BLAKE, H, HASSARD, J, DULAL-ARTHUR, T, WISHART, M, ROPER, S, BOURKE, J, BELT, V, BARTLE, C, LEKA, S, PAHL, N and THOMSON, L, 2024. Typology of employers offering line manager training for mental health. Occupational Medicine. 74(3), 242-250 WISHART, M, ROPER, S, BELT, V, BOURKE, J, HASSARD, J, BLAKE, H, THOMSON, L, BARTLE, C and LEKA, S, 2024. More absence, but less impact on business performance.What can we learn from Swedish approaches to managing workplace mental health? ERC Research Report. HASSARD, J, DULAL-ARTHUR, T, BOURKE, J, WISHART, M, ROPER, S, BELT, V, LEKA, S, PAHL, N, BARTLE, C, THOMSON, L and BLAKE, H, 2024. The Relationship between Line Manager Training in Mental Health and Organisational Outcomes. PLoS ONE. 19(7), e0306065 IDRA, I., GIGA, S., HARDY, C. and LEKA, S., 2024. What is safety leadership?: A systematic review of definitions Journal of Safety Research. 90, 181-191 DULAL-ARTHUR, T., HASSARD, J., BOURKE, J., ROPER, S., WISHART, M., BELT, V., BARTLE, C., LEKA, S., PAHL, N., THOMSON, L and BLAKE, H., 2024. Line manager training and organizational approaches to supporting well-being Occupational Medicine. kqae051 (In Press.)
LEKA, S. and JAIN, A., 2024. In: COOPER, C., BROUGH, P. and ANDERSON, V.L., eds., The role of policy for the promotion of a healthy psychosocial work environment Elgar Publishing. 169–171
TORRES, L., RIPA, D., JAIN, A., HERRERO, J. and LEKA, S., 2023. The potential of responsible business to promote sustainable work - An analysis of CSR/ESG instruments Safety Science. 164, 106151 MATHISEN, G.E., TJORA, T., BERGH, L.I.V., JAIN, A. and LEKA, S., 2023. The differential impact of organizational restructuring and downsizing on the psychosocial work environment and safety climate in the petroleum industry Safety Science. 166, 106255 LEKA, S., TORRES, L., JAIN, A., DI TECCO, C., RUSSO, S. and IAVICOLI, S., 2023. Relationship between occupational safety and health policy principles, organizational action on work-related stress and the psychosocial work environment in Italy Safety and Health at Work. 14(4), 425-430 JAIN, A., TORRES, L.D., TEOH, K. and LEKA, S., 2022. The impact of national legislation on psychosocial risks on organisational action plans, psychosocial working conditions, and employee work-related stress in Europe. Social Science & Medicine. 302, 114987 (In Press.)
POTTER, R., JAMIESON, S., JAIN, A., LEKA, S., DOLLARD, M. and O'KEEFFE, V., 2022. Evaluation of national work-related psychosocial risk management policies: An international review of the literature Safety Science. 154, 105854 (In Press.)
SCHULTE, P.A., IAVICOLI, I., FONTANA, L., LEKA, S., DOLLARD, M.F., SALMEN-NAVARRO, A., SALLES, F.J., OLYMPIO, K.P.K., LUCCHINI, R., FINGERHUT, M. and ET AL., 2022. Occupational safety and health staging framework for decent work. International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health. 19, 10842 RUSSO, S., RONCHETTI, M., DI TECCO, C., VALENTI, A., JAIN, A., SAVERIO MENNINI, F., LEKA, S. and IAVICOLI, S., 2021. Developing a cost-estimation model for work–related stress: An absence-based estimation using data from two Italian case studies. Scandinavian Journal of Work Environment and Health. 47(4), 318-327 LEKA, S. and JAIN, A., 2021. Managing health, safety and wellbeing at work within changing legal and policy frameworks. In: BROUGH, P., GARDINER, E. and DANIELS, K., eds., Handbook on management and employment practices Springer. (In Press.)
