PRUDENZI, A, GILL, K, MACARTHUR, M, HASTINGS, O, MOUKHTARIAN, T, JADHAKHAN, F, PATEL, K, KERSHAW, C, NORTON-BROWN, E, JOHNSTON, N, DALY, G, RUSSELL, S, THOMSON, L, MUNIR, F, BLAKE, H, MEYER, C and MARWAHA, S, 2024. Supporting Employers and their Employees with Mental hEalth conditions to remain eNgaged and producTive at wORk (MENTOR): A Feasibility Randomised Controlled Trial. Journal of Contextual Behavioural Science. 31, 100720 TEIXEIRA, LA, DE OLIVEIRA VIDAL, EI, BLAKE, H, DE BARROS, GAM and FUKUSHIMA, FB, 2024. Evaluating the Interaction Between Pain Intensity and
Resilience on the Impact of Pain in the Lives of People With
Fibromyalgia Clinical Journal of Pain. 40(3), 150-156. BLAKE, H, MANCINI, H, COYNE, E, COOPER, J and STANULEWICZ-BUCKLEY, N, 2024. Workforce wellbeing centres and their positive role for wellbeing and presenteeism in healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: Secondary analysis of COVID-Well data. BMC Health Services Research. 24, 302 HASSARD, J, YILDIRIM, M, THOMSON, L and BLAKE, H, 2024. Disclosing non-visible disabilities in educational workplaces: a scoping review. British Medical Bulletin. ldae004 BLAKE, H, HASSARD, J, DULAL-ARTHUR, T, WISHART, M, ROPER, S, BOURKE, J, BELT, V, BARTLE, C, LEKA, S, PAHL, N and THOMSON, L, 2024. Typology of employers offering line manager training for mental health. Occupational Medicine. 74(3), 242-250 BLAKE, H, GREAVES, S, ABBOTT-FLEMING, V and SOMERSET, S, 2024. Group concept mapping to facilitate participatory design of the web-based Pain-At-Work Toolkit. INTED2024 Proceedings. 5839-5843 BLAKE, H, LAW, J, PROCTER, E, BARRETT, T and SACHDEV, P, 2024. Formative work for the LEGEND (Low EnerGy DiEt iN adolescents with type 2 diabetes and obesity) study: a worked example of patient and public involvement in research. Practical Diabetes. (In Press.)
WISHART, M, ROPER, S, BELT, V, BOURKE, J, HASSARD, J, BLAKE, H, THOMSON, L, BARTLE, C and LEKA, S, 2024. More absence, but less impact on business performance.What can we learn from Swedish approaches to managing workplace mental health? ERC Research Report. HASSARD, J, THOMSON, L and BLAKE, H, 2024. [Identifying And Managing Psychosocial Risks In Organisational Settings] Identificación y gestión de los riesgos psicosociales en entornos organizativos: diagnóstico, aplicación y evaluación. In: ANSOLEAGA, E, YEVES, J and GODOY, L, eds., Proteger La Salud Mental En El Trabajo: Causas, contextos e intervenciones RiL editores. 157-186 DULAL-ARTHUR, T, HASSARD, J, BOURKE, J, ROPER, S, WISHART, M, BELT, V, BARTLE, C, LEKA, S, PAHL, N, THOMSON, L and BLAKE, H, 2024. Line manager training and organisational approaches to supporting wellbeing Occupational Medicine. kqae051: HASSARD, J, DULAL-ARTHUR, T, BOURKE, J, WISHART, M, ROPER, S, BELT, V, LEKA, S, PAHL, N, BARTLE, C, THOMSON, L and BLAKE, H, 2024. The Relationship between Line Manager Training in Mental Health and Organisational Outcomes. PLoS ONE. 19(7), e0306065 BLAKE, H, 2024. Translating health promotion knowledge to self-care: healthy eating and weight management for nurses. Nursing Standard. (In Press.)
BLAKE, H, 2024. Employers should promote smoking cessation in the workplace. Perspectives in Public Health. (In Press.)
BLAKE, H, CHAPLIN, W and GUPTA, A, 2024. The effectiveness of digital interventions for self-management of chronic pain in employment settings: a systematic review. British Medical Bulletin. ldae007:
ANDERSON, E, CHAPLIN, WJ, TURNER, C, JOHNSON, G, BLAKE, H and TABNER, A, 2024. Experiences and perceptions of acute testicular pain, with a focus on delayed reasons for presentation to hospital: a qualitative evidence synthesis. In: European Society of Emergency Medicine (EUSEM) Congress, Copenhagen. (In Press.)
YOUNG, S, ALLEN, N, FARMER, N, DAWETT, B, BLAKE, H, DEERY, C and MARSHMAN, Z, 2024. The acceptability of intraoral imaging in children with caries. Caries Research. 58, 188-390 ADAMS, AJ, MORRIS, L, MARSHALL, G, COFFEY, F, MILLER, PD and BLAKE, H, 2023. Effectiveness and implementation of interventions for health promotion in urgent and emergency care settings: an umbrella review BMC Emergency Medicine. 23(1), 41 DE DIOS PEREZ, B, MCQUEEN, J, CRAVEN, K, RADFORD, K, BLAKE, H, SMITH, B, THOMSON, L and HOLMES, J, 2023. The effectiveness of occupational therapy supporting return to work for people who sustain serious injuries or develop long-term (physical or mental) health conditions: A systematic review. British Journal of Occupational Therapy. doi:10.1177/03080226231170996 PRUDENZI, A, JADHAKHAN, F, KIRANPREET, G, MACARTHUR, M, PATEL, K, MOUKHTARIAN, T, KERSHAW, C, NORTON-BROWN, E, JOHNSTON, N, DALY, G, RUSSELL, S, THOMSON, L, MUNIR, F, BLAKE, H, MEYER, C and MARWAHA, S, 2023. Supporting employers and their employees with Mental hEalth problems to remain eNgaged and producTive at wORk (MENTOR): A feasibility randomised controlled trial protocol. PLoS ONE. 18(4), e0283598 HUANG, Y, BENFORD, S, PRICE, D, LI, B and BLAKE, H, 2023. Feasibility and acceptability of an Internet of Things-enabled sedentary behavior intervention: mixed-methods study. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 25, e43502 BLAKE, H, ADAMS, EJ, CHAPLIN, WJ, MORRIS, L, MAHMOOD, I, TAYLOR, MG, LANGMACK, G, JONES, L and MILLER, P, 2023. Alcohol Prevention in Urgent and Emergency Care (APUEC): Development and Evaluation of Workforce Digital Training on Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral for Treatment International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 7028 TOSANGWARN, S, CLISSETT, P and BLAKE, H, 2023. Understanding the Experience of Stigma in Care Homes: A Qualitative Case Study in Northeast Thailand. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. doi: 10.1111/jpm.13005. Online ahead of print. WHITTINGHAM, K, SOMERSET, S, MIDDLETON, M, YILDIRIM, M, EVANS, C and BLAKE, H, 2023. The WHIRL project: innovative interprofessional learning in public health practice In: ICERI2023 Proceedings. SIDDIQUE, M, DULAL-ARTHUR, T, VAUGHAN, B, THOMSON, L, BARTLE, C, HASSARD, J and BLAKE, H, 2023. Navigating the Path to Success: Exploring methods to integrate workforce digital training within organisations In: ICERI2023 Proceedings. DULAL-ARTHUR, T, SIDDIQUE, M, VAUGHAN, B, BARTLE, C, THOMSON, L, HASSARD, J and BLAKE, H, 2023. Transforming workplace learning: implementing mental health first aid programmes at work. In: ICERI2023 Proceedings. THOMSON, L, HASSARD, J, FROST, A, BARTLE, C, YARKER, J, MUNIR, F, KNELLER, R, MARWAHA, S, DALY, G, RUSSELL, S, MEYER, C, VAUGHAN, B, NEWMAN, K and BLAKE, H, 2023. Digital Training Program for Line Managers (Managing Minds at Work): Protocol for A Feasibility Pilot Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocols. 