2023. Round Table Conference Geographies: Constituting Colonial India in Interwar London Cambridge University Press.
LEGG, STEPHEN, 2023. Carceral and Colonial Domesticities: Subaltern Case Geographies of a Delhi Rescue Home Environment and Planning D: Society and Space. 41(6), 960 - 977
LEGG, STEPHEN, 2023. Cocktails, curry and afternoon tea: Inside the 1930s London conference that brought Gandhi to Buckingham Palace The Conversation. Available at: <https://theconversation.com/cocktails-curry-and-afternoon-tea-inside-the-1930s-london-conference-that-brought-gandhi-to-buckingham-palace-199650>
LEGG, STEPHEN, 2023. Hindu Nationalism in the International: BS Moonje's Travel Writing at the Round Table Conference. In: LEAKE, ELIZABETH and GUYOT-RÉCHARD, BÉRÉNICE, eds., South Asia Unbound: New International Histories of the Subcontinent De Gruyter. 227-245
LEGG, STEPHEN, 2023. Colonial Governmentality Appraised, from the Danish West Indies" Historisk tidskrift. 143(4), 647-654
LEGG, STEPHEN, 2022. An emerging India came alive in imperial London At: Hindustan Times
JAKE HODDER, MICHAEL HEFFERNAN and STEPHEN LEGG, 2021. The Archival Geographies of Twentieth Century Internationalism: Nation, Empire and Race Journal of Historical Geography. 71, 1-11
MIKE HEFFERNAN, JAKE HODDER, STEPHEN LEGG and BENJAMIN THORPE, 2021. Introduction. In: Placing Internationalism: International Conferences and the Making of the Modern World 1-10
HEFFERNAN, MIKE, LEGG, STEPHEN, HODDER, JAKE and THORPE, BENJAMIN J, 2021. Toward an Historical Geography of International Conferencing. In: LEGG, STEPHEN, HEFFERNAN, MIKE, HODDER, JAKE and THORPE, BENJAMIN J, eds., Placing Internationalism: International Conferences and the Making of the Modern World Bloomsbury. 11-38
LEGG, STEPHEN, HEFFERNAN, MIKE, HODDER, JAKE and THORPE, BENJAMIN J, eds., 2021. Placing Internationalism: International Conferences and the Making of the Modern World Bloomsbury.
LEGG, STEPHEN and CITIZENS, NOTTINGHAM, 2021. 'No place for hate': community-led research and the geographies of Nottingham citizens' hate crime commission SOCIAL & CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY. 22(8), 1164-1186
LEGG, STEPHEN, 2020. "Political Atmospherics": the India Round Table Conference's Atmospheric Environments, Bodies and Representations, London 1930-32 Annals of the American Association of Geographers. 110(3), 774-792
LEGG, STEPHEN, 2020. Imperial Internationalism: The Round Table Conference and the Making of India in London, 1930-32 Humanity. 11(1), 32-53
2020. Political lives at sea: working and socialising to and from the India Round Table Conference in London, 1930-1932 Journal of Historical Geography. 68, 21-32
LEGG, STEPHEN, 2020. Population, Mobility, and Moral Regulation. In: DOMOSH, MONA, HEFFERNAN, MIKE and WITHERS, CW, eds., The SAGE Handbook of Historical Geography SAGE. 357-375
LEGG, STEPHEN, 2019. Subjects of truth: Resisting governmentality in Foucault's 1980s Environment and Planning D: Society and Space. 37(1), 27-45
LEGG, STEPHEN, 2019. Global Governance and Place Making: India, Internationalism and Empire in 1930s London Geography. Spring, 4-11
LEGG, STEPHEN, 2019. A Pre-Partitioned City?: Anti-Colonial and Communal Mohallas in Interwar Delhi South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies. 42(1), 170-187
GOULD, WILLIAM and LEGG, STEPHEN, 2019. Spaces before Partition: An Introduction South Asia:: Journal of South Asian Studies. 42(1), 69-79
JAZEEL, TARIQ and LEGG, STEPHEN, eds., 2019. Subaltern Geographies University of Georgia Press.