JAIN, A., HASSARD, J., LEKA, S., DI TECCO, C. and IAVICOLI, S., 2021. The role of occupational health services in psychosocial risk management and the promotion of mental health and well-being at work. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 3632 NAJI, G.M.A., ISHA, A.S.N., MOHYALDINN, M.E., LEKA, S., SALEEM, M.S., ABD RAHMAN, S.M.N.B.S. and ALZORAIKI, M., 2021. Impact of Safety Culture on Safety Performance; Mediating Role of Psychosocial Hazards: An Integrated Modelling Approach. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18(16), 8568 BRETONES, F.D., JAIN, A., LEKA, S. and GARCIA-LOPEZ, P.A., 2020. Psychosocial working conditions and wellbeing of migrant workers in Spain. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17, 2547 HOUTMAN, I., VAN ZWIETEN, M., LEKA, S., JAIN, A. and DE VROOME, E., 2020. Social dialogue and psychosocial risk management:: Added value of manager and employee representative agreement in risk perception and awareness. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17, 3672 RODRIGUES, M.A., SÁ, A., OLIVEIRA, A., MASI, D., BOUSTRAS, G., LEKA, S. and GULDENMUND, F., 2020. Occupational health and safety management practices in micro- and small-sized enterprises: The case of the Portuguese waste management sector Safety Science. 129, 104794 LEKA, S. and JAIN, A., 2020. Surveillance, monitoring and evaluation: Regulatory and voluntary approaches on health, safety and well-being. In: BÜLTMANN, U. and SIEGRIST, J., eds., Handbook of Disability, Work and Health Springer. 273-288
POTTER, R.E., O’KEEFFE, V., LEKA, S., DOLLARD, M.F. and WEBBER, M., 2019. Analytical review of the Australian policy context for work-related psychological health and psychosocial risks. Safety Science. 111, 37-48 LEKA, S. and NICHOLSON, P.J., 2019. Mental health in the workplace. Editorial. Occupational Medicine. 69(1), 5-6 POTTER, R.E., O’KEEFFE, V., LEKA, S. and DOLLARD, M.F., 2019. Australian Work Health and Safety Policy for the Regulation of Psychosocial Risks:: Perspectives from Key Informants Policy and Practice in Health and Safety. 17(2), 112-132 SOTERIADES, E.S., PSALTA, L., LEKA, S. and SPANOUDIS, G., 2019. Occupational stress and musculoskeletal symptoms in firefighters International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health. 32(3), 341 – 352 LEKA, S., 2019. Legislation and practical management of psychosocial risks at work: A critical evaluation of the EU policy context.
JAIN, A. and LEKA, S., 2019. Occupation and health. In: C. LLEWELLYN, S. AYERS, C. MCMANUS, S. NEWMAN, K. PETRIE and T. REVENSON, eds., Cambridge Handbook of Psychology, Health and Medicine 2nd. Cambridge University Press. 28-31
MADRID, H.P., DIAZ, M., LEKA, S., LEIVA, P.I. and BARROS, E.A, 2018. A finer-grained approach to psychological capital and positive work behaviour Journal of Business and Psychology. 33(4), 461–477. DEDIU, V., LEKA, S. and JAIN, A., 2018. Job demands, job resources and innovative work behaviour: A European Union Study. European Journal of Work & Organizational Psychology. 27(3), 310-323 LEKA, S., JAIN, A. and LEROUGE, L., 2017. Work-related psychosocial risks: Key definitions and an overview of the policy context in Europe.. In: LEROUGE, L., ed., Psychosocial Risks in Labour and Social Security Law Springer.
JAIN, A., DEDIU, V., ZWETSLOOT, G. and LEKA, S., 2017. Workplace innovation and wellbeing at work: A future research agenda.. In: OEIJ, P., RUS, D. and POT, F., eds., Workplace Innovation: Theory, research and practice. Springer.