12, e48758 BLAKE, H, YILDIRIM, M, PREMAKUMAR, V, MORRIS, L, MILLER, P and COFFEY, F, 2023. Attitudes and current practice in alcohol screening, brief intervention, and referral for treatment among staff working in urgent and emergency settings: An open, cross-sectional international survey. PLoS ONE. 18(9), e0291573 VARELA-MATO, V, BLAKE, H, YARKER, J, GODFREE, K, DALY, G, HASSARD, J, MEYER, C, KERSHAW, C, MARWAHA, S, NEWMAN, K, RUSSELL, S, THOMSON, L and MUNIR, F, 2023. Using intervention mapping to develop evidence-based toolkits that support workers on long-term sick leave and their managers. BMC Health Services Research. 23, 942 BLAKE, H, BULLOCK, H and CHOULIARA, N, 2023. Enablers and barriers to mental health initiatives in construction SMEs. Occupational Medicine. 73(6), 317-323 BRIGGS, L, CORNER, J and BLAKE, H, 2023. Perceived Value of Holistic Needs Assessment in Supporting the Needs of Women With Breast Cancer. Cancer Nursing. BLAKE, H, HASSARD, J, BARTLE, C and THOMSON, L, 2023. Training for line managers should focus on primary prevention of mental ill-health at work. Perspectives in Public Health. 143(3), 124-125 BLAKE, H, CHAPLIN, WJ, WAINWRIGHT, E, TAYLOR, J, MCNAMEE, P, MCWILLIAMS, D, ABBOT-FLEMING, V, HOLMES, J, FECOWYCZ, A, WALSH, D and WALKER-BONE, K, 2023. The Web-Based Pain-at-Work Toolkit With Telephone Support for Employees With Chronic or Persistent Pain: Protocol for a Cluster Randomized Feasibility Trial. JMIR Research Protocols. 12, e51474 HUANG, Y, BENFORD, S, SPENCE, J and BLAKE, H, 2023. Exploring Effects of a Nostalgic Storytelling Virtual Reality Experience Beyond Hedonism. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. 27(3), 221-226 FOTHERGILL, L, AL-ORAIBI, A, HOUDMONT, J, CONWAY, J, EVANS, C, TIMMONS, S, PEARCE, R and BLAKE, H, 2022. Nationwide evaluation of the Advanced Clinical Practitioner role in England: a cross-sectional survey, BMJ Open. 12(1), e055475 COUPER, K, MURRELLS, T, SANDERS, J, ANDERSON, JE, BLAKE, H, KELLY, D, KENT, B, MABEN, J, RAFFERTY, AM, TAYLOR, RM and HARRIS, R, 2022. The impact of COVID-19 on the wellbeing of the UK nursing and midwifery workforce during the first pandemic wave: a longitudinal survey study International Journal of Nursing Studies. Available online 15 December 2021, 104155 VEDHARA, K, AYLING, K, JIA, R, FAIRCLOUGH, L, MORLING, JR, BLAKE, H, CORNER, J, DENNING, C, BOLTON, C, JACKSON, H, COUPLAND, C and TIGHE, P, 2022. Relationship between Anxiety, Depression and Susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 Infection: Proof of Concept The Journal of Infectious Diseases. 225(12), 2137-2141 ALSAHLI, M, ABD-ALRAZAQ, A, HOUSEH, M, KONSTANTINIDIS, S and BLAKE, H, 2022. The Effectiveness of Mobile Phone Messaging-Based Interventions to Promote Physical Activity in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Journal of Medical Internet Research. 24(3), e29663 JADHAKHAN, F, BLAKE, H, HETT, D and MARWAHA, S, 2022. Efficacy of digital technologies aimed at enhancing emotion regulation skills: Literature review. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 13, Article 809332. VARELA-MATO, V, GODFREE, K, ADEM, A, BLAKE, H, BARTLE, C, DALY, G, HASSARD, J, KNELLER, R, MEYER, C, RUSSELL, S, MARWAHA, S, KERSHAW, C, NEWMAN, K, YARKER, J, THOMSON, L and MUNIR, F, 2022. Protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled study of a multicomponent intervention to promote a sustainable return to work of workers on long-term sick leave — PROWORK: PROmoting a Sustainable and Healthy Return to WORK Pilot and Feasibility Studies. 8(1), Article 188. BLAKE, H, CARLISLE, S, FOTHERGILL, L, HASSARD, J, FAVIER, A, CORNER, J, BALL, JK and DENNING, C, 2022. Mixed-methods process evaluation of a residence-based SARS-CoV-2 testing participation pilot on a UK university campus during the COVID-19 pandemic. BMC Public Health. 22(1), Article 1470 SOMERSET, S, JONES, W, EVANS, C, CIRELLI, C, MBANG, D and BLAKE, H, 2022. Opt-in HIV testing in construction workplaces: an exploration of its suitability, using the socioecological framework. BMC Public Health. 22(1), 1409 BLAKE, H, VAUGHAN, B, BARTLE, C, YARKER, J, MUNIR, F, MARWAHA, S, DALY, G, RUSSELL, S, MEYER, C, HASSARD, J and THOMSON, L, 2022. Managing Minds at Work: Development of a Digital Line Manager Training Program International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19(13), 8006 MABEN, J, CONOLLY, A, ABRAMS, R, ROWLAND, E, HARRIS, R, KELLY, D, KENT, B, COUPER, K and IMPACT OF COVID ON NURSES (ICON) SURVEY RESEARCH GROUP, 2022. ‘You can't walk through water without getting wet’ UK nurses’ distress and psychological health needs during the Covid-19 pandemic: A longitudinal interview study.: [Contributors from the Impact of Covid On Nurses (ICON) Survey Research Group: Couper, K.; Murrells, T.; Sanders, J.; Anderson, J.; Blake, H.; Kelly, D.; Kent, B.; Maben, J.; Rafferty, A.; Taylor, R.; Harris, R] International Journal of Nursing Studies. 131, 104242 KNIGHT, H, AYLING, K, BLAKE, H, MORLING, J, VILLALON, AM, CORNER, J, DENNING, C, BALL, J, BOLTON, K, FIGUEREDO, G, MORRIS, D, TIGHE, P and VEDHARA, K, 2022. The changing vaccine landscape: rates of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance and hesitancy in young adults during vaccine rollout. Perspectives in Public Health. 143(4), 220-224 BLAKE, H, SOMERSET, S, MAHMOOD, I, MAHMOOD, N, CORNER, J, BALL, JK and DENNING, C, 2022. Workforce experiences of a rapidly established SARS-CoV-2 asymptomatic testing service in a higher education. setting: a qualitative study. International Journal of Environmental and Public Health. 19(19), 12464 TABNER, A, SPICER, SG, HUSK, K, BLAKE, H, WHITE, C, TOFT, S and JOHNSON, G, 2022. Taking the biscuit: defining excessive quantities of free refreshments in a healthcare library. British Medical Journal: Christmas Edition. 