LEGG, STEPHEN, 2019. Subaltern Studies, Space, and the Geographical Imagination. In: JAZEEL, TARIQ and LEGG, STEPHEN, eds., Subaltern Geographies University of Georgia Press. 1-35
STEPHEN LEGG and DEANA HEATH, eds., 2018. South Asian Governmentalities: Michel Foucault and the Question of Postcolonial Orderings Cambridge University Press.
LEGG, STEPHEN, 2018. Colonial and Nationalist Truth Regimes: Empire, Europe and the Latter Foucault. In: STEPHEN LEGG and DEANA HEATH, eds., South Asian Governmentalities: Michel Foucault and the Question of Postcolonial Orderings Cambridge University Press. 106-133
HEATH, DEANA and LEGG, STEPHEN, 2018. Introducing South Asian governmentalities. In: LEGG, STEPHEN and HEATH, DEANA, eds., South Asian Governmentalities: Michel Foucault and the Question of Postcolonial Orderings Cambridge University Press. 1-36
LEGG, STEPHEN, 2017. Decolonialism Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. 42(3), 345-348
NEWBIGIN, ELEANOR, SHANI, ORNIT and LEGG, STEPHEN, 2016. Constitutionalism and the Evolution of Democracy in India Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East. 36(1), 42-43
LEGG, STEPHEN, 2016. Dyarchy: Democracy, Autocracy and the Scalar Sovereignty of Interwar India Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East. 36(1), 44-65
LEGG, STEPHEN, 2016. Subject to truth: Before and after governmentality in Foucault's 1970s Environment and Planning D: Society & Space. 34, 858-879
LEGG, STEPHEN, 2016. Empirical and analytical subaltern space?: Ashrams, brothels and trafficking in colonial Delhi 30(4), 793-815
LEGG, STEPHEN, 2016. Anti-Vice Lives: Peopling the Archives of Prostitution in Interwar India. In: PLILEY, JESSICA R, KRAMM-MASOKA, ROBERT and FISCHER-TINÉ, HARALD, eds., Fighting Drink, Drugs, and 'Immorality': Global Anti-Vice Activism, c. 1890-1950 Cambridge University Press. 246-269
JAKE HODDER, STEPHEN LEGG and MIKE HEFFERNAN, 2015. Introduction: Historical Geographies of Internationalism, 1900-1950 Political Geography. 49, 1-6
LEGG, STEPHEN, 2014. City as a Site of Movements'. In: NAIR, JANAKI, ed., Urbanization in India Indira Gandhi National Open University.
LEGG, STEPHEN, 2014. An international anomaly?: Sovereignty, the League of Nations and India's princely geographies Journal of Historical Geography. 43, 96-110
LEGG, STEPHEN, 2014. Prostitution and the Ends of Empire: Scale, Governmentalities, and Interwar India Duke University Press.
LEGG, S. and ROY, S., 2013. Neo-Liberalism, Post-Colonialism and Hetero-Sovereignties: Emergent Sexual Formations in Contemporary India Interventions: International Journal for Postcolonial Studies. 15(4), 461-473
LEGG, STEPHEN, 2013. Planning Social Hygiene: From Contamination to Contagion in Interwar India. In: PECKHAM, ROBERT and POMFRET, DAVID, eds., Imperial Contagions: Medicine and Cultures of Planning in Asia, 1880-1949 Hong Kong University Press. 105-122
LEGG, STEPHEN and BROWN, MICHEL, 2013. Moral Regulation: Scale and Historical Geography Journal of Historical Geography. 42, 134-139
LEGG, STEPHEN, 2012. Stimulation, segregation and scandal: geographies of prostitution regulation in British India, between registration (1888) and suppression (1923) Modern Asian Studies. 46(6), 1459-1505
LEGG, STEPHEN, 2012. "The life of individuals as well as of nations": international law and the League of Nations' anti-trafficking governmentalities Leiden Journal of International Law. 25(3), 647-664
STEPHEN LEGG, PATRICIA EHRKAMP, JEREMY CRAMPTON, BERND BELINA, NEIL SMITH and MATTHEW G. HANNAH, 2012. Reading Matthew G. Hannah's Dark Territory in the Information Age: Learning from the West German Census Controversies of the 1980s Political Geography. 31(3), 184-193
LEGG, STEPHEN, 2011. Governance - Part II. In: AGNEW, JOHN A and DUNCAN, JAMES S, eds., The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Human Geography Wiley-Blackwell. 347-360
LEGG, STEPHEN, 2011. Violent memories: South Asian spaces of postcolonial anamnesis. In: MEUSBURGER, P, HEFFERNAN, M and WUNDER, E, eds., Cultural Memories 287-303
LEGG, STEPHEN, 2011. Assemblage/Apparatus: using Deleuze and Foucault Area. 43(2), 128-133
LEGG, STEPHEN, ed., 2011. Spatiality, sovereignty and Carl Schmitt: geographies of the Nomos Routledge.