ZWETSLOOT, G., LEKA, S. and KINES, P., 2017. Vision Zero: From accident prevention to the promotion of health safety and wellbeing at work Policy and Practice in Health and Safety. 15(1), 1-13 POTTER, R.E., O’KEEFFE, V., BAILEY, T., DOLLARD, M.F. and LEKA, S., 2017. Assessing a national work health and safety policy intervention using the psychosocial safety climate framework. Safety Science. 100(1), 91-102 DI TECCO, C., JAIN, A., VALENTI, A., IAVICOLI, S. and LEKA, S., 2017. An evaluation of the impact of a policy-level intervention to address psychosocial risks on organisational action in Italy Safety Science. 100(1), 103-109 LEKA, S., JAIN, A., ZWETSLOOT, G., ANDREOU, N. and HOLLIS, D., 2016. The changing landscape of occupational health and safety policy in the UK: Key developments and implications for stakeholders.. In: DINGWALL, R. and FROST, S., eds., Health and Safety in a Changing World Taylor and Francis.
LEKA, S., JAIN, A., ZWETSLOOT, G., ANDREOU, N. and HOLLIS, D., 2016. Future challenges of occupational health and safety policy making in the UK Policy and Practice in Health and Safety. 1-17 LEKA, S. and JAIN, A., 2016. International policy and practice initiatives to tackle psychosocial risks and promote mental health in the workplace: Is there a good balance in policy and practice?. In: SHIMAZU, A., NORDIN, R.B., DOLLARD, M. and OAKMAN, J., eds., Psychosocial Factors at Work in the Asia Pacific: From theory to practice 2. Springer.
LEKA, S. and DE ALWIS, S., 2016. Work, life and personality: The relationship between the Big Five personality traits and work-life conflict South Asian Journal of Management. 23(4), 31-53
LEKA, S., VAN WASSENHOVE, W. and JAIN, A., 2015. Is psychosocial risk prevention possible?: Deconstructing common presumptions Safety Science. 71(1), 61-67 LEKA, S. and JAIN, A., 2015. Work-related stress: Identifying global actions and future needs ILO.
LEKA, S. and SINCLAIR, R., eds., 2014. Contemporary Occupational Health Psychology: Global perspectives on research and practice Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
IAVICOLI, S., LEKA, S., JAIN, A., PERSECHINO, B., RONDINONE, B.M. and RONCHETTI, M., 2014. Hard and soft law approaches to addressing psychosocial risks in Europe: Lessons learned in the development of the Italian approach Journal of Risk Research. 17(7), 855-869 AMPONSAH-TAWIAH, K., LEKA, S., JAIN, A., HOLLIS, D. and COX, T., 2014. The impact of physical and psychosocial risks on employee well-being and quality of life: The case of the mining industry in Ghana Safety Science. 65, 28-35 LEKA, S., JAIN, A., HOUTMAN, I., MCDAID, D., PARK, A-L., DE BROECK, V. and WYNNE, R., 2014. Evaluation of policy and practice to promote mental health in the workplace in Europe European Commission Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion.
WYNNE, R., DE BROECK, V., VANDENBROEK, K., LEKA, S., JAIN, A., HOUTMAN, I., MCDAID, D. and PARK, A-L., 2014. Promoting mental health in the workplace: Guidance to implementing a comprehensive approach
LEKA, S. and JAIN, A., 2013. Policy Approaches to Occupational and Organizational Health. In: BAUER, G. and HÄMMIG, O., eds., Bridging Occupational, Organizational and Public Health Dordrecht:Springer.
TANG, J.J., LEKA, S. and MCLENNAN, S., 2013. The psychosocial work environment and mental health of teachers: A comparative study between the United Kingdom and Hong Kong International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health. 86(6), 657-666 AMPONSAH-TAWIAH, K., JAIN, A., LEKA, S., HOLLIS, D. and COX, T., 2013. Examining psychosocial and physical hazards in the Ghanaian mining industry and their implications for employees' safety experience Journal of Safety Research. 45, 75-84 HASSARD, J., LEKA, S., JAIN, A. and COX, T., 2013. Healthy organisations: Definitions, models, empirical evidence Occupational Health & Safety Wikipedia, European Agency for Safety & Health at Work. Available at: <> HOUDMONT, J., LEKA, S. and SINCLAIR, R., eds., 2012. Contemporary Occupational Health Psychology: Global perspectives on research and practice Wiley-Blackwell.
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SIEGRIST, J., ROSSKAM, E. and LEKA, S., 2012. Review of Social Determinants of Health and the Health Divide in the WHO-European Region: Employment and Working Conditions including Occupation, Unemployment and Migrant Workers Geneva:WHO.