379, e072846 BLAKE, H, SOMERSET, S, JONES, W, EVANS, C, CIRELLI, C and MBANG, D, 2022. Evaluation of opt-in HIV testing in the construction workplace using the socioecological framework.: Blake, H., Somerset, S., Jones, W., Evans, C., Cirelli, C., & Mbang, D European Journal of Public Health. 32, 1409 BLAKE, H, CARLISLE, S, FOTHERGILL, L, HASSARD, J, FAVIER, A, CORNER, J, BALL, JK and DENNING, C, 2022. Process evaluation of a university residence-based SARS-CoV-2 testing programme in the UK. European Journal of Public Health. 32(Supplement 3), ckac131.046 BLAKE, H, SOMERSET, S, MAHMOOD, I, MAHMOOD, N, CORNER, J, BALL, JK and DENNING, C, 2022. A Qualitative Evaluation of the Barriers and Enablers for Implementation of an Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Testing Service at the University of Nottingham: A Multi-Site Higher Education Setting in England. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19(20), 13140 ARMAOU, M, ARAVIAKI, E, DUTTA, S, KONSTANTINIDIS, S and BLAKE, H, 2022. Effectiveness of Digital Interventions for Deficit-Oriented and Asset-Oriented Psychological Outcomes in the Workplace: A Systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis. European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education. 12(10), 1471-1497 BLAKE, H, VAUGHAN, B, BARTLE, C, YARKER, J, MUNIR, F, MARWAHA, S, RUSSELL, S, MEYER, C, HASSARD, J and THOMSON, L, 2022. Managing Minds at Work: development of a digital line manager training programme. European Journal of Public Health. 32(Supplement_3), ckac130.209 AL-ORAIBI, A, FOTHERGILL, L, YILDIRIM, M, KNIGHT, H, CARLISLE, S, O'CONNOR, M, BRIGGS, L, MORLING, JR, CORNER, J, BALL, JK, DENNING, C, VEDHARA, K and BLAKE, H, 2022. Exploring the Psychological Impacts of COVID-19 Social Restrictions on International University Students: A Qualitative Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19(13), 7631 BALL, J, ANSTEE, S, COUPER, K, MABEN, J, BLAKE, H, ANDERSON, JE, KELLY, D, HARRIS, R, CONNELLY, A and THE FULL ICON STUDY TEAM, 2022. The impact of COVID-19 on nurses (ICON) survey: Nurses' accounts of what would have helped to improve their working lives. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 79(1), 343-357 MABEN, J, CONNOLLY, A, ABRAMS, R, ROWLAND, E, HARRIS, R, KELLY, D, KENT, B, COUPER, K and IMPACT OF COVID ON NURSES (ICON) SURVEY RESEARCH GROUP (COUPER, K., MURRELLS, T., SANDERS, J., ANDERSON, J., BLAKE, H., KELLY, D., KENT, B., MABEN, J., RAFFERTY, A., TAYLOR, R., AND HARRIS, R.), 2022. ‘You can't walk through water without getting wet’ UK nurses’ distress and psychological health needs during the Covid-19 pandemic: A longitudinal interview study. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 131, 104242 BLAKE, H, GUPTA, A, JAVED, M, WOOD, B, KNOWLES, S, COYNE, E and COOPER, J, 2021. COVID-Well Study: Qualitative Evaluation of Supported Wellbeing Centres and Psychological First Aid for Healthcare Workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 18(7), 3626; KNIGHT, H., CARLISLE, S., O’CONNOR, M., BRIGGS, L., FOTHERGILL, L., AL-ORAIBI, A., YILDIRIM, M., MORLING, J.R., CORNER, J., BALL, J.K., DENNING, C., VEDHARA, K. and BLAKE, H., 2021. Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Self-Isolation on Students and Staff in Higher Education: A Qualitative Study Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 18(20), 10675 BLAKE, H, MAHMOOD, I, GONXHE, D, YILDIRIM, M and GAY, E, 2021. Psychological Impacts of COVID-19 on Healthcare Trainees and Perceptions towards a Digital Wellbeing Support Package Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 18(20), 10647; BLAKE, H, KNIGHT, H, JIA, R, CORNER, J, MORLING, J, DENNING, C, BALL, JK, BOLTON, K, FIGUEREDO, G, MORRIS, DE, TIGHE, P, VILLALON, AM, AYLING, K and VEDHARA, K, 2021. Students’ Views towards Sars-Cov-2 Mass Asymptomatic Testing, Social Distancing and Self-Isolation in a University Setting during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 18(8), 4182, BLAKE, H, CORNER, J, CIRELLI, C, HASSARD, J, BRIGGS, L, DALY, JM, BENNETT, M, CHAPPELL, JG, FAIRCLOUGH, L, MCCLURE, P, TARR, A, TIGHE, P, FAVIER, A, IRVING, W and BALL, JK, 2021. Perceptions and Experiences of the University of Nottingham Pilot SARS-CoV-2 Asymptomatic Testing Service: A Mixed-Methods Study Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 18(1), 188, BLAKE, H, YILDIRIM, M, WOOD, B, KNOWLES, S, MANCINI, H, COYNE, E and COOPER, J, 2021. COVID-Well: Evaluation of the Implementation of Supported Wellbeing Centres for Hospital Employees during the COVID-19 Pandemic Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 17(24), 9401; STANULEWICZ, N, KNOX, E, NARAYANASAMY, M, SHIVJI, N, KHUNTI, K and BLAKE, H, 2020. Effectiveness of Lifestyle Health Promotion Interventions for Nurses: A Systematic Review. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 17(1), 17; PARKS, RM, HOWARD, P, ZAHIT, R, KAYANI, AH, LAKSHMANAN, R, TANG, SW, HALL, L, BLAKE, H, MORGAN, DAL, WINTERBOTTOM, L, JAHAN, MA and CHEUNG, KL, 2020. A multi-centre study using comprehensive geriatric assessment to determine differences between older women with operable breast cancer undergoing surgery or non-operative treatment. In: UK Interdisciplinary Breast Cancer Symposium 27th-28th January 2020, The ICC, Birmingham, UK. ARMAOU, M, KONSTANTINIDIS, S and BLAKE, H, 2020. The Effectiveness of Digital Interventions for Psychological Well-Being in the Workplace: A Systematic Review Protocol. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 17(1), 255; BLAKE, H, SOMERSET, S and EVANS, C, 2020. Development and Fidelity Testing of the Test@Work Digital Toolkit for Employers on Workplace Health Checks and Opt-In HIV Testing Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 17(1), 379; UCHENDU, C, WINDLE, R and BLAKE, H, 2020. Perceived Facilitators and Barriers to Nigerian Nurses’ Engagement in Health Promoting Behaviors: A Socio-Ecological Model Approach Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 17(4), 1314; BLAKE, H, HUSSAIN, B, HAND, J, ROWLANDS, D, JUMA, A and EVANS, C, 2020. Healthy Hub Roadshow: Employee perceptions of a workplace HIV testing intervention in England In: HIV Prevention England 2020, 18th February 2020, London. BLAKE, H, HUSSAIN, B, HAND, J, JUMA, A and EVANS, C, 2020. Employers' views of the 'Healthy Hub Roadshow': a workplace HIV testing intervention in England In: HIV Prevention England, 18th February 2020, London. BLAKE, H, BERMINGHAM, F, JOHNSON, G and TABNER, A, 2020. Mitigating the Psychological Impact of COVID-19 on Healthcare Workers: A Digital Learning Package Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 17(9), 2997; EVANS, C, PEARCE, R, GREAVES, S and BLAKE, H, 2020. Advanced Clinical Practitioners in Primary Care in the UK: A Qualitative Study of Workforce Transformation International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17(12), 4500 HUANG, Y, PRICE, D, BENFORD, S, PATEL, R and BLAKE, H, 2020. Internet of Things-enabled sedentary behavior change in office workers: design and development of the WorkMyWay intervention JMIR mHealth and uHealth. 8(7), July: e17914 HASSARD, J, TEOH, K, THOMSON, L and BLAKE, H, 2020. Understanding the cost of mental health at work: an integrative framework. In: HALL, T, COOPER, C and BROUGH, P, eds., The SAGE Handbook of Organizational Wellbeing SAGE Publications Ltd.
BLAKE, H, SOMERSET, S, WHITTINGHAM, K, MIDDLETON, M, YILDIRIM, M and EVANS, C, 2020. WHIRL Study: Workplace Health Interprofessional Learning in the Construction Industry. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17(18), 6815 MIDDLETON, M, SOMERSET, S, EVANS, C and BLAKE, H, 2020. Test@Work Texts: Mobile Phone Messaging to Increase Awareness of HIV and HIV Testing in UK Construction Employees during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 17(21), 7819; BLAKE, H, 2020. Workforce impacts of Covid-19 in the UK Health Psychology Update. 29(Special Issue, Autumn 2020,), 41-43. WANG, H, SWAIN, S, LUO, J, BLAKE, H and CHATTOPADHYAY, K, 2020. Barriers and facilitators to physical activity among ethnic
Chinese children: a qualitative systematic review JBI Evidence Synthesis. 18(12), 2445–2511 BLAKE, H, YILDIRIM, M, WOOD, B, KNOWLES, S, MANCINI, H, COYNE, E and COOPER, J, 2020. COVID-Well: Evaluation of the Implementation of Supported Wellbeing Centres for Hospital Employees during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 17, 9401 BLAKE, H, WATKINS, K, MIDDLETON, M and STANULEWICZ, N, 2020. Obesity and diet predict attitudes towards health promotion in pre-registered nurses and midwives Int J Environ Pub Health Res. 18(24), 13419 WANG, H, BLAKE, H and CHATTOPADHYAY, K, 2019. Barriers and facilitators to physical activity among ethnic Chinese children: a systematic review protocol JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports. 17(7), 1290-1296 BRIGGS, L, COOPER, J, COX, K and BLAKE, H, 2019. Concerns, Coping and the electronic Holistic Needs Assessment: Experiences of UK Breast Cancer Survivors. Journal of Research in Nursing. DOI: 10.1177/1744987119829801 KNOX, ECL, GLAZEBROOK, C, RANDELL, T, LEIGHTON, P, GUO, B, GREENING, J, DAVIES, EB, AMOR, L and BLAKE, H, 2019. SKIP (Supporting Kids with diabetes In Physical activity): Feasibility of a randomised controlled trial of a digital intervention for 9-12 year olds with type 1 diabetes mellitus. BMC Public Health. 19, 371 STANULEWICZ, N, MANSELL, P, COOKE, D, HOPKINS, D, SPEIGHT, J and BLAKE, H, 2019. PAID-11: a brief measure of diabetes distress validated in adults with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. 27-38 BLAKE, H, NARAYANASAMY, M, BATT, M.E and KHUNTI, K, 2019. Effectiveness of lifestyle health promotion interventions for nurses: protocol for a systematic review. Journal of Nursing and Practice. 3(1), 81-85 BLAKE, H., LAI, B., COMAN, E., HOUDMONT, J. and GRIFFITHS, A., 2019. Move-It: A cluster-randomised digital worksite exercise intervention
in China: outcome and process evaluation Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 16, 3451 BLAKE, H, KNOX, E, RANDELL, T, LEIGHTON, P, GUO, B, GREENING, J, DAVIES, EB, AMOR, L and GLAZEBROOK, C, 2019. SKIP (Supporting Kids with diabetes In Physical activity): Feasibility of a randomised controlled trial of a digital intervention for 9-12 year olds with type 1 diabetes mellitus In: 5th International Clinical Trials Methodology Conference (ICTMC 2019) 6th-9th October 2019. Trials 2019, 20(Suppl 1):579. EVANS, C, POKU, BA, PEARCE, R, ELDRIDGE, J, BANERJEE, A and BLAKE, H, 2019. Characterising the Evidence Base for Advanced Clinical Practice Roles in Primary Care in the UK: A Scoping Review. In: HEE Advancing Practice Conference 2019, 14th November 2019, Kia Oval, London. EVANS, C, GREAVES, S, PEARCE, S and BLAKE, H, 2019. Evaluation of the Role of the Advanced Clinical Practitioner in Primary Care across the East Midlands. In: HEE Advancing Practice Conference 2019, 14th November 2019, Kia Oval, London. ZAHIT, RA, PARKS, RM, HOWARD, P, BLAKE, H and CHEUNG, KL, 2018. Baseline quality of life evaluation in older women with primary operable breast cancer and its relationship with different treatments. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 36, Suppl. 15. TOSANGWARN, S, CLISSETT, P and BLAKE, H, 2018. Predictors of depressive symptoms in older adults living in care homes in Thailand. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing. 32(1), 51-56. EVANS, C, SUGGS, LS, TURNER, K, OCCA, A, JUMA, A and BLAKE, H, 2018. Mobile phone messaging to promote uptake of HV testing among migrant African communities in the UK. Health Education Journal. BLAKE, H, HUSSAIN, B, HAND, J, JUMA, A and EVANS, C, 2018. Employers’ views of the ‘Healthy Hub Roadshow’: A workplace HIV testing intervention in England. AIDS Care: Psychological and Socio-medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV. Jul 20, 1-5, [Epub ahead of print] BLAKE, H, HUSSAIN, B, HAND, J, JUMA, A, ROWLANDS, D and EVANS, C, 2018. Healthy Hub Roadshow: Employee perceptions of a workplace HIV testing intervention. International Journal of Workplace Health Management. 11(5), 333-348 KNOX, E, LEIGHTON, P, RANDELL, T, GREENING, J, GUO, B and BLAKE, H, 2018. Supporting Kids with Diabetes in Physical Activity (SKIP): Experiences of conducting a feasibility trial in a clinical setting. In: III Congreso Internacional en Investigacion y Didactica de la Educacion Fisica, Granada, 15-16th March 2018.
BLAKE, H, 2018. Increasing engagement with nutrition programmes The Value Exchange: Employee Benefits. Available at: <> HUANG, Y, BENFORD, S and BLAKE, H, 2018. Digital interventions to reduce sedentary behaviours of office workers: a scoping review. Journal of Medical Internet Research. doi: 10.2196/11079 BLAKE, H, SUGGS, LS, COMAN, E, AGUIRRE, L and BATT, ME, 2017. Active8! Technology-based intervention to promote physical activity in hospital employees. American Journal of Health Promotion. 31(2), 109-118. RAVENSCROFT, A, THIRUGNANAM, M, SUBRAMANI, D, MCCULLEY, S, BLAKE, H and STANULEWICZ, N, 2017. No pain no gain? Persistent post-breast surgery pain in the Nottingham breast surgery population: a questionnaire study to establish the prevalence of persistent pain in women post breast reconstruction In: Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust Pain Study Day: Persistent Pain Following Breast Cancer. Friday 28 April 2017, London, UK
TOSANGWARN, S, CLISSETT, P and BLAKE, H, 2017. Psychometric properties of the Thai Internalised Stigma Scale (TIS-LCH) for care home residents. Clinical Gerontologist. 50(5), 362-368. Epub 2017 Jul 5. HUANG, Y, BENFORD, S, HENDRICKX, H, TRELOAR, R and BLAKE, H, 2017. Office Workers’ Perceived Barriers and Facilitators to Taking Regular Micro-breaks at Work: A Diary-Probed Interview Study: In: de Vries P, Oinas-Kukkonen H, Siemens L, Beerlage-de Jong N, van Gemert Pijnen L (eds). Persuasive Technology: Development and Implementation of Personalized Technologies to Change Attitudes and Behaviors. PERSUASIVE 2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 10171, MANSELL, P, STANULEWICZ, N, HOPKINS, D, COOKE, D and BLAKE, H, 2017. Validation of a shortened 11-item version of the Problem Areas in Diabetes scale to measure distress in adults with type 1 diabetes. In: 53rd Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), 11-15 September, 2017, Lisbon, Portugal. BANERJEE, A, HENDRICK, P and BLAKE, H, 2016. Predictors of self-management in patients with chronic low back pain: a longitudinal cohort study protocol. International Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation. 14-24. EVANS, C, TURNER, K, SUGGS, S, OCCA, A, JUMA, A and BLAKE, H, 2016. Developing a mHealth intervention to promote uptake of HIV testing among African communities in the UK: A qualitative study. BMC Public Health. 16, 656. BLAKE, H and GARTSHORE, E, 2016. Workplace wellness using online learning tools in a healthcare setting. Nursing Education in Practice. 20, 70-75. BLAKE, H, STANULEWICZ, N and MCGILL, F, 2016. Predictors of physical activity and barriers to exercise in nursing and medical students. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 73(4), 917–929. WRIGHT, N, ZAKARIAN, M and BLAKE, H, 2016. Nurses' views on workplace wellbeing programmes. British Journal of Nursing. 25(21), 1208-1212. BLAKE, H, QUIRK, H, LEIGHTON, P, RANDELL, T, GREENING, J, GUO, B and GLAZEBROOK, C, 2016. Feasibility of an online intervention (STAK-D) to promote physical activity in children with type 1 diabetes: protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMC Trials. 17, 583 [ISRCTN 48994721]. BANERJEE, A, HENDRICK, P, BHATTACHARJEE, P and BLAKE, H, 2016. A systematic review of outcome measures utilised to measure the change in self- management in clinical trials in non-cancer chronic pain. In: Proceedings of the UK Society for Behavioural Medicine 12th Annual Scientific Meeting, Cardiff, Thursday 1st - Friday 2nd December 2016, UK.
BLAKE, H, ROBERTS, A, BATT, ME and MOSES, J, 2016. Motive8! Text Messaging Intervention to Promote Physical Activity in Knee Osteoarthritis. In: Proceedings of the UK Society for Behavioural Medicine 12th Annual Scientific Meeting, Cardiff, Thursday 1st - Friday 2nd December 2016, UK.
BLAKE, H, 2016. Promoting an active lifestyle. Nursing in Practice. Friday 9th December, 2016 BLAKE, H, QUIRK, H, LEIGHTON, P, RANDELL, T, GREENING, J, KNOX, E, GUO, B and GLAZEBROOK, C, 2016. Supporting Kids with diabetes In Physical activity (SKIP): protocol for a randomised feasibility trial of an online intervention to promote physical activity in children with type 1 diabetes. In: Proceedings of the UK Society for Behavioural Medicine 12th Annual Scientific Meeting, Cardiff, Thursday 1st - Friday 2nd December 2016, UK.
ALBELBISI, Z., WINDLE, R. and BLAKE, H., 2016. The effectiveness of Information-Motivation-Behavioural Skills model-based Diabetes Self-Management Education among patients with type 2 diabetes in Jordan (IMB-DSME); Trial protocol. In: International Nursing Conference "Improving clients' outcomes through the implications of scientific evidence", Zarqa, Jordan.
