I am an enthusiastic teacher with a record of leadership of both undergraduate and post-graduate education. My teaching was recognised nationally by the award of the British Society of Neuroradiologists (BSNR) du Boulay Professorship (2014-2016), giving me the opportunity to lecture at training centres across the UK.
My current teaching and training roles are:
- Deputy Director of the Clinical Academic Training Programme in Nottingham, with responsibility for NIHR Academic Clinical Lecturers and Academic Foundation Trainees
- Small grouop tutorials in Radiology for Undergraduate Medical Students - recieving average student feedback of 24.67 out of 25 which is in the top 3% of School of Medicine staff eligible to return results
- External examiner for the MSc Neuroimaging for Research, University of Edinburgh (May 2017 to present)
My previous teaching and training roles include:
- 2013 - 2018: Module convenor for the Special Study Modules (SSMs). I oversaw 115 different Special Study Modules delivered at multiple sites during the clinical phase 2 (CP2) of the medical course, and am a member of the CP2 management Committee.
- 2009 - 2017: Faculty member of the MSc in Translational Neuroimaging, and module convenor for the Clinical Neuroimaging (30 credits) and Researh Skills (10 credits) module
- 2011 - 2016: BSNR Training and Education Subcommittee
- 2010 - 2016: Educational Supervisor for Clinical Neuroradiology training in Nottingham
Current Research
I am an academic and clinical neuroradiologist based in the Division of Clinical Neurosciece at the University of Nottingham, and affiliated to the Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre, the NIHR Nottingham Biomedical Research Centre and the Beacon of Excellence in Imaging for Precision Medicine.
My research interest is the application of neuroimaging techniques to characterise pathophysiological mechanisms in neurological diseases. My current active research includes:
- Imaging in multicentre stroke trials (Imaging lead for NIHR-funded TICH-2, TARDIS and DASH trials)
- MRI to provide markers of disease status in multiple sclerosis
- Mechanistic imaging of neural effects of excercise interventions in people with dementia (NIHR-funded PrAISED-2 trial)
- Imaging biomarkersto predict biology and outcomes in childhood brain tumours
- Quantitative imaging to of neurodegeneration in Ataxia Telangiectasia
Since appointment in 2009 I have been applicant on over £7.8M of awarded research grants.
Current post-doctoral researchers: Dr Caroline Blanchard, Dr Dewen Meng, Dr Stefan Pszczolkowski
Previous post-doctoral researchers: Dr Felix Raschke, Dr Tom Welton
Current post-graduate research students: Rupinder Bajwa (PhD 2019-2022), Azlinawati Ali (PhD 2015-2018), Chiara Papini (PhD 2015-2018)
Previous post-graduate research students: Bethany Higgins (MRes 2016-2017) Tom Welton (PhD 2013-2016), Olha Hodgson (PhD 2013-2016), Hamza Alshuft (PhD 2010-2014), Richard Simpson (PhD p/t 2010-2016), Afaf El-Sarraj (PhD 2012-2016), Dewen Meng (PhD 2012-2016), Daniel Kent (MRes 2013-2014)
Previous MSc students supervised: Alexander Zervos, Jyothika Kumar, Kurdistan Abdullah, Nazdar Al-Barwari, Olha Hodgson, Rasha Abdel-Fahim, Katherine Landon, Tom Chambers, Savvas Evripides, Wejdan Arif, Selene Rowe
Previous BMedSci students supervised: Anis Fozi, Madihah Kassim, Katerina Kyprianou, Daniel Kent, Sofia Szeszak, Emilia Padget, Nantheesh Kiruparam, Lorna Hack, Faiza Ansar Kamal