LEKA, S. and ANDREOU, N.J.A., 2012. Improving occupational safety and health through policy initiatives. In: JAIN, A., PUPLAMPU, B.B., AMPONSAH-TAWIAH, K. and ANDREOU, N.J.A., eds., Occupational Safety and Health and Corporate Social Responsibility in Africa: Repositioning Corporate Social Responsibility towards National Development Cranfield Press.
ANDREOU, N.J.A. and LEKA, S., 2012. The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Improving Occupational Safety and Health – Evidence from the field.. In: JAIN, A., PUPLAMPU, B.B., AMPONSAH-TAWIAH, K. and ANDREOU, N.J.A., eds., Occupational Safety and Health and Corporate Social Responsibility in Africa: Repositioning Corporate Social Responsibility towards National Development Cranfield Press.
LEKA, S, JAIN, A, COX, T and & KORTUM, E., 2011. The development of the European framework for psychosocial risk management: PRIMA-EF Journal of Occupational Health. 53, 137-143 LEKA, S and & JAIN, A., 2011. PAS1010: Guidance on the management of psychosocial risks in the workplace British Standards Institution.
IAVICOLI, S., NATALI, E., DEITINGER, P., RONDINONE, B.M., ERTEL, M., JAIN, A. and LEKA, S., 2011. Occupational health and safety policy and psychosocial risks in Europe: the role of stakeholders' perceptions Health Policy. 101(1), 87-94 LEKA, S., JAIN, A., IAVICOLI, S., VARTIA, M. and ERTEL, M., 2011. The role of policy for the management of psychosocial risks at the workplace in the European Union Safety Science. 49(4), 558-564 LEKA, S., JAIN, A., WIDERSZAL-BAZYL, M., ŻOŁNIERCZYK-ZREDA, D. and ZWETSLOOT, G., 2011. Developing a standard for psychosocial risk management: PAS1010 Safety Science. 49(7), 1047-1057 JAIN, A., LEKA, S. and ZWETSLOOT, G., 2011. Corporate social responsibility and psychosocial risk management in Europe Journal of Business Ethics. 101(4), 619-633 LEKA, S. and JAIN, A., 2011. Assessing Psychosocial Hazards and Impact of Child Labour (In Press.)
LEKA, S. and JAIN, A., 2011. Managing psychosocial risks in the workplace Quality World. 37(10), 40-43
LEKA, S., 2011. New guidance standard on the management of psychosocial risks in the workplace Occupational Health Psychologist. 8(1), 1
LEKA, S, ZWETSLOOT, G and & JAIN, A., 2010. Corporate social responsibility and psychosocial risk management. In: HOUDMONT, J and & LEKA, S., eds., Contemporary Occupational Health Psychology: Global perspectives on research and practice vol. 1. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
ERTEL, M., STILIJANOW, U., IAVICOLI, S., NATALI, E., JAIN, A. and LEKA, S., 2010. European social dialogue on psychosocial risks at work: benefits and challenges European Journal of Industrial Relations. 16(2), 169-183 LEKA, S, JAIN, A, HOUTMAN, I, BAKHUYS ROOZEBOOM, M, ERTEL, M, PECH, E and & RIEDMANN, A., 2010. European survey of enterprises on new and emerging risks: Managing safety and health at work Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
HOUDMONT, J and & LEKA, S., 2010. Future directions in occupational health psychology. In: LEKA, S and & HOUDMONT, J., eds., Occupational Health Psychology Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
LEKA, S and & HOUDMONT, J., eds., 2010. Occupational Health Psychology Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
HOUDMONT, J and & LEKA, S., 2010. Introduction to occupational health psychology. In: LEKA, S and & HOUDMONT, J., eds., Occupational Health Psychology Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
LEKA, S and & COX, T., 2010. Psychosocial risk management at the workplace level. In: LEKA, S and & HOUDMONT, J., eds., Occupational Health Psychology Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
KORTUM, E, LEKA, S and & COX, T., 2010. Psychosocial risks and work-related stress in developing countries: Health impact, priorities, barriers and solutions International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health. 23(3), 1-14 VARTIA, M and & LEKA, S., 2010. Interventions for the prevention and management of bullying at work. In: EINARSEN, S, HOEL, H, ZAPF, D and & COOPER, C.L., eds., Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace: International Perspectives in Research and Practice 2nd ed. CRC Press.