LEGG, STEPHEN, 2011. Legal geographies and the state of imperialism: environments, constitutions, and violence Journal of Historical Geography. 37(4), 505-508
LEGG, STEPHEN and VASUDEVAN, ALEX, 2011. Introduction: Geographies of the Nomos. In: LEGG, STEPHEN, ed., Sovereignty, Spatiality, and Carl Schmitt: Geographies of the Nomos Routledge. 1-24
LEGG, STEPHEN, 2011. Security, territory and colonial populations: town and empire in Foucault's 1978 lecture course. In: TEVERSON, ANDREW, and UPSTONE, SARAH, eds., Postcolonial Spaces: The Politics of Place in Contemporary Culture Palgrave Macmillan. 146-163
LEGG, STEPHEN, 2010. An intimate and imperial feminism: Meliscent Shephard and the regulation of prostitution in colonial India Environment and Planning D: Society and Space. 28(1), 68-94
LEGG, STEPHEN, 2010. Transnationalism and the Scalar Politics of Imperialism New Global Studies. 4(1), 1-7
LEGG, STEPHEN, 2009. Governing Prostitution in Colonial Delhi: from Cantonment Regulations to International Hygiene (1864-1939) Social History. 34(4), 447-467
LEGG, STEPHEN, 2009. Of scales, networks and assemblages: the League of Nations apparatus and the scalar sovereignty of the Government of India Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. 34(2), 234-253
LEGG, STEPHEN, 2009. An 'Indispensible hypodermis'?: The role of scale in The Birth of Biopolitics 2(1&2), 219-225
LEGG, STEPHEN, 2008. Ambivalent improvements: biography, biopolitics, and colonial Delhi Environment and Planning A. advance online publication, 37-56
LEGG, STEPHEN. and MCFARLANE, C., 2008. Ordinary urban spaces: between postcolonialism and development Environment and Planning A. VOL 40(NUMB 1), 6-14
LEGG, STEPHEN, 2007. Spaces of colonialism: Delhi's urban governmentalities Malden, Mass.; Oxford: Blackwell.
LEGG, STEPHEN, 2007. Beyond the European Province: Foucault and Postcolonialism. In: CRAMPTON, J. and ELDEN, S, eds., Space, Knowledge, and Power:: Foucault and Geography Ashgate. 265-289
LEGG, STEPHEN, 2007. Reviewing geographies of memory/forgetting Environment and Planning A. 39(2), 456-466
LEGG, STEPHEN, 2006. Postcolonial Developmentalities: From the Delhi Improvement Trust to the Delhi Development Authority. In: Colonial and post-colonial geographies of India Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks. 182-204
LEGG, STEPHEN, 2006. Governmentality, Congestion, and Calculation in Colonial Delhi Social and Cultural Geography. 7(5), 709-729
LEGG, STEPHEN. Contesting and surviving memory: space, nation, and nostalgia in Les Lieux de Memoire Environment and Planning D: Society & Space. 23(4), 481-504
LEGG, STEPHEN. Foucault's Population Geographies: Classifications, Biopolitics and Governmental Spaces Population, Space and Place. 11(3), 137-156
LEGG, STEPHEN. Sites of Counter-Memory: the Refusal to Forget and the Nationalist Struggle in Colonial Delhi Historical Geography. 33, 180-201
LEGG, STEPHEN and DUNCAN, N., 2004. Social Class. In: A Companion to Cultural Geography Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, New York. 250-264
LEGG, STEPHEN, 2004. Memory and nostalgia Cultural Geographies. VOL 11(NUMB 1), 99-107
LEGG, STEPHEN, 2003. Gendered Politics and Nationalised Homes: women and the anticolonial struggle in Delhi, 1930-47 Gender, Place and Culture. 10(1), 7-28