School of Health Sciences

Image of Catrin Evans

Catrin Evans

Professor of Evidence Based Healthcare & Director of Knowledge Exchange, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences



Catrin is a nurse and Professor of Evidence Based Healthcare within the School of Health Sciences. After a career as a research consultant in global health, Catrin joined the University of Nottingham in 2003. Catrin's clinical and research interests lie in maternal, sexual and reproductive health. She also undertakes research related to the internationalisation of health professional education and the development of advanced practice roles in diverse contexts. Catrin is primarily a qualitative researcher, with particular expertise in evidence synthesis.

Catrin is a member of the School's Maternal Health and Wellbeing Research Group and is also co-Director of the University of Nottingham Centre for Evidence Based Healthcare (a Centre of Excellence within the global JBI network). Catrin is an Associate Editor of the JBI Evidence Synthesis Journal and Editorial Board member of the Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. She is an elected member of JBI's Scoping Review and Qualitative Methodology Groups and is also a member of JBI's Scientific Committee.

Catrin is an enthusiastic and experienced educator, teaching across a range of undergraduate, MSc and doctoral programmes. She is a Senior Fellow of Advance HE and a recipient of a University of Nottingham Lord Dearing Award for Teaching Excellence. Catrin has held many senior leadership roles in the School and Faculty. These have included Director of Global Engagement, Director of Postgraduate Research and, (currently) Director of Knowledge Exchange and Chair of the School's REF Steering Committee.

Expertise Summary

Systematic Review,

Evidence Synthesis,

Qualitative Systematic Review,

Qualitative Evidence Synthesis,

Realist Review,

Qualitative Research,

Reusable Learning Objects,

Evidence Based Healthcare,

Teaching Summary

MSc Course Leader - The Principles and Methods of Evidence-Based Practice in Health and Social Care; MSc Course Co-Leader - Systematic Reviews; Researcher Academy Short Course Co-Leader -… read more

Research Summary

Catrin is an experienced Principal Investigator and has received grant funding from a range of external bodies including NIHR, ESRC, WHO, EPSRC, DFID, HEE, UKISA, Health Education England and Public… read more

Recent Publications

  • MSc Course Leader - The Principles and Methods of Evidence-Based Practice in Health and Social Care;
  • MSc Course Co-Leader - Systematic Reviews;
  • Researcher Academy Short Course Co-Leader - Introduction to Systematic Reviews;
  • Researcher Academy Short Course Leader - Qualitative Evidence Synthesis;
  • Specialist teaching input across different BSc and MSc programmes (on HIV, global health, globalization, advanced practice, qualitative research, ethnography, systematic reviews, evidence based practice);
  • Supervisor for undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral dissertations;
  • Trainer on JBI-accredited short courses run by the Centre for Evidence Based Healthcare: (i) Comprehensive Systematic Review Training Programme and (ii) Scoping Reviews Workshop;
  • Member of a Practice Learning Team, Nottingham University Hospital Trust;
  • Member of the Community Placement Audit Team;

Current Research

Catrin is an experienced Principal Investigator and has received grant funding from a range of external bodies including NIHR, ESRC, WHO, EPSRC, DFID, HEE, UKISA, Health Education England and Public Health England. She has published widely.

Catrin's current studies focus on the implementation of digital systems within maternity care (e.g. the ARM@DA project), with a specific focus on digital inclusion/exclusion. She also acts as methodological lead for a range of evidence synthesis projects. In collaboration with the JBI Qualitative Methods Group, Catrin is leading on a methodological project exploring approaches for developing greater sensitivity to equity, diversity and inclusion within qualitative systematic reviews. Catrin is also involved in projects related to care for women who are FGM survivors, HIV testing and Advanced Clinical Practice.

Past Research

Catrin's previous research and knowledge exchange initiatives have included projects on: -

  • Advanced Clinical Practice
  • Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
  • HIV testing in the workplace
  • HIV prevention and care experiences in migrant populations
  • Views and experiences of provider initiated HIV testing
  • Development and evaluation of mhealth interventions to promote uptake of HIV testing
  • Views and experiences of 'treatment as prevention' in HIV care
  • Anti-trafficking interventions
  • HIV prevention in sex work settings
  • Shared decision making in HIV care
  • Behaviour change communication within 'Safe Motherhood' initiatives
  • Respiratory health in Nepal

Catrin has also undertaken several funded research and knowledge exchange initiatives related to the health workforce and the internationalization of healthcare higher education: -

  • Development of national Midwifery Practice Guidance for care of women in labour and during induction of labour
  • Learning experiences of international doctoral nursing students in the UK
  • Post-doctoral knowledge transfer in an internationalized context: a case study of Jordan
  • Evaluation of Developing Solutions MSc scholarship holders' experiences and career development upon return home
  • Exploring advanced nursing practice in Kenya
  • Evaluating faculty development programmes in India
  • Professionalization of nursing in India
  • Barriers and facilitators of study abroad in healthcare students

PhD Students

Catrin is an experienced PhD supervisor and regularly acts as internal and external examiner for PhD theses.

Current PhD Students:

  • Juliet Albert - Improving specialist services for women who have experienced Female Genital Mutilation. A sequential mixed methods study to inform service transformation
  • Evelyn Manful Reindorf - Exploring professional support offered by Ghanaian Midwives during the intra-partum period
  • Sovereign Secundus - The motherhood experiences of women living with sickle cell disease in the UK
  • Lawitra Khiaokham - Adolescent mothers' decision making regarding long acting reversible contraceptives in Thailand: a grounded theory study
  • Mark Hayford Dwira - Men's role in FGM prevention and healthcare decision making in the UK
  • Endah Sulistyowati - Inter-professional team working in community maternity services in Indonesia

Successful PhD Students:

  • Nada Alattar (2023) - Barriers to mental health recovery in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • Jennifer Akuamoah-Boateng (2022) - An in-depth analysis of Midwives' understanding and practice of respectful maternity care in three maternity units in Ghana: A focused ethnographic study
  • Alkadi Al-Shammari (2021) - The views and experiences of nurses in Saudi Arabia regarding domestic violence and abuse
  • Talaso Barako (2020) - Perspectives of a pastoralist community regarding antenatal care services in Marsabit County, Kenya: A focused ethnographic study
  • Sylivia Nalubega (2017) - Care in HIV drug trial closure: perspectives of research participants and staff in Uganda;
  • Edward Appiah Boateng (2016) - Decision making in end stage renal disease (ESKD) in Ghana: Exploring patient and provider perspectives;
  • Eunice Ndirangu (2016) - Communication and interaction in the context of routine provider initiated HIV testing and counselling for HIV: the case of Kenya;
  • Gail Errington (2015) - An investigation of factors contributing to the sustainability of home safety equipment schemes in communities at higher risk of injury: a case study approach based on a national programme in England;
  • Gertrude Mwalabu (2014) - Telling their story: perspectives of young women, their caregivers and service providers regarding the experiences of growing up with perinatally-aquired HIV in Malawi;
  • Anupama Roy (2013) - Game based mobile learning for peer educators in MSM HIV prevention projects in India;
  • Tapash Roy (2009) - Sexual behaviour, perception of AIDS risk and safer sex practices practices amongst rural to urban migrant men in Bangladesh;
  • Hsiu-Li Wu (2008) - An investigation of type 2 diabetes self management in Taiwan;

School of Health Sciences

B236, Medical School
Queen's Medical Centre
Nottingham, NG7 2HA

telephone: +44 (0)115 95 15559