Professor of Neonatal Medicine
Deputy-director of the Clinical Academic Training Programme (responsible for the NIHR Academic Clinical Fellow programme)
Honoaray Consultant Neonatologist, University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Trust
Children's Lead (North), NIHR Clinical Research Network (East Midlands)
Academic Training Programme Director for Paediatrics (East Midlands)
Expertise Summary
Expertise in neonatal nutrition, enteral feeding, necrotising enterocolitis, growth, and early life development
Clinical trials and large database studies exploring interventions to improve outcomes in babies born preterm or sick
Research Summary
Chief Investigator projects:
- Fluids Exclusively Enteral from Day 1 (FEED1) : An RCT of full milk feeds versus intravenous nutrition with gradual feeding for preterm infants (30-33 weeks gestational age). £2.06 million NIHR HTA grant
- EMNODN-NEC study: an evaluation of the East Midlands NEC care bundle exploring the implementation of evidence based practice to reduce the risk of NEC in preterm babies in the East Midlands (funded by the NIHR RfPB programme, £242,000)
- Optimising nutrition to save lives of "Born too soon": newborn care in Kenya and India. £249849 UoN GCRF grant
- Childhood cancer diagnosis: quantifying national diagnostic intervals and developing professional and public decision support tools for earlier diagnosis. NIHR DRF for Dr Dhurgsharna Shanmugavadivel
Co-investigator projects:
- Natural History of Ataxia Telangiectasia.
- The clinical and cost effectiveness of screening for Group B Streptococcus (GBS) in pregnancy. £2.8 million NIHR HTA grant
- Maternal Intrapartum Glycaemic Control. £222665 NIHR HTA grant
- The feasibility and acceptability of an early warning score system for preterm and low-birth weight infants in Kenya. MR/T039027/1 £90,000 MRC grant
Other research:
Use of large clinical database in research - the National Neonatal Reserach Database
- pharmacoepidemiological research of use of medicine in neonatal units in the UK
- management of gastro-oesophageal reflux in neonatal units in the UK
- use of High flow nasal cannula oxygen in preterm infants in the UK
Past Research
Saving lives "born too soon": a mixed methods study of essential newborn care: Funded by UoN GCRF grants
Women's empowerment and child health: exploring the impact of Microfinance. MRC-AHRC collaborative funding.
Rojiroti microfinance and child nutrition: a cluster randomised trial.Funded by the MRC.