Cultural compassion in healthcare... who do you see when you look at me?

3. Jake ... Who do you see when you look at me?

Meet Jake ...

The man in bed four has been admitted after being found unconscious in the street. When you meet him the first thing you notice is the pungent smell. He is wearing a hospital gown and looks like he could do with a good soak in the bath. What is your first impression of Jake?

Later that day you have time to spend talking to your patient, Jake tells you his life story.

Jake's story: Throughout his life Jake has experienced many ups and downs initially he had a stable relationship, a home, job and enjoyed travelling. A few years ago, he was involved in a road traffic accident which resulted in spinal injury from which he suffers chronic pain syndrome. He has spent years in and out of different hospitals, he become addicted to prescription pain killers. He spent most of his time online gambling incurring debt. He lost his home, his wife and his children. He did live in sheltered accommodation for a while but became addicted to cannabis use, he couldn't afford to pay rent, so he lost his home. Currently, he has lost contact with health services. He feels he has withdrawn from society. He has kept his dog. He uses soup kitchens and sometimes goes hungry. He has recently been in an area that has been visited by health professionals, but he refused help. He sleeps in the local park with his dog. He is often verbally and physically abused.

Take a moment to reflect and consider Jake, what are your concerns, how go you imagine Jake is coping? What do you think are the underlying issues? Using the picture as a guide, what thoughts and feelings may be going on under the surface. Add up to four words to your word cloud from your reflection.

Illustration of Jake's lifestyle, Once happily married, Jake now sleeps on a park bench.

Enter four word cloud words.

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