School of Law

Professor Derclaye joins panel of experts discussing the future of UK copyright law after the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA)

Alongside with P. Sherell (Bird & Bird), P. Leathem (PPL) and A. Enders (Enders Analysis), Professor Derclaye was a panellist in a webinar titled “The Future of Intellectual Property for Global Britain” organised by the British Copyright Council under the auspices of the London-based law firm Bird&Bird.

 Global Britain signals a re-framing of Britain’s relationship with the EU and the rest of the world. This will be shaped by Britain’s trade agreements and its national legislative framework. There are many facets of Intellectual Property that will impacted by the end of the transition period.

This webinar discussed the Minister for Science, Research and Innovation’s (Amanda Solloway) vision for the future of intellectual property and included responses from the legal, commercial, economic and academic perspective. As the British Copyright Council focusses on copyright, other topics discussed included enforcement, AI and trade. Prof. Derclaye discussed several issues raised by the UK-EU TCA including the exhaustion principle, copyright exceptions, the future of the originality requirement in the UK, copyright and AI as well as the future of the database sui generis right. The webinar was attended by over 300 participants.

Posted on Thursday 14th January 2021

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