School of Medicine
Medical tablets, capsules and caplets flying out of a bottle against a light blue background


Image of Iain Moppett

Iain Moppett

Professor of Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences



Iain Moppett is a research and teaching active Associate Professor and Honorary Consultant Anaesthetist.

He completed his pre-clinical and clinical undergraduate training at Jesus College, Cambridge. Following his house officer year he moved to the East Midlands training in general medicine and then anaesthesia. He was appointed Clinical Lecturer in 2003 and obtained his substantive post as Associate Professor in 2006. His two main passions are patient safety and improving the care of frail elderly patients with hip fracture.

Teaching Summary

Dr Moppett is the University of Nottingham lead for the undergraduate final-year critical illness attachment. This four week module aims to help students gain a practical understanding of management… read more

Research Summary

1) The Partnership Programme

Partners in Research into Hip fracture In the Peri-operative period

Dr Moppett together with colleagues from orthopaedics, anaesthesia and orthogeriatrics in Nottingham and the UK, have developed and validated the Nottingham Hip Fracture Score. This score has been validated for prediction of 30-day and 1 year mortality. It has also recently been shown to be of value in predicting return to home from acute care following hip fracture. This tool has been adopted widely across the world with prospective validation in Europe and the Far East. It is promoted by the Hip Fracture Peri-operative Network (formerly Hip Fracture Anaesthesia Network).

He is leading a team running several nationally funded clinical trials in hip fracture.

He is the Chief investigator for three ongoing clinical trials in hip fracture care (NIHR and NIAA), and co-investigator in a fourth (NIHR).

  • NOTTS is a single-centre randomised controlled trial of stroke volume guided intra-operative fluid therapy for patients undergoing hip fracture repair under spinal anaesthesia. (Completed December 2012)
  • IVANOF1 is a single-centre pilot RCT of intravenous iron as a potential therapy to reduce postoperative anaemia and transfusion requirements in hip fracture. (Recruiting)
  • POINT is a pilot study of the practicality and metabolic effects of pre-operative carbohydrate drinks in elderly patients with hip fracture: (In set-up phase)
  • FINOF is a single-centre RCT of continuous femoral nerve block in for patients with hip fracture. (Recruiting)


  • Professor Chris Moran (Orthopaedics; Nottingham)
  • Professor Opinder Sahota (Orthogeriatrics; Nottingham)
  • Professor Paul Greenhaff (Muscle Metabolism; Nottingham)
  • Mr Ben Ollivere (Orthopaedics; Nottingham)
  • Mr Theo Joachim (Orthopaedics; Boston, UK)
  • Dr Richard Griffiths (Anaesthesia; Peterborough)
  • Dr Stuart White (Anaesthesia; Brighton)
  • Professor Fang Gao Smith (Anaesthesia; Birmingham)
  • Dr Joyce Leung (Anaesthesia; Birmingham)

2) Patient safety

In collaboration with Professor Mahajan, Dr Moppett is developing a research group investigating ways to improve safety in the operating theatre and during the peri-operative period. This links closely with his work as the Trust lead for Safer Surgery at Nottingham University Hospitals.

Particular interests are:

  • Distractions and the anaesthetist
  • Safe preparation and administration of drugs in anaesthesia
  • Never Events
  • The World Health Organisation Surgical Safety Checklist


  • Professor Ravi Mahajan (Anaesthesia; Nottingham)
  • Professor Nick Sevdalis (Patient Safety; Imperial)

Dr Moppett is the University of Nottingham lead for the undergraduate final-year critical illness attachment. This four week module aims to help students gain a practical understanding of management of the critically ill patient in the following domains:

  • Recognition of the critically ill patient
  • Management of the critically ill patient
  • Communication within and between teams
  • Understanding the role of multi-professional teams
  • Understanding the ethical issues in the management of the critically ill patient

Dr Moppett leads two BMedSci (third year) Advanced Science Modules: Surgical Site Infection and Patient Safety and generally supervises one to two BMedSci project students each year.

Dr Moppett is currently external examiner for the Imperial College Intercalated BSc (Anaesthesia and Surgery).

Future Research

Dr Moppett is working with colleagues within the Division of Clinical Neuroscience to develop a mutli-method programme of research into Post-operative Cognitive Decline (POCD). This work will be a collaboration between international experts in neuroimaging, stroke and post-stroke cognition and peri-operative care.

School of Medicine

University of Nottingham
Medical School
Nottingham, NG7 2UH

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