Expertise Summary
- The pedagogical qualities of multi-media e-learning resources
- Evaluation of the impact and effectiveness of e-learning resources
- Reuse of Open Educational Resources
- Student-generated content
- E-learning as a health intervention
- Community based development of e-learning
- E-learning resources in relation to learning disabilities
Teaching Summary
As well as the teaching listed below, my main interests and activity in this area are in teaching, innovation, leadership and scholarship. This has included:
- Leadership of the Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning for reusable learning objects (2006-2010)
- Co-Lead of the School's E-learning group
- The facilitation of 100 high quality multimedia learning resources which are released as open education resources, and currently being used world wide by many thousands of students in over 50 institutions in 20 countries
- Development of over 30 hours of web-based learning resources
- Formation of a range of national and international partnerships in e-learning
- Successful application for over £350,000 of research and development funding for learning and teaching
- Leadership of staff development in e-learning including approximately 100 staff e-learning development workshops internationally
- Research and evaluation initiatives that enrich the evidence-base in the areas of e-learning pedagogy
- Innovative scholarship associated with student generated content
- Research and Development associated with e-learning as a health intervention
My teaching constitutes the following modules:
B73 AH2 Applied Physiology and Pharmacology- I am module leader for this is a 20 credit level 3 module that runs once yearly as part of the School's Learning Beyond Registration programme. I have responsibility for the planning, development, delivery, resources and assessment of this module. The module contains approximately 30 hours of e-learning content
B71 PO4 Biological Sciences as Applied to Nursing - I am part of the module team for this level 1 module with the following teaching during the period:
Evidence Based Practice I B72S07 at level 2 - I am part of the module team for this largely self directed module. Teaching involves facilitation, individual tutorial work and marking final assignments for the students within my learning group.
Evidence Based Practice II B73S14 - I am part of the module team for this largely self directed module, supervising students through the completion of the research proposal
Masters in Advanced Nursing Practice - I am part of the module team for this module. As well as providing specialist lectures I have supervise students as they have undertaken their portfolio which forms the majority of the modular activity.
B73/4 RCR Contemporary Practice in Adult Critical Care: Respiratory, Cardiac and Renal Disorders - I moderate and assess the online activity of students undertaking this module. In addition I developed and implemented web-based activities for the including the development of a blog-based learning activity and the accreditation of an assessment tool to support this activity.
Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing - I developed, led, taught and assessed the majority of the biological sciences component of this programme. This was divided between 4, 10 credit level 4 modules. The course had a strong blended e-learning component which I created, maintained and moderated.
BSc (Hons) Healthcare Studies - I was module leader for a 20 credit level 2/3 module I pioneered assessment tools associated with the online learning activities. The creation of the modules included the development of a suite of web-based resources and assessments on aspects of anatomy and physiology. lectures, e-moderating, tutorials and assessment.
Diploma in Nursing (Biological Sciences) - I was module leader for 2, 10 credit level 1 modules.
Research Summary
My research is focused on applied e-learning pedagogy and the development of evaluative methods that allow an evidence-base for the impact and effectiveness of e-learning interventions to be… read more
Current Research
My research is focused on applied e-learning pedagogy and the development of evaluative methods that allow an evidence-base for the impact and effectiveness of e-learning interventions to be assessed. Particular areas include:
- The understanding of the pedagogical attributes of multi-media learning resources and their impact on learning and reuse and the nature and impact of student-generated content.
- The potential and impact of open educational resources (OER) in health
- Community involvement in OER/e-learning development
- Student generated content
- E-learning as a health intervention
This work builds directly on the experience I have developed of quantitative research methods and analysis in the field of neurosciences. I am developing methods that apply the same quantitative analyses to my e-learning research and combining these with qualitative methods to bring new perspectives to the field.
I am currently completing a research study investigating the impact of the CETL-based resources over a two year period across three institutions, involving 12 separate projects, 200 learning resources, 2500 students and 50 teachers. Initial reports of this work have been published (Windle et al, 2010, ALT-C).
I am a SCORE Fellow (Support Centre for Open Resources in Education) with the Open University working on a project that is investigating the impact of reuse of health related resources, both within HE and within the wider community.
I am a collaborator on a project known as "Microsites" that is seeking to identify and organise OER content in two areas: "Ready2Research" - resources for international students who wish to study at post graduate level in the UK, and "Digital Literacy" that is aimed at all UK undergraduate students.
I am PI on a project that is evaluating the effectiveness of a novel online nursing programme at the University of Stavanger, Norway.
I continue to have an interest in stress physiology and currently have PhD students working in areas such as the role of stress in the progression of Alzheimer's disease.
Whilst my research background is in quantitative methods, I have developed expertise in mixed quantitative and qualitative methods. I currently have students working with methods including Q-methodology, quantitative data collection and qualitative evaluations.
Past Research
Central neuroendocrine control of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (stress) axis in health and disease, particularly central peptidergic neurotransmitters as "antistress" or anxiolytic agents. The contribution of abnormal glucocorticoid production to the aetiology and severity of conditions such as peripartum psychoses and cardiovascular disease. Genetic or developmental programming of the axis and the underlying susceptibility to such conditions in later life.