HOUDMONT, J and & LEKA, S., eds., 2010. Contemporary Occupational Health Psychology: Global perspectives on research and practice Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
ZWETSLOOT, G and & LEKA, S., 2010. Corporate culture, health and well-being. In: LEKA, S and & HOUDMONT, J., eds., Occupational Health Psychology Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
LEKA, S., JAIN, A., ZWETSLOOT, G. and COX, T., 2010. Policy-level interventions and work-related psychosocial risk management in the European Union Work & Stress: An International Journal of Work, Health & Organisations. 24(3), 298-307 BONDJERS, G, BONGERS, P, FINGERHUT, M, KAUPPINEN, T, LEKA, S, SCHULTE, P, TAIPALE,V and & UUSITALO, H., 2009. Meeting future needs of Finnish working life through a health workforce: 2009 international evaluation of the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health Ministry of Social Affairs & Health, Finland.
KORTUM, E, LEKA, S and & COX, T., 2008. Understanding the perception of occupational psychosocial risk factors in developing countries: Setting priorities for action. In: HOUDMONT, J and & LEKA, S., eds., Occupational Health Psychology: European perspectives on research, practice and education vol. 3. Nottingham, UK: Nottingham University Press.
LEKA, S, HASSARD, J, JAIN, A, MAKRINOV, N, COX, T, KORTUM, E, ERTEL, M, HALLSTEN, L, IAVICOLI, S, LINDSTROM, K and & ZWETSLOOT, G., 2008. Towards the development of a European framework for psychosocial risk management Nottingham: I-WHO Publications.
LEKA, S, JAIN, A, ZWETSLOOT, G, VARTIA, M and & PAHKIN, K., 2008. Psychosocial risk management: The importance and impact of policy level interventions. In: LEKA, S and & COX, T., eds., The European framework for psychosocial risk management: PRIMA-EF Nottingham: I-WHO Publications.
LEKA, S and & COX, T., 2008. The European Framework for Psychosocial Risk Management: PRIMA-EF Nottingham: I-WHO Publications.
LEKA, S and & COX, T., 2008. PRIMA-EF Guidance on the European Framework for Psychosocial Risk Management: A resource for employers and worker representatives Geneva: WHO.
HOUDMONT, J, LEKA, S and & BULGER, C., 2008. The definition of curriculum areas in occupational health psychology. In: HOUDMONT, J and & LEKA, S., eds., Occupational Health Psychology: European perspectives on research, practice and education vol. 3. Nottingham, UK: Nottingham University Press.
LEKA, S and COX, T. & ZWETSLOOT, G., 2008. The European framework for psychosocial risk management. In: LEKA, S and & COX, T., eds., The European framework for psychosocial risk management: PRIMA-EF Nottingham, I-WHO Publications.
LEKA, S and & KORTUM, E., 2008. A European framework to address psychosocial risks Journal of Occupational Health. 50(3), 294-296
LEKA, S, KHAN, S and & GRIFFITHS, A., 2008. Exploring health and safety practitioners’ training needs in workplace health issues Wigston, Leicestershire: IOSH.
LEKA, S and & COX, T., 2008. The future of psychosocial risk management and the promotion of health at work in the EU: A PRIMA time for action. In: LEKA, S and & COX, T., eds., The European framework for psychosocial risk management: PRIMA-EF Nottingham: I-WHO Publications.
ZWETSLOOT, G, LEKA, S and & JAIN, A., 2008. Corporate social responsibility and psychosocial risk management. In: LEKA, S and & COX, T., eds., The European framework for psychosocial risk management: PRIMA-EF Nottingham: I-WHO Publications.
HOUDMONT, J and & LEKA, S., eds., 2008. Occupational Health Psychology: European perspectives on research, practice and education Nottingham, UK: Nottingham University Press.
