Cultural compassion in healthcare... who do you see when you look at me?

2. Isabella ... Who do you see when you look at me?

Meet Isabella

You are working in an outpatient’s clinic; your next patient is ... Isabella.

Isabella is 24 years old and has attended the clinic for a routine assessment, on seeing Isabella your first impression is that she appears confident, in control and looks at ease.

Isabella's notes say she is attending clinic for a routine meeting to review her progress following a reduction in medication. What is your first impression?

Whilst undertaking routine assessment Isabella she says she is feeling anxious and has not been sleeping well for over a week, she becomes tearful and says she is not coping well without her medication.

Hear what Isabella has to say ....

I was diagnosed three years ago with Schizophrenia, which had been well controlled with medication. Following advice from my doctor I stopped all anti psychotic medication due to the risk to my unborn child. I feel I can not cope and need support to continue with the pregnancy. In my family losing this baby is not an option.

Using the picture as a guide what thoughts and feelings may be under the surface. Add up to four words to your word cloud that have come from your reflection.

Illustration of Isabella, heavily pregnant and thinking of related issues.

Enter four word cloud words.

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