School of Law

Professor Milanovic addresses conference on internal displacement in Kyiv, Ukraine

This week Professor Marko Milanovic gave a lecture at a conference on the rights of internally displaced persons in Ukraine, organised by the Council of Europe and the Constitutional Court of Ukraine.

Professor Milanovic spoke about the applicability of the European Convention on Human Rights in contested territories and exceptional situations, a topic of particular relevance to Ukraine, which no longer has control over parts of its territory, and whose parliament last week declared a 30-day state of martial law.

Professor Milanovic's talk was based on an article co-authored with Dr Tatjana Papic and published this year in the International and Comparative Law Quarterly, a leading international law journal – 'Applicability of the ECHR in Contested Territories,' (2018) 67 ICLQ 779.

Posted on Wednesday 5th December 2018

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