School of Medicine
Medical tablets, capsules and caplets flying out of a bottle against a light blue background


Image of Kate Radford

Kate Radford

Professor of Rehabilitation Research, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences



Kate qualified as an Occupational Therapist in 1990. Her PhD involved developing and validating tests to predict fitness-to-drive for people with long term neurological conditions. Clinical work in community neuro-rehabilitation prompted interest in vocational rehabilitation.

Kate's current research involves trials to determine the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of job retention interventions for stroke survivors, trauma survivors and people with inflammatory arthritis, studies to develop and evaluate VR interventions for MS, peer coaching and assistive technology (Brain in Hand) interventions to promote self-management and participation following brain injury.

Kate leads the NIHR/Health Education England Pre-Doctoral Bridging Programme, supporting non-medical health care professionals to develop PhD proposals and leads the Doctoral Training Centre in Rehabilitation and Healthcare Research. Kate is a former President of the Society for Rehabilitation Research and currently Head of the Centre for Rehabilitation and Ageing Research in the School of Medicine. She is Chief Investigator for the REturn To work After StroKE (RETAKE) [HTA 15/130/1] and Co-Chief Investigator with Prof Denise Kendrick for ROWTATE, an NIHR funded programme to develop and test an intervention to support return to work and wellbeing following major trauma [NIHR PGfAR RP-PG-0617-20001].

Expertise Summary

Kate's research interest is in supporting people who sustain injuries or develop long-term health conditions, such as stroke or traumatic brain injury to return to work or regain meaningful life roles. Her PhD involved developing and validating tests to predict fitness-to-drive for people with neurological impairment..

Kate's methodological expertise is in developing and evaluating complex rehabilitation interventions using mixed-methods research. Her current research involves multi-centre trials to determine the clinical and cost-effectiveness of job retention interventions for stroke survivors, trauma survivors and people with inflammatory arthritis and studies to evaluate assistive technologies for promoting self-management and participation following acquired brain injury.

As rehabilitation interventions are complex and intervention success subject to contextual confounders, embedded mixed-methods process evaluations and qualitative research are used to explore factors affecting trial outcomes, implementation fidelity and barriers and enablers to clinical implementation.

Kate has worked on numerous applied health research projects, acquiring diverse research skills in the delivery and coordination of randomized controlled trials, process evaluation, using systems methodology and realist evaluation to understand and evaluate complex rehabilitation services, consensus development, systematic reviews and service mapping.

Teaching Summary

Module lead Theoretical Foundations of Rehabilitation, and contribute to teaching on Cognitive Assessment and Stroke modules as part of the MSc in Rehabilitation Psychology, University of Nottingham

Lead for the Centre for Doctoral Training n Rehabilitation and Healthcare Research

Lead HEE/NIHR Clinical Academic East Midlands Pre-Doctoral Bridging Programme

Research Summary

Post-Covid-19 impact of the pandemic on employment outcomes of participants in the return to work after stroke trial (RETAKE) sub-study within the RETAKE Trial

Post-Covid-19 implications for the employment of people with MS: Professor Roshan das Nair, Blanca de Dios Perez, Kate Radford [Unfunded study, supported by Blanca's PhD studentship]

Neuropsychiatric features of Post-COVID-19 syndrome and their impact on vocational function: A case control study with multiple sclerosis and healthy controls, and development of a return to work intervention for COVID-19 patients. Morriss R, Nair R, Radford K, Holmes J, Evangelou N, Phillips J, Geo B, Charlotte Bolton, Douglas E, Boutry, C, Turton, J, Wylkes R, funded by the University of Nottingham Campaign and Alumni Relations Office, ARC coordinated.

Royal College of Occupational Therapists, The effectiveness of occupational therapy interventions supporting return to work for people who sustain serious injuries/develop long term health conditions. co-investigator with Holmes J, 2020 [Awarded £10,000]

NIHR Global Health Research Group Improving Stoke Care in India costed extension (IMPROVIS-ATION) co-investigator with Watkins et al, 2020 [Awarded £493,000]

What is the Impact on Patients and Caregivers of a Post-Critical Illness Rehabilitation Class: A Mixed Methods, Feasibility Study? Douglas E, Booth V, Radford K, Nottingham Hospitals Charitable Trust, [Awarded £19, 035.37]

Early vocational intervention for people who have experienced stroke: A randomised pilot trial (Co-Investigator with Lannin CI), Stroke Foundation 2019, [Awarded, $245,524]

Comparing a REusable LeArning Object With Face-To-FacE Training For Occupational Therapists In Advising On Fitness For Work (CREATE), Coole C, Radford KA, Konstantinidis S, Thomson L, Khan S, Drummond A, College of Occupational Therapists Research Priority Grant 2018, [Awarded £80,000]

Return to work after major trauma (RoWATe), NIHR Programme grant, Radford K, Kendrick D, das Nair R et al. 2018- 2024 [Awarded £2.6M]

