Expertise Summary
Ginnie is a freshwater ecologist and stable isotope geochemist whose work focuses on environmental change and biogeochemical cycling in aquatic ecosystems. In tandem with her research on algal proxies, she is interested in reconstructing the impact that humans and climate change have had on freshwater environments over the past 2000 years. Ginnie works very closely with the British Geological Survey of which she is a Visiting Research Associate, under the Centre for Environmental Geochemistry. She is also the Vice Chair of the International Paleolimnological Association.
Ginnie's research focuses on:
- Reconstructing and quantifying human impacts (pollution and nutrient enrichment) on freshwater systems
- Understanding aquatic ecosystem functioning (diatoms and algal biomarkers) and its relationship with climate change and human disturbance
- Constraining biogeochemical cycling of silica and carbon in freshwater ecosystems
- Developing and applying diatom isotope geochemistry δ13C, δ18O and δ30Si in environmental reconstructions
Teaching Summary
Ginnie's teaching reflects her research experience, being focused on disentangling human versus natural climate change impacts on freshwater ecosystems. Ginnie's teaching covers both in the field… read more
Research Summary
Current research grants:
2019-2024: Co-I on a GCRF Hub entitled "Living Deltas" (PI Newcastle). The Hub brings £1.2 million of funding to Nottingham (of a total of £15,287,248). Nottingham Lead Panizzo.
2020-2022: UKIERI-DST Partnership Development Workshop Call "Water for all: Addressing issues surrounding water quality, quantity and waste water treatment in India." c. £10,000 to Nottingham. UK PI Panizzo and Indian PI Barooah (Assam Agricultural University).
2019-2022: National Geographic Explorer Grant: The origins and history of Lake Linumunsut, Maliau Basin, Borneo ($28,853). PI Panizzo, Co-I Frings (GFZ), Suhaimi and Pounsin (Maliau Basin).
2018-2020: NERC Isotope Geosciences Facilities Steering Committee "Understanding human-driven ecosystem change in tropical Southeast Asia" (IP-1815-0618), £46,000 Co-I Panizzo
Consult the research tab above for further details.
Selected Publications
MOORHOUSE, HEATHER L., ROBERTS, LUCY R., MCGOWAN, SUZANNE, PANIZZO, VIRGINIA N., BARKER, PHILIP, SALEHIN, MASHFIQUS, DO, THU NGA, NGUYEN THANH, PHONG, RAHMAN, MOHAMMAD FEISAL, GHOSH, TUHIN, DAS, SOURAV, HACKNEY, CHRISTOPHER, SALGADO, JORGE, ROY, MANOJ, OPEL, AFTAB, HENDERSON, ANDREW C. G. and LARGE, ANDY R. G., 2021. Tropical Asian mega-delta ponds: Important and threatened socio-ecological systems Geo: Geography and Environment. 8(2), e00103 HENDERSON, ANDREW C. G.AND DAS, SOURAVAND GHOSH, TUHINAND PANIZZO, VIRGINIA N.AND MOORHOUSE, HEATHER L.AND ROBERTS, LUCY R.AND WALTON, RICHARD E.AND ZHENG, YINGAND BASS, ADRIAN M.AND MCGOWAN, SUZANNE, 2021. The Indian Sundarbans: Biogeochemical Dynamics and Anthropogenic Impacts. In: DAS, SOURAVAND GHOSH, TUHIN, ed., Estuarine Biogeochemical Dynamics of the East Coast of India Springer International Publishing. 239-260 BRIDDON, CHARLOTTE L., MCGOWAN, SUZANNE, METCALFE, SARAH E., PANIZZO, VIRGINIA, LACEY, JACK, ENGELS, STEFAN, LENG, MELANIE, MILLS, KEELY, SHAFIQ, MUHAMMAD and IDRIS, MUSHRIFAH, 2020. Diatoms in a sediment core from a flood pulse wetland in Malaysia record strong responses to human impacts and hydro-climate over the past 150 years GEO-GEOGRAPHY AND ENVIRONMENT. 7(1), TRINH, ANH DUC, DO, THU NGA, PANIZZO, VIRGINIA N., MCGOWAN, SUZANNE and LENG, MELANIE J., 2020. Using stable isotopes to estimate young water fractions in a heavily regulated, tropical lowland river basin HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES. 34(22), 4239-4250
Current research grants:
2019-2024: Co-I on a GCRF Hub entitled "Living Deltas" (PI Newcastle). The Hub brings £1.2 million of funding to Nottingham (of a total of £15,287,248). Nottingham Lead Panizzo.
2020-2022: UKIERI-DST Partnership Development Workshop Call "Water for all: Addressing issues surrounding water quality, quantity and waste water treatment in India." c. £10,000 to Nottingham. UK PI Panizzo and Indian PI Barooah(Assam Agricultural University).
2019-2022: National Geographic Explorer Grant: The origins and history of Lake Linumunsut, Maliau Basin, Borneo ($28,853). PI Panizzo, Co-I Frings (GFZ), Suhaimi and Pounsin (Maliau Basin).
Previous research grants:
2017-2020: Newton Research Partnership NERC-NAFOSTED (total 447K with 337k from NERC): "Assessing human impacts on the Red River system, Vietnam, to enable sustainable management". The project has partners at BGS (CEG linkages) and the Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology. PI McGowan with Co-Is Panizzo (Nottingham), Leng (NIGL), Vane (BGS) (NE/P014577)
2015-2018: Anne McLaren Research Fellowship (PI Panizzo) entitled "Silicon cycling in mangrove systems". Awarded £89,000 from the University with additional matched funding (c. £15,000) from the BGS
2012-2015: NERC Standard Grant entitled "Silicon isotope records of recent environmental change and anthropogenic pollution from Lake Baikal, Siberia" NE/J00829X/1 (PI Swann, with Dr. McGowan and Research Co-I Panizzo [Nottingham], Dr Priestnall [Nottingham], Dr. Mackay [UCL], Dr. Horstwood [NIGL] and Prof. Leng [NIGL]).
Facilities funding:
2018-2020: NIGFSC: IP-1815-0618: Understanding human-driven ecosystem change in tropical Southeast Asia. Awarded £46,000 Co-I Panizzo
2017-2019: NIGFSC: IP-1731-0517: Biogeochemical cycling in a tropical, wetland lake: addressing missing links in the global Si cycle. Awarded £41,250. Panizzo (PI), Engels, McGowan (Nottingham), Pashley and Horstwood (BGS).
2016-2019: NIGFSC: IP-1586-1115: Understanding the Si isotope systematics of mangrove forests: quantifying their ready supply to tropical, coastal ocean regions and their impact on global CO2 budgets. Awarded £15,750. Panizzo (PI), Pashley and Horstwood (BGS).
Ginnie's teaching reflects her research experience, being focused on disentangling human versus natural climate change impacts on freshwater ecosystems. Ginnie's teaching covers both in the field experience as well as in the lab and classroom. Ginnie actively teaches in the following modules in the School of Geography:
- Planet Earth: Exploring the Physical Environment (Convenor)
- Geographical Field Course
- The Changing Environment (Convenor)
- Quaternary Environments
- Third Year Fieldcourse (Convenor)
- Research tutorial
- First year tutorials
- Dissertation supervision
- MSc Environmental Leadership and Management (dissertation supervisor)
Current PhD students
Mingjie Sun: "Reconstructing cultural eutrophication and 20th Century land use impacts on the ecology of the Winum Gulf, Lake Victoria"
Trang Thi Ngo: "The role of rice agriculture on nitrogen deposition and cycling in the Red River Delta, northern Vietnam"