Clinical Trial Manager / Research Fellow, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences
Adam is a Clinical Trial Manager at Nottingham Clinical Trials Unit working on the Perioperative Iron and EPO Intervention Study (POP-I). Adam is also a Research Fellow in Hearing Sciences and works on the "BEARS" project to develop outcome measures suitable for young people with hearing loss.
Adam completed an MRes in Psychology at the University of York in 2012. In 2016, Adam completed a PhD in Experimental Psychology at the University of Surrey. Adam's PhD examined how visual stimuli can influence cognition, as well as how sub-optimal research practices and publication bias can skew a field of research.
In 2015 Adam began working at the Institute of Hearing Research, exploring Single-Sided-Deafness, before leaving to teach statistics and research design at Nottingham Trent University in 2017. Adam returned to Hearing Sciences in 2021 to develop outcome measures for young people on the NIHR funded "Both EARS (BEARS)" clinical trial. In 2022 Adam became a Clinical Trial Manager at the Nottingham Clinical Trials Unit. Adam currently manages the Perioperative Iron and EPO Study (POP-I).
University of NottinghamMedical School Nottingham, NG7 2UH
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