A randomised controlled trial of job retention vocational rehabilitation for employed people with inflammatory arthritis: the WORKWELL trial. Hammond A, O'Brien R, Radford K, Sutton S, Cotterill S, O'Neill T, Culley J, Prior Y, Verstappen S, Woodbridge S, Hough H, Shields G, Holland P, Walker-Bone K, Arthritis Research UK, Ref 21761 [Awarded £734,004.91]

The Relationship between MRI Diagnosis and Psychosocial Factors in Physiotherapy Treated Chronic Non-Specific Low Back Patients. A Mixed Method Study, Saudi Spine Society. Mini-grant. Alhowimel A, Coulson N, Radford K, [Awarded 20K S.R]

RETurn to work After stroKE RETAKE (15/130/11) NIHR HTA Dr Kate Radford , Dame Professor Caroline Watkins, Ms Suzanne Hartley, Professor Rory O'Connor, Mrs Ivana Holloway, Professor Amanda Farrin, Dr Judith Stevens, Mr John Duncan Murray, Professor Christopher McKevitt, Professor Marion Fraser Walker, Professor Tracey Sach, Mrs Kate Hooban, Professor Audrey Bowen, Dr Les Stuart Smith, [Awarded £1, 854,000]

NIHR Global Health Research Group Improving Stroke Care in India [IMPROVISE] Co-applicant with Watkins 2017 [Awarded £1,900,000]

Improving and sustaining positive health of people with dementia and their carers by creating dementia-friendly societies. WEDERHOOR Memorabel. [Euro 442,061.00]

PARTICIPATEs - Peer CoAching foR parTICIPation AfTEr Stroke, Fighting Strokes (Charity) Fletcher-Smith J and Radford K [Awarded £10,000]

PATIENT PEER MENTORING PROJECT, PhD STUDENTSHIP, Nottingham Hospitals Charity, Fletcher-Smith J, Morris R and Radford K [Awarded, £10,000]

Past Research

Hermes, MRC P2D, Brain in Hand Technology - supporting independence, promoting wellbeing in people with acquired brain injury, Radford K and das Nair R [Awarded £11k]

A systematic mapping review of peer mentoring interventions for people with acquired brain Injury including stroke, UKROTF, Radford K, Co-applicant with Joanna Fletcher Smith and Richard Morris, successful (10,000)

Masterclass in Assessing of Fitness-to-drive in people with Cognitive Impairment, Radford KA, Hermes Fellowship, University of Nottingham, Awarded £7,000

Brain in Hand Technology - supporting independence, promoting wellbeing in people with acquired brain injury, Radford KA, das Nair R, Hermes Fellowship, University of Nottingham (£16,000), Brain in Hand company £21,000, University of Nottingham division of Rehabilitation and ageing and School of Medicine (£18,000) [Awarded £54,000]

Return to Work after Stroke - feasibility of five year follow-up; Phillips J, Radford KA, Naseer H, Jones T, The Elizabeth Casson Trust Postdoctoral Award 2015 College of Occupational Therapists, [Awarded £10,000]

UK Occupational Therapy Research Foundation / University of Nottingham Doctoral Research Fellowship, [£60,000 awarded] to Jain Holmes

PARTICIPATE - Peer CoAching foR parTICIPation AfTEr traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): development of a peer-led coaching intervention; Radford KA, Phillips J, Slater & Gordon Projects and Research Fund 2015 [Awarded £12,187]

Leisure and Social activities after stroke, Burton C, Radford KA, Arthur C, Morrison V, Williams S, Seddon D, Elghenzai S, Edwards M, , NISCHR Social Care Social Care Research Award 2013, [Awarded £138,622]

Return to work after stroke, Radford KA, Edmans J, Terry J, Citycare Partnership, [Awarded £17,000], 2013

Facilitating Return To Work Through Early Specialist Health-Based Interventions, Radford KA, Watkins, C, Sutton CJ, Bhakta B, Phillips J, Drummond A, Walker M, Shakespeare D, Playford D, Sach TH, Jones T, Greenwood R, Duley L, Tyerman A, Whiteley G, Holmes J, Hammond A, FRESH -, NIHR HTA Programme, [Awarded £589,545], 2013- 2016

Return to work after stroke. The Elizabeth Casson Trust Research Grant. UK Occupational Therapy Research Foundation. Applicants: Grant MI, Radford K, Walker M. [Awarded £15,000] 2010.

Mapping Vocational Rehabilitation Services (extension work). NIHR. Applicants: Playford D, Radford KA, Gibson A, Burton C, Watkins C. [Awarded £12,680] 2011.

Development of stroke-specific vocational rehabilitation (SSVR) intervention - Evidence Synthesis. NIHR CLAHRC. Applicants: Radford K, French B, Gibson A. [Awarded £10,000] 2011.

The REJOIN Study (REhabilitation for Job and Occupational INdependence): A feasibility study of a randomised controlled trial to evaluate a vocational rehabilitation intervention for people with cancer. Applicant Eva Gail, NIHR Postdoctoral Fellowship (Radford K, Nottingham PI)

Community work Rehabilitation AFTer Stroke (CRAFTS): Proposal to establish a Research and Development Group. NIHR SRN. Applicants: Watkins C, Radford K, Playford D, Bhakta B, Burton C, French B, Sutton C, Hammond A, Sach T, Williamson J, Jones T, Tyerman A, Phillips J, Dey P, Phillips M, Brain N, Melling S, Bedekar Y. [Awarded £2,910] 2011.

