Hadia began her career in Clinical Research (Oncology based clinical trials) in 2009, as a Clinical Research Assistant. She has a keen interest cancer research, and any new findings discovered in cancer based medicine.
Currently, Hadia is working as a Trial Coordinator at the Nottingham Clinical Trials Unit (NCTU).
Expertise Summary
During her time working in the NHS, she worked on CTIMPs, non-CTIMPS, surgical trials and commercial trials. Her expertise revolved mainly around data entry, over multiple electronic case report form systems. She has vast experience in handling and processing blood and tumour samples.
As a Trial Coordinator, she works closely with a Trial Manager in helping work up a trial in set up stages. Some of the duties involve, development of trial materials, communications with Sponsor and Funder, site set up, working in compliance with the local NCTU SOPs.
Research Summary
Currently working on the internationally renowned breast cancer surgery clinical trial, the POSNOC study.
Past Research
Oncology clinical trials: Upper GI, lower GI, lung cancer, breast cancer, melanoma, colon, bowel and pancreatic cancers.