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Call for Participants: Mending Ecologies Explorative Conference

Mending Ecologies: Reparation in Social and Environmental Conflict

University of Nottingham
Monday 29 June - Wednesday 1 July 2020

Amidst the escalating degradation of environments and communities, addressing the threat of social-environmental destruction has become a fundamental challenge for repairing and maintaining liveable worlds. The event will be structured around a series of explorative discussion panels.

Confirmed speakers include: Andrea Ghelfi; Atsuro Morita; Claire Waterton; Cristobal Bonelli; Daniel Münster; Daniela Rosner; Dimitris Papadopoulos; Doina Petrescu; Eleanor Hadley Kershaw; Eliana Sánchez-Aldana; Emma Cardwell; Fredy Mora Gamez; Jaime Patarroyo; Juan Cajigas; Lara Houston; Leila Dawney; Maddalena Tacchetti; Manuel Tironi; Marco Checchi; Maria Puig de la Bellacasa; Marisol de la Cadena; Martin Savransky; Monica Amador; Naomi Millner; Nerea Calvillo; Patrick Bresnihan; Santiago Martinez; Sara Heitlinger; Steve Brown; Steven Jackson; Timothy Choy; Ursula Münster.

We are making a limited number of places available for participants in this explorative conference. Please register you interest by 13 March 2020 by sending an email to Dimitris Papadopoulos. Please note that accepted participants are expected to join for the whole duration of this three-day event.

This explorative conference will be hosted by the Institute for Science and Society and the University of Nottingham's Interdisciplinary Research Cluster EcoSocieties and we are making a number of bursaries available to facilitate the attendance of those postgraduate research students (PGRs) and early career researchers (ECRs) who might otherwise struggle to meet the costs of participation. Bursary support of up to £200 per participant for travel costs to the event or support with childcare are available for unfunded PGRs, unfunded ECRs, ECRs in receipt of precarious wages and others on the grounds of need. If you are interested in receiving a bursary include a brief description why you are in need of the funds when you register your interest.

Posted on Tuesday 25th February 2020

Contact us

Institute for Science and Society
School of Sociology and Social Policy
Law and Social Sciences
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD