School of Medicine
Medical tablets, capsules and caplets flying out of a bottle against a light blue background


Rachael Murray

Professor of Population Health, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences


  • workRoom B45 Clinical Sciences Building
    Nottingham City Hospital
    Hucknall Road
    NG5 1PB
  • work0115 823 1389
  • fax0115 823 1337


Professor Rachael Murray achieved a 1st class honours degree in Sport and Exercise Science from the University of Wales Institute, Cardiff. She then went on to complete her Master's in Exercise Physiology from Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana USA.

She joined the University of Nottingham in March 2004 as a Research Associate, completed her PhD fellowship funded by Cancer Research UK in June 2009, and was appointed as a lecturer in Health Policy & Promotion from August 2009. She since achieved a Masters degree in Health Care Policy and Management and was promoted to Associate Professor of Health Policy in August 2016 and Professor of Population Health in August 2020.

Expertise Summary


Tobacco control policy, health inequalities and disadvantage

Teaching Summary

Prof Murray jointly convenes and teaches on the specialist Masters-level tobacco control module administered by the UK Centre for Tobacco Control Studies 'Tobacco Control Interventions', and the… read more

Research Summary

Rachael Murray's current areas of general research interest are smoking and disadvantage, as well as tobacco control policy development. Current research projects include:

  • Chief Investigator on a research project funded by Yorkshire Cancer Research investigating the effectiveness of an enhanced personalised stop smoking intervention delivered to smokers attending for a lung health check in Leeds (the "YESS" study).
  • Workpackage lead for a Horizon 2020 European Union research grant around lung cancer screening, with particular focus on effective recruitment strategies into screening programmes, led by Harry de Koning.
  • Smoking cessation expert on the PREHABS study around prehabilitation for patients undergoing radiotherapy for lung cancer led by Kevin Franks and Carole Burnett


  1. Davies NP, Callister ME, Copeland H, Griffiths S, Holtam L, Lambert P, Mathur J, Thorley R, Murray RL. (2022). Opportunisitc, non-governmental delivery of a virtual stop smoking service in England during the Covid-19 lockdown. International Journal of Environmental Research in Public Health. 23;19(13):7722. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19137722
  2. Ekezie W, Siebert P, Timmons S, Murray RL, Bains M. (2022). Exploring the influence of health management processes on health outcomes among internally displaced persons (IDPs). Journal of Migrant Health, 22;6:100124. doi: 10.1016/j.jmh.202100124.
  3. Crosbie PAJ, Gabe R, Simmonds I, Hancock N, Alexandris P, Kennedy M, Rogerson S, Badlwin D, Booton R, Bradley C, Darby M, Eckert C, Franks K, Lindon J, Janes SM, Møller H, Murray RL, Neal RD, Quaife SL, Upperton S, Shinkins B, Tharmanthan P, Callister MEJ. (2022). Participation in community-based lung cancer screening: the Yorkshire Lung Screening Trial. European Respiratory Journal, 1:220048 doi: 10.1183/13993003.00483-2002.
  4. Barker AB, Parkin M, Sinha S, Wilson E, Murray RL. (2022). A content analysis of 'junk food' content in children's TV programmes: a comparioson of UK broadcast TV and video-on-demand services. Journal of Public Health. 23:fdac067. doi: 10.1093/pubmed/fdac067.
  5. Agrawal S, Mangera Z, Murray RL, Howle F, Evison M. (2022). Successes and challenges of implementing tobacco dependency treatment in health care institutions in England. Current Oncology, 20;29(5): 3738-3747. doi:10.3390/curroncol29050299.
  6. Alfayad K, Murray RL, Britton J, Barker AB. (2022). Population exposure to alcohol and junk food advertising during the 2018 FIFA world cup: implications for public health. BMC Public Health. 6;22(1):908. doi:10.1186/s12889-022-13233-
  7. Groves S, McCutchan G, Quaife SL, Murray RL, Ostroff JS, Brain K, Crosbie PAJ, York J, Baldwin D, Field JK, McWilliams L. (2022). Attitudes towards the integration of smoking cessation into lung cancer screening in the United Kingdom: A qualitative study of individuals eligible to attend. Health Expectations May 5. doi: 10.1111/hex.13513.
  8. Barker AB, Bal J, Ruff L, Murray RL. (2022). Exposure to tobacco, alcohol and 'junk food' content in reality TV programmes broadcast in the UK between August 2019-2022. Journal of Public Health. 5:fdac046. doi: 10.1093/pubmed/fdac046.
  9. Hassanein ZM, Barker AB, Murray RL, Britton J, Agrawal S, Leonardi-Bee J. (2022). Impact of smoking and vaping in filmas on smoking and vaping uptake in adolescents: systematic review and meta-analysis. Health Education Behaviour, 3:10901981221086944. doi: 10.1177/10901981221086944.
  10. Murray RL, Zhang YQ, Ross S, O'Brien KK, Zhu M, Leone FT, Pavalagantharajah S, Lopes S, Fulone I, Kantrow WS, Zhang Y. (2022). Extended duration of Tobacco Dependence: A systematic Review. Annals of the American Thoracic Society, doi: 1513/AnnalsATS.202110-114OC.
  11. Tamire M, Barker A, Getachew S, Murray RL, Amedala R, Britton J, Deressa W, Fogarty AW. (2022). The high frequency of alcohol advertising during televised English Premier Lague football games shown in Ethiopia. Harm Reduction Journal. 19(1):11 doi: 10.1186/s12954-022-00591-


  1. Morgan H, Ellis L, O'Dowd EL, Murray RL, Hubbard R, Baldwin DR. (2021). What is the definition of Cure in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer? Oncology and Therapy. 9(2), 365-37 Doi: 10.1007/s40487-021-00163-3
  2. Fatemi M, Murray R, Langley T. (2021). Public acceptance of obesity prevention policies in the UK. Journal of Cancer Policy, 27: 100256. doi: 10.1016.j.jcpo.2020.100256
  3. Barker AB, Bal J, Murray RL. (2021). Response to Houghton's Letter: 'Minimising Assessments of Alcohol Advertising ih the Six Nations Rugby Championship'. Alcohol and Alcoholism. 30; 56(5): 623-624
  4. Barker AB, Bal J, Murray RL. (2021). A content analysis and population exposure estimate of Guiness branded alcohol marketing during the 2019 Guinness Six Nations. Alcohol and Alcoholism. 30; 56(5): 617-620Doi: 10.1093/alcalc/agab039.
  5. Latif A, Murray RL, Waters C, Leonardi-Bee J. (2021). Understanding willingness to access and experiences of NHS Stop Smoking Services: a qualitative systematic review with meta-aggregation synthesis. Public Health. 194:216-222. Doi: 10.1016/j.puhe.2021.03.003
  6. Smith P, Daniel R, Murray RL, Moore G, Nelson A, Brian K. (2021). Psychosocial determinants of quit motivation in older smokers form deprived backgrounds: a cross-sectional survey. BMJ Open. 5;11(5):e044815. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-044815
  7. Horton M, Perman-Howe PR, Angus C, Bishop J, Bogdanovica I, Brennan A, Britton J, Brose LS, Brown J, Collin J, Dockrell M, Fitzgerald N, Friel S, Gillespie D, Gilmore AB, Hill SE, Knai C, Langley T, Martin S, McNeill A, Moore G, Munafò MR, Murray RL, Opazo Breton M, Pearce J, Petticrew M, Reid G, Robson D, Rutter H, Shahab L, Shortt N, Smith K, Syrett K, Bauld L. (2021). The SPECTRUM Consortium: a new UK Prevention Research Partnership consortium focussed on the commercial determinants of health, the prevention of non-communicable diseases, and the reduction of health inequalities. Wellcome Open Research. 14;6:6. doi: 10.12688/wellcomeopenres.16318.1
  8. Alfayad K, Murray RL, Britton J, Barker AB. (2021). Content analysis of Netflix and Amazon Prime instant Video original films in the UK for alcohol, tobacco and junk food imagery. Journal of Public Health 2: fdab022. doi: 10.1093/pubmed/fdab022


  1. Taylor A, Thompson TP, Ussher M, Aveyard P, Murray RL, Harris T, Creanor S, Green C, Streeter AJ, Chynoweth J, Ingram W, Greaves CJ, Hancocks H, Snowsill T, Callaghan L, Price L, Horrell J, King J, Gude A, George M, Wahlich C, Hamilton L, Cheema K, Campbell S Preece D. (2020). Randomised controlled trial of tailored support to increase physical activity and reduce smoking in smokers not immediately ready to quit: protocol for the Trial of physical Activity-assisted Reduction of Smoking (TARS) Study. BMJ Open. 10(12):e04333 doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-04331
  2. Ekezie W, Murray RL, Agrawal S, Bogdanovica I, Britton J, Leonardi-Bee J. (2020). Quality of smoking cessation advice in guidelines of tobacco-related diseases: An updated systematic review. Clin Med (Lond). 20(6): 551-559. doi: 10.7861/clinmed.2020-0359
  3. Murray RL, Brain K, Britton J, Quinn-Scoggins H, Lewis SA, McCutchan G, Quaife SL, Wu Q, Ashurst A, Baldwin DR, Crosbie PAJ, Neal RD, Parrott S, Rogerson S, Thorley R, Callister MEJ. (2020). The Yorkshire Enhanced Stop Smoking study (YESS): a protocol for a randomised controlled trial to evaluate the effect of adding a personalised smoking cessation intervention to a lung cancer screening programme. BMJ Open. 10:e037086. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-037086
  4. Crosbie PAJ, Gabe R, Simmonds I, Kennedy M, Rogerson S, Ahmed N, Baldwin D, Booton R, Cochrane A, Darby M, Franks K, Hinde S, Janes SM, MacLeod U, Messenger M, Møller H, Murray RL, Neal RD, Quaife SL, Scilpher M, Tharmanathan P, Torgerson D, Callister MEJ. (2020). The Yorkshire Lung Screening Trial (YLST): protocol for a randomised controlled trial to evaluate invitation to community-based low dose computed tomography screening for lung cancer versus usual care in a targeted population at risk. BMJ Open, 10(9) doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-037075
  5. Hassanein Z, Langley T, Murray RL, Bogdanovica I, Leonardi-Bee J. Experiences and views of women, children and professionals regarding second-hand smoke exposure prevention in Middle Eastern countries: a qualitative systematic review protocol. JBI Evidence Synthesis, Aug 29. doi: 10.11124/JBISRIR-D-19-00248
  6. Ekezie W, Myles P, Murray RL, Bains M, Timmons S, Pritchard C. Self-reported diseases and their associated risk factors among camp-dwelling conflict-affected internally displaced populations in Nigeria. Journal of Public Health, Aug 10:fdaa114. doi: 10.1093/pubmed/fdaa114
  7. Barker A, Opazo-Breton M, Thomson E, Britton J, Grant-Braham B, Murray RL. Quantifying alcohol audio-visual content in UK broadcasts of the 2018 Formula 1 Chanpionship: a content anlaysis and population exposure. BMJ Open, Aug 7;10(8):e037035. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-037035
  8. Leone FT, Zhang Y, Evers-Casey S, Evins AE, Eakin MN, Fathi J, Fennig K, Folan P, Galiatsatos P, Gogineni H, Kantrow S, Kathuria H, Lamphere T, Neptune E, Pacheco MC, Pakhale S, Prezant D, Sachs DPL, Toll B, Upson D, Xiao D, Cruz-Lopes L, Fulone I, Murray RL, O'Brien KK, Pavalagantharajah S, Ross S, Zhang Y, Zhu M, Farber HJ. Initiating pharmacologic treatment in tobacco-dependent adults. An official American Thoracic Society clinical practice guideline. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. Jul 15;202(2):e5-e31. doi: 10.1164/rccm.202005-1982ST
  9. Hunter A, Yargawa J, Notley C, Ussher M, Bobak A, Murray RL, Nath S, Cooper S.Healthcare professionals' brliefs, attitudes, knowledge and behaviour around vaping in pregnancy and postpartum: A qualitative study. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, Jul 5:ntaa126. doi: 10.1093/ntr/ntaa126
  10. Barker AB, Britton J, Thomson E, Murray RL. Tobacco and alcohol content in soap operas broadcast on UK television: a content analysis and population exposure. Journal of Public Health, Jul 1: fdaa091. doi: 10.1093/pubmed/fdaa091
  11. Veronesi G, Baldwin DR, Henschke CI, Ghislandi S, Iavicoli S, Oudkerk M, De Koning HJ, Shemesh J, Field JK, Zulueta JJ, Horgan D, Fiestas Navarrete L, Valentino Infante M, Novellis P, Murray RL, Peled N, Rampinelli C, Rocco G, Rzyman W, Scagliotti GV, Tammemagi MC, Bertolaccini L, Triphuridet N, Yip R, Rossi A, Senan S, Ferrante G, Brain K, van der Aalst C, Bonomo L, Consonni D, Van Meerbeeck JP, Maisonneuve P, Novello S, Devaraj A, Saghir Z, Pelosi G. Recommendations for implementing lung cancer screening with Low-Dose Computed Tomography in Europe. Cancers, Jun 24; 12(6): 1672
  12. Ekezie W, Adaji EE, Murray RL. (2020). Essential Healthcare Services Provided to Conflict-Affected Internally Displaced Populations in Low and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review. Health Promot Perspect, Jan 28,10(1): 24-37. doi: 10.15171/hpp.2020.06
  13. Shelley DR, Kyriakos C, McNeill A, Murray R, Nilan K, Sherman SE, Raw M. (2020). Challenges to implementing the WHO Frameowrk Convention on Tobacco Control guidelines on tobacco cessation treatment: a qualitative analysis. Addiction, Mar; 115(3): 527-533 doi: 10.1111/add.14863

Prof Murray jointly convenes and teaches on the specialist Masters-level tobacco control module administered by the UK Centre for Tobacco Control Studies 'Tobacco Control Interventions', and the Dissertation' module. She also jointly convenes and teaches on the 'Health Care Systems and Management module in conjunction with the Business School at the University of Nottingham.

Past Research

Rachael Murray's current areas of general research interest are smoking and disadvantage, as well as tobacco control policy development. Recent research projects include:

  • Delivery of systematic smoking cessation support in secondary care
  • Provision of smoking cessation support for smokers recently discharged from hospital
  • The use of physical activity for smoking reduction in smokers who do not currently want to quit
  • Assessment of tobacco dependence treatment internationally
  • Evaluation of a nationally disseminated self-help intervention for smoking cessation
  • Developing and assessing a mobile, community based smoking cessation service, for disadvantaged smokers

School of Medicine

University of Nottingham
Medical School
Nottingham, NG7 2UH

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