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ISS member to participate in British Animal Studies Network meeting and joins RGS research group committee

Alistair Anderson is presenting a paper at the British Animal Studies Network Autumn meeting this month based on his PhD research. The paper is titled “Navigating the Borderlands of Human and Companion Animal Healthcare in the Context of Antibiotic Stewardship”, focusing on qualitative research into how pet-owners construct borders between different species’ health(s) and healthcares and how these constructions influence behaviour in the context of antibiotic stewardship.

Additionally, following the recent AGM of the Royal Geographical Society’s Geographies of Health and Wellbeing Research Group Alistair has joined the committee of the research group as an ordinary member.

Posted on Tuesday 22nd September 2020

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Institute for Science and Society
School of Sociology and Social Policy
Law and Social Sciences
University of Nottingham
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