Work Rehabilitation in Inflammatory Arthritis. Effectiveness and cost effectiveness of an occupational therapy (OT) job retention intervention: a randomised controlled trial. Arthritis Research UK. Applicants: Hammond A, Radford K, et al. [Awarded £262,732] 2010.

Vocational Rehabilitation Pilot sites: realistic and cost evaluation. Macmillan (UK). Applicants: Playford D, Radford KA, Sach T, Eva G, Burton C. [Awarded £132,869] 2010.

Stroke Rehabilitation Applied Research Theme. NIHR Collaborations for Leadership In Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRC). Applicants: Walker M, Radford K. [Awarded £240,000] Total grant £17,000,000. 2008.

B&NES Stroke Rehabilitation Service Review. NHS Bath and North East Somerset. Applicants: Watkins C, Leathley M, Radford K, Connell L. [Income: £4,921] 2011.

Consultancy support for NHS Central Lancashire. NHS Central Lancashire. Consultant: Radford K. [Income £12,212] 2010.

Full-time PhD studentship grant: An investigation into the psychological factors relevant to engagement in Vocational Rehabilitation, and achieving return to work following stroke. University of Central Lancashire. Student: Wathan J; Supervisors: Lightbody CE, Watkins C, Radford K. [Awarded £60,000] 2009. Student withdrawn after Year 1.

Mapping Vocational Rehabilitation Services for People with Long Term Neurological Conditions. NIHR Research Initiative for Long Term Neurological Conditions. Applicants: Playford D, Radford KA, Cano S, Burton C, Phillips J, Sweetland J, Watkins C. [Awarded £191,690] 2008.

Sources of social support after stroke: Informing the development of a locality-based integrated commissioning framework for stroke. North Wales Grants Committee. Applicants: Burton C, Elgenzhai S, Owen R, Beechey A, Siebermann L, Lambert S,Bayer T, Radford K. [Awarded: £10,000] 2008.

Return to work following traumatic brain injury: Case control study and economic analysis. The College of Occupational Therapists. Applicants: Radford KA, Phillips JL, Drummond A, Walker MF, Haboubi N. [Awarded £76,896] 2007.

UK Stroke Survivor Needs Survey - Information Mapping Exercise. Stroke Association. Applicants: Watkins C, Burton C, Dey P, French B, Leathley M, Langhorne P, Loharuka S, Price C, Radford K, Rodgers H, Sackley C, Sharma A, Sutton C, Walker M. [Awarded £22,861] 2007.

The organisation and delivery of therapy services in Bro Morgannwg NHS Trust. Bro Morgannwg NHS Trust. Applicants: Watkins C, Radford K, Burton C. [Awarded £10,000] 2007.

Specialist rehabilitation for neurological conditions: literature review and mapping study. SDO. Applicants: Gladman J, Radford KA, Walker M, Standen P, Drummond A, Ward CD, Sackley, CM, Phillips M, Pinnington L, Lincoln NB, Sach T, Parr R, Hoffman J, Bearer D. [Awarded £97, 000] 2006.

Assessing Fitness to drive in people with dementia. The Alzheimer's Society. Applicants: Lincoln NB, Bowman W, Radford KA, Reay A. [Awarded £53,000] 2005.

The assessment of fitness to drive in people with dementia. Remedi. Applicants: Lincoln NB, Radford KA, Waite J. [Awarded £4,000] 2004.

Evaluation of education in the secondary prevention of foot ulceration in elderly people with diabetes. Diabetes UK. Applicants: Jeffcoate W, Game FL, Lincoln NB, Radford KA. [Awarded £73,000]. 2003.

Stroke Association Research Bursary. Stroke Association. Applicants: Gladman J, Bath P, Lincoln NB, Drummond A, Sunderland A, Dewey M, Radford KA. [Awarded £40,000] 2002.

Community Occupational Therapy for older people with mental health problems - the evaluation of the Daisy Chain service. The College of Occupational Therapists. Applicants: Radford K, Gladman JRF, Walker M, Drummond A, Logan P, Jones R, Ward CD. [Awarded £44,184] 2002

Stroke Association Research Bursary. Stroke Association. Applicants: Lincoln NB, Sunderland A, Bath P, Dewey M, Drummond AE, Gladman J, Radford KA, Ward CD. [Awarded £40,000] 2001.

Effects of Multiple Sclerosis on Driving. Department of the Environment. Transport and the Regions (DETR). Applicants: Radford KA, Lincoln NB. [Awarded £19, 270] 1999.

Validation of the 'Gold Standard' of Driving Ability. Remedi. Applicants: Radford KA, Lincoln NB. [Awarded £976 for 2 days] 1998.

Validation of the Stroke Drivers Screening Assessment for People with Parkinson's disease. Parkinson's Disease Society. Applicants: Lincoln NB, Lenox GG, Radford KA. [Awarded £22,000] 1997.

School of Medicine

University of Nottingham
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