BLAKE, H, DAWETT, B, LEIGHTON, P.A., BRADY, L.R. and DEERY, C, 2015. School-based educational intervention to improve children’s oral health-related knowledge. Health Promotion Practice. 16(4), 571-82. TUNNEY, R.J, ALLEN, H.A, BONARDI, C and BLAKE, H, 2015. The effects of ageing and exercise on recollection and familiarity based memory processes. In: BRUNO, D, ed., The Preservation of Memory: Theory and Practice for Clinical and Non-Clinical Populations. Psychology Press: Taylor and Francis. BLAKE, H and BATT, ME, 2015. Employee perceptions of pedometer walking intervention in a hospital workplace. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education. 53(5), 257-270. EVANS, C, TURNER, K, BLAKE, H, JUMA, A, SUGGS, S and OCCA, A, 2015. Text messaging to encourage uptake of HIV testing amongst African communities: Findings from a theory based feasibility study. HIV Medicine. 16(Suppl. 2), 54. BLAKE, H and PATTERSON, J, 2015. Paediatric nurses and healthy eating promotion. International Fruit and Vegetable Alliance (IFAVA) Scientific Newsletter: Issue Number 4, November: Healthy Eating, Article 1. BLAKE, H, ROBERTS, A and STANULEWICZ, N, 2015. Telemedicine and mHealth interventions for children and young people with Type One Diabetes (T1DM). International Journal of Endocrinology and Diabetes. 1(1), 100-104 BLAKE, H, ROBERTS, AL, BATT, ME and MOSES, JP, 2015. Motive8! Feasibility of a text messaging intervention to promote physical activity in knee osteoarthritis. International Journal of Sports and Exercise Medicine. 1:027 EVANS, C, TURNER, K, JUMA, A, SUGGS, L.S. and BLAKE, H, 2015. Text messaging to encourage uptake of HIV testing amongst African communities: findings from a theory-based feasibility study. In: UK Society for Behavioural Medicine, 11th Annual Scientific Meeting, 8-9 December 2015, Newcastle, UK.
BLAKE, H, GRIFFITHS, K and STANULEWICZ, N, 2015. Attitudes towards health promotion practices in pre-registered nurses: relationship with body weight and self-perception. In: UK Society for Behavioural Medicine, 11th Annual Scientific Meeting, 8-9 December 2015, Newcastle, UK.
BLAKE, H, MCGILL, F and STANULEWICZ, N, 2015. Barriers and determinants of pre-registered nurses and medics participation in physical activity. In: UK Society for Behavioural Medicine, 11th Annual Scientific Meeting, 8-9 December 2015, Newcastle, UK.
EVANS, C, TURNER, K, JUMA, A, SUGGS, LS, OCCA, A and BLAKE, H, 2015. Text messaging to encourage uptake of HIV testing amongst African communities: findings from a theory-based feasibility study. In: UK Society for Behavioural Medicine, 11th Annual Scientific Meeting, 8-9 December 2015, Newcastle, UK.
ALBELBISI, Z, ADAMS, G, WINDLE, R and BLAKE, H, 2015. The Effectiveness of IMB-Model Based Diabetes Self-Management Education with Type 2 Diabetes Patients In Jordan: Clinical Trial Protocol. In: UK Society for Behavioural Medicine, 11th Annual Scientific Meeting, 8-9 December 2015, Newcastle, UK.
ALBELBISI, Z., ADAMS, G., WINDLE, R. and BLAKE, H., 2015. The effectiveness of Information-Motivation-Behavioural skills model-based Diabetes Self-Management Education among patients with type 2 diabetes in Jordan (IMB-DSME): Trial protocol. In: American Association of Diabetes Educators Annual Meeting. New Orleans, USA.
BLAKE, H, DAWETT, B, LEIGHTON, P, ROSE-BRADY, L and DEERY, C, 2015. School-Based Educational Intervention to Improve Children’s Oral Health–Related Knowledge: Supplementary Self-Study Materials Health Promotion Practice: Continuing Education Credits. BLAKE, H, 2014. Text messaging interventions increase adherence to antiretroviral therapy and smoking cessation: Commentary on: Free C, Phillips G, Galli L, Watson L, Felix L, Edwards P, Patel V, Haines A. The effectiveness of mobile-health technology-based health behaviour change or disease management interventions for health care consumers: a systematic review. PLoS Med. 2013 Jan;10(1):e1001362 Evidence-Based Medicine. 19, 35-36. QUIRK, H, BLAKE, H., TENNYSON, R., RANDELL, T. and GLAZEBROOK, C., 2014. Physical activity interventions in children and young people with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: A systematic review with meta-analysis. Diabetic Medicine. 31(10), 1163-73. BLAKE, H, BENNETT, E and BATT, ME, 2014. Evaluation of occupational health checks for hospital employees. International Journal of Workplace Health Management. 7(4), 247-266. LAI, B, GRIFFITHS, A and BLAKE, H, 2014. A longitudinal study of the effect of workplace exercise intervention - a field experiment in China. In: Proceedings of the 10th UK Society for Behavioural Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting, 3-4 December, Nottingham.
BLAKE, H, ALSALEH, E and WINDLE, R, 2014. Behavioural intervention to increase physical activity among patients with coronary heart disease (CHD): randomised controlled trial. In: Proceedings of the 10th UK Society for Behavioural Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting, 3-4 December, Nottingham.
BLAKE, H, BENNETT, E and BATT, ME, 2014. Evaluation of occupational health checks for hospital employees. In: Proceedings of the 10th UK Society for Behavioural Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting, 3-4 December, Nottingham.
BLAKE, H, LEIGHTON, P and BATT, ME, 2014. Employee perceptions of a pedometer intervention in a UK hospital workplace. In: Proceedings of the 10th UK Society for Behavioural Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting, 3-4 December, Nottingham.
BLAKE, H, LEIGHTON, P, VAN DER WALT, G and RAVENSCROFT, A, 2014. Prescribing opioid analgesics for chronic non-malignant pain in general practice - a survey of attitudes and practice. In: Proceedings of the 10th UK Society for Behavioural Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting, 3-4 December, Nottingham. [Prize-Winning Poster: Highest Scoring Abstract & Best Poster Prize].
WRIGHT, N, ZAKARIAN, M and BLAKE, H, 2014. Nurses’ Experiences and Perceptions of Complementary and Alternative Therapies for Workplace Stress Management. In: Proceedings of the 10th UK Society for Behavioural Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting, 3-4 December, Nottingham (Commendation for Highest Scoring Abstract).
BLAKE, H and GARTSHORE, E, 2014. Development and evaluation of an online learning tool to enhance knowledge of workplace wellness in healthcare disciplines. In: Proceedings of the 10th UK Society for Behavioural Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting, 3-4 December, Nottingham, UK.
QUIRK, H, BLAKE, H, TENNYSON, R, RANDELL. T and GLAZEBROOK, C, 2014. Physical activity interventions in children and young people with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: A systematic review with meta-analysis. In: Proceedings of the 10th UK Society for Behavioural Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting, 3-4 December, Nottingham.
GARTSHORE, E and BLAKE, H, 2014. "Workplace Wellness": online learning package University of Nottingham.
QUIRK, H, BLAKE, H, DEE, B and GLAZEBROOK, C, 2014. “You can’t just jump on a bike and go”: a qualitative study exploring parent’s perceptions of physical activity in children with type 1 diabetes. In: Proceedings of the 10th UK Society for Behavioural Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting, 3-4 December, Nottingham..
SUGGS, LS, BLAKE, H, BARDUS, M and LLOYD, S, 2013. Effects of text-messaging in addition to emails on uptake of physical activity among university and college employees at UK worksites Journal of Health Services Research and Policy. 18(1 suppl), 55-64
BLAKE, H, ZHOU, D and BATT, ME, 2013. Five year workplace wellness intervention in the NHS. Perspectives in Public Health. 133(5), 262-71 (Most Downloaded Article in 2013) BLAKE, H, 2013. Should nurses be role models for health? Nursing Times. 2 January(Online Issue), BLAKE, H and HARRISON, C, 2013. Nurse's health behaviours and attitudes towards being role models British Journal of Nursing. 22(2), 32-40 BLAKE, H, SUGGS, L.S., AGUIRRE, L, TENNYSON, R, ZHOU, D and BATT, M.E., 2013. Technology-based intervention to promote physical activity in a UK healthcare workplace in June-Sept 2012 In: Eur J Public Health; 23 (suppl 1): ckt126.330 doi:10.1093/eurpub/ckt126.330.
BLAKE, H, SUGGS, LS, AQUIRRE, L, TENNYSON, R, ZHOU, D and BATT, ME, 2013. Active8! Technology-based intervention to promote physical activity in healthcare employees: a randomised controlled trial In: In: Proceedings of the UK Society for Behavioural Medicine, 9th Annual Scientific Meeting, Oxford, Monday 9th & Tuesday 10th December 2013.
BLAKE, H, 2013. Mobile technology: streamlining practice and improving care. British Journal of Community Nursing. 18(9), 430-432. BRADY, LR, DAWETT, B, BLAKE, H, LEIGHTON, P, YOUNIS, F and DEERY, C, 2013. Evaluation of a Glass-ionomer sealant applied to erupting permanent molars in children. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry: Abstracts of the British Society of Paediatric Dentistry Annual Scientific Meeting, 10-13 September 2013, Edinburgh. 23(Suppl 2), 2-48 BRADY, L.R., DAWETT, B, BLAKE, H, LEIGHTON, P, YOUNIS, F and DEERY, C, 2013. Evaluation of a Glass-ionomer sealant applied to erupting permanent molars in children (Abstract: Poster). In: Health Services Research Network, 17-18 June 2013, EMCC, Nottingham.
BLAKE, H, LEIGHTON, P and BATT, ME, 2013. Employee perceptions of a pedometer intervention in a UK hospital workplace. In: Health Services Research Network, 17-18 June 2013, EMCC, Nottingham, UK..
BLAKE, H and HAWLEY, H, 2012. The effects of Tai Chi exercise on physical and psychological health of older people. Current Aging Science: Special Issue: Physical Activity, Exercise and Ageing. 5(1), 19-27. BLAKE, H, MO, P.K.H, LEE, S and BATT, M.E., 2012. Health in the NHS: Lifestyle behaviours of hospital employees. Perspectives in Public Health. 132, 213-215. BLAKE, H and TENNYSON, R, 2012. Physical activity and cancer. In: NATHAN A. HICKS and RODNEY E. WARREN, eds., Psychology of Cancer. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Hauppauge, NY. pp 1-62
BLAKE, H, ZHOU, D and BATT, ME, 2012. Workplace wellness intervention in the NHS: Outcomes at five years. In: Proceedings of the British Psychological Society Annual Conference 2012, 18-20 April.
BLAKE, H, MO, PKH and BATT, ME, 2012. Getting healthcare staff more active: the mediating role of self-efficacy In: Proceedings of the UK Society for Behavioural Medicine, 8th Annual Scientific Meeting, Manchester 10-11 December 2012.
BLAKE, H and HALLETT, S, 2012. Inactivity in the NHS workforce: barriers and determinants to physical activity among pre-registered nurses In: Proceedings of the UK Society for Behavioural Medicine, 8th Annual Scientific Meeting, Manchester 10-11 December 2012.
BLAKE, H, BARDUS, M, SUGGS, S and LLOYD, S, 2012. Effects of a theory-based physical activity intervention
in the workplace using latent growth modelling In: Proceedings of the UK Society for Behavioural Medicine, 8th Annual Scientific Meeting, Manchester 10-11 December 2012.
BLAKE, H, MO, PKH, LEE, S and BATT, ME, 2012. Health in the NHS: lifestyle behaviours of
hospital employees In: Proceedings of the UK Society for Behavioural Medicine, 8th Annual Scientific Meeting, Manchester 10-11 December 2012.
BLAKE, H, 2012. Physical activity and exercise in the treatment of depression Frontiers in Psychiatry - Affective Disorders and Psychosomatic Research. Dec 7(3), 10.3389/fpsyt.2012.00106 [ecollection 2012] DAWETT, B, BLAKE, H, LEIGHTON, P, BRADY, L and DEERY, C, 2012. Improving Childrens’ Oral Health Knowledge with a brief Dental Care Professional (DCP) delivered educational intervention British Society for General Dental Surgery (BSGDS) Newsletter. p 21. BLAKE, H., MALIK, S., MO, PKH. and PISANO, C., 2011. ‘Do as I say, but not as I do’: Are next generation nurses role models for health? Perspectives in Public Health. 131(5), 231-9. BLAKE, H., 2011. Commissioned commentary: Telephone follow-up does not significantly improve glycaemic control in type 2 diabetes overall, but more intensive programmes may have an effect Evidence-Based Nursing. 14, 33-44.
BLAKE, H., 2011. Healthy hydration in the workplace. Health Psychology Update. 20(2), 1480.
MALIK, S, BLAKE, H and BATT, M., 2011. How Healthy Are Our Nurses? New and registered nurses compared. British Journal of Nursing. 20(8), 489-96.
MO, P.K.H., BLAKE, H. and BATT, M.E., 2011. Getting healthcare staff more active:the mediating role of self-efficacy. British Journal of Health Psychology. 16(4), 690-706. BLAKE, H, BRADY, LR, LEIGHTON, P, YOUNIS, F, DEERY, C and DAWETT, B, 2011. Does oral health knowledge and behaviour improve following brief dental care professional (DCP) delivered educational intervention in schools? In: Proceedings of the UK Society for Behavioural Medicine, 7th Annual Scientific Meeting, Stirling, 13-14 December 2011.
BARDUS, M, SUGGS, LS, BLAKE, H and LLOYD, S, 2011. MoveM8 recruitment challenges: A case for social marketing In: Proceedings of the 2nd World Non-Profit Social Marketing Conference, 11-12 April 2012, Dublin, Ireland.
DAWETT, B, POPE, L, BLAKE, H, LEIGHTON, P and DEERY, C, 2011. Supporting oral health behaviour change in NHS primary dental care using salivary diagnostics In: Proceedings of the UK Society for Behavioural Medicine, 7th Annual Scientific Meeting, Stirling, 13-14 December 2011.
DAWETT, B, POPE, L, BLAKE, H, LEIGHTON, P and DEERY, C, 2011. Salivary diagnostics in primary dental care. In: Proceedings of the British Society for Oral and Dental Research, Sheffield, 13-14 September 2011.
ARIS, A, BLAKE, H and ADAMS, G, 2011. Diabetes health-beliefs, self-care practices and glycaemic control among Malaysian young adults with diabetes. Journal of Nursing Referencia. 4(3), 687.
BLAKE, H, ZHOU, D and BATT, ME, 2011. Five year workplace wellness intervention in the NHS improves health behaviours. In: Proceedings of the UK Society for Behavioural Medicine, 7th Annual Scientific Meeting, Stirling, 13-14 December 2011.
COOPER, Y and BLAKE, H, 2011. Systematic review of exercise interventions for children with Type 1 diabetes mellitus. In: Proceedings of the UK Society for Behavioural Medicine, 7th Annual Scientific Meeting, Stirling, 13-14 December 2011.
MCKENNA, K., COLLIER, J., HEWITT, M. and BLAKE, H., 2010. Parental involvement in paediatric cancer treatment decisions European Journal of Cancer Care. 19(5), 621-630 BLAKE, H., 2010. Computer-based learning objects in healthcare: the student experience. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship. 7(1), Article 16. BLAKE, H. and WHARRAD, H., 2010. Development of Reusable Learning Objects (RLOs) to Enhance Nursing Students’ Knowledge and Understanding of Physical Activity. In: BAKER, G., FALK-WHYNES, J. and SIDOROVICH, A., eds., Teaching for Integrative Learning. Volume 3. Centre for Integrative Learning.
REAVENALL, S and BLAKE, H, 2010. Determinants of Physical Activity Participation following Traumatic Brain Injury. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation. 17(7), 360-368. MALIK, S, MO, P and BLAKE, H., 2010. Exercise interventions in the treatment of depression. In: BLAKE, H, ed., Physical activity in rehabilitation and recovery. NovaScience, New York, USA. pp 279-312 LEE, S, BLAKE, H and LLOYD, S, 2010. The Price is Right: Making Workplace Wellness Financially Sustainable. International Journal of Workplace Health Management. 3(1), 58-69. SUGGS, LS, BLAKE, H, LLOYD, S and BARDUS, M, 2010. MoveM8! A technology-based physical activity intervention for UK worksites: Results of a randomized controlled trial conducted from September 2009 to August 2010 In: European Journal of Public Health, 20 (Suppl.1) p262. Proceedings of the 3rd European Public Health Association Conference, 10-13 November 2010, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. BARDUS, M, SUGGS, LS, BLAKE, H and LLOYD, S, 2010. Recruitment challenges and limitations of worksite physical activity promotion: MoveM8! In: Proceedings of the 20th IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion, 11-15 July 2010, Geneva, Switzerland.
MEADE, O, MACLENNAN, SJ, BLAKE, H and COULSON, N., 2009. Workplace complementary and alternative therapies for hospital-site staff. International Journal of Workplace Health Management. 2(3), 258-271. SUGGS, S., BLAKE, H., LLOYD, S. and BARDUS, M., 2009. An individualised approach: MoveM8! E-mail and SMS physical activity communication in the workplace (Abstract). Journal of Sports Sciences. 27(4), S1 — S133.
BLAKE, H. and JONES, C., 2009. Physical activity and health. At: Reusable Learning Object. Available at: ARACK, R, BLAKE, H, LEE, S and COULSON, NS., 2009. An Evaluation of the Effects of the Smoking Ban at an acute NHS Trust. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education. 47(4), 112-118. LEE, S and BLAKE, H., 2009. Tackling NHS staff stress levels in an ‘eggstraordinary’ way. Health Psychology Update. 18(2), 8-13. BLAKE, H., 2009. Staff perceptions of e-learning for teaching delivery in healthcare. Learning in Health and Social Care. 8(3), 223-234. BLAKE, H. and JONES, C., 2009. Keeping physically active. At: Reusable Learning Object. Available at: BARDUS, M, SUGGS, S and BLAKE, H, 2009. Promoting physical activity with e-mail and SMS: MoveM8! A tailored approach. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress Mountain, Sport & Health, 12-14 November 2009, Rovereto (TN), Italy.
SUGGS, LS, BLAKE, H, LLOYD, S and BARDUS, M, 2009. An individualised approach: MoveM8! E-mail and SMS physical activity communication in the workplace. In: Proceedings of the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES) Annual Conference, September 1-3, 2009. Leeds, United Kingdom.
BLAKE, H., LEE, S., STANTON, T. and GORELY, T., 2008. Workplace intervention to promote stair-use in an NHS setting International Journal of Workplace Health Management. 1(3), 162-175 BLAKE, H, 2008. Caregiver stress in traumatic brain injury. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation. 15(6), 263-271. BLAKE, H and BATSON, M, 2008. Exercise intervention in acquired brain injury. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation. 15(4), 180-185. BLAKE, H, 2008. Innovation in practice: mobile phone technology in patient care. British Journal of Community Nursing. 13(4), 160-165. LEE, S., BATT, M., MORTIMER, D., BLAKE, H. and BOOTH, Y., 2008. Q-active Final Report. Prepared for Sport England. Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust. Available at: BLAKE, H and LEE, S, 2007. Health of community nurses: a case for workplace wellness schemes. British Journal of Community Nursing. 12(6), 263-267. BLAKE, H and LINCOLN, NB, 2005. Cognitive impairments following a stroke: the strain on caregivers. In: WHITE, R, ed., Stroke: therapy and rehabilitation. Quay Books, London. Quay Books, Mark Allen Publishing, Dinton. pp 173-9.
FLEMING, S.A., BLAKE, H., GLADMAN, J.R., HART, E., LYMBERY, M., DEWEY, M.E., MCCLOUGHRY, H., WALKER, M. and MILLER, P., 2004. A randomised controlled trial of a care home rehabilitation service to reduce long-term institutionalisation for elderly people. Age and Ageing. 33(4), 384-390. BLAKE, H., LINCOLN, N.B. and CLARKE, D.D., 2003. Caregiver strain in spouses of stroke patients. Clinical Rehabilitation. 17(3), 312-317. MCKINNEY, M., BLAKE, H., TREECE, K.A., LINCOLN, N.B., PLAYFORD, E.D. and GLADMAN, J.R.F., 2002. Evaluation of cognitive assessment in stroke rehabilitation. Clinical Rehabilitation. 16(2), 129-136. BLAKE, H., MCKINNEY, M., TREECE, K., LEE, E. and LINCOLN, N.B., 2002. An evaluation of screening measures for cognitive impairment after stroke. Age and Ageing. 31(6), 451-456. BLAKE,H. and LINCOLN,N.B., 2002. Cognitive impairments following a stroke: the strain on caregivers. British/International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation. 9(9), 334-7. BLAKE, H, FLEMING, S and GLADMAN, J, 2002. Evaluation of a care home rehabilitation service: outcomes at 3 months In: Proceedings of the British Geriatrics Society Autumn Meeting 16-18 October 2002, Hammersmith, London. Abstract book number 2
MCKINNEY, M, LINCOLN, N.B, PLAYFORD, D, BLAKE, H, TREECE,K and WEYMAN, N, 1999. Evaluation of the impact of cognitive assessment in stroke (abstract). Clinical Neuropsychological Assessment. p 4.
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