LEKA, S, VARTIA, M, HASSARD, J, PAHKIN, K, SUTELA, S, COX, T and & LINDSTROM, K., 2008. Best practice in interventions for the prevention and management of work-related stress and workplace violence and bullying. In: LEKA, S and & COX, T., eds., The European framework for psychosocial risk management: PRIMA-EF Nottingham: I-WHO Publications.
KOUVONEN, K., OKSANEN, T., VAHTERA, J., VÄÄNÄNEN, A., DE VOGLI, R., ELOVAINIO, M., PENTTI, J., LEKA, S., COX, T. and KIVIMÄKI, M., 2008. Work-place social capital and smoking cessation: the Finnish Public Sector Study Addiction. 103(11), 1857-1865 LEKA, S., COX, T., JAIN, A. and HASSARD, J., 2008. A psychosocial risk management framework for Europe: PRIMA-EF Occupational Health Psychologist. 5(1), 11-12
MUNIR, F., YARKER, J., HASLAM, C., LONG, H., LEKA, S., GRIFFITHS, A. and COX, S., 2007. Work factors related to psychological and health-related distress among employees with chronic illnesses Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 17(2), 259-277 HOUDMONT, J and LEKA, S. & COX, T., 2007. Education in Occupational Health Psychology: Where have we been, where we are now and where are we going?. In: HOUDMONT, J and & MCINTYRE, S., eds., Occupational Health Psychology: European perspectives on research, education and practice vol. 2. Maia: ISMAI Publications.
LEKA, S and & CHURCHILL, J., 2007. Exploring the integration of corporate social responsibility and occupational health and safety in small and medium-sized enterprises University of Nottingham.
ZUCCONI, A, LEKA, S and & JAIN, A., 2007. Supporting the Older Workforce: A guide for organisations Nottingham: I-WHO Publications.
KORTUM, E. and LEKA, S., 2007. Exploring the understanding of psychosocial hazards and work-related stress in high- and low-income countries Occupational Health Psychologist. 4(3), 8-9
MUNIR, F., PRYCE, J., HASLAM, C., LEKA, S. and GRIFFITHS, A., 2006. Gender differences in managing chronic illness at work: exploring predictors for disclosure Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation. 25(3), 173-180
LEKA, S, JAIN, A and & ELLIS, N., 2006. Work Stress Prevention and Management: A practical guide for organisations Nottingham: I-WHO Publications.
HOUDMONT, J, LEKA, S and & COX, T., 2006. Education and training in Occupational Health Psychology: the case for E-learning. In: MCINTYRE, S and & HOUDMONT, J., eds., Occupational Health Psychology: European perspectives on research, education and practice vol. 1. Maia: ISMAI Publications.
LEKA, S, HOUDMONT, J and & COX, T., 2006. Evaluation of the use of e-learning to support education in occupational health psychology: A case study University of Nottingham.
MUNIR, F., LEKA, S. and GRIFFITHS, A., 2005. Dealing with self-management of chronic illness at work: predictors for self-disclosure Social Science & Medicine. 60(6), 1397-1407 MUNIR, F., JONES, D., LEKA, S. and GRIFFITHS, A., 2005. Work limitations and employer adjustments for employees with chronic illness International Journal of Rehabilitation Research. 28(2), 111-117 LEKA, S., GRIFFITHS, A.J. and COX, T., 2005. Work-related stress: the risk management paradigm. In: ANTONIOU, A-S.G. and COOPER, C.L., eds., A Research Companion to Organizational Health Psychology Chichester: Wiley. 174-187.
COX, T., GRIFFITHS, A.J. and LEKA, S., 2005. Work organisation and work-related stress. In: GARDINER, K. and HARRINGTON, J.M., eds., Occupational Hygiene 3rd ed. Oxford: Blackwell. 421-423.
MUNIR, F, HASLAM, C, LONG, H, GRIFFITHS, A and COX, S. & LEKA, S., 2005. Managing Chronic Illness at Work: Exploring effective strategies for employees and organizations European Social Fund.
COX, T., LEKA, S., IVANOV, I. and KORTUM, E., 2004. Work, employment and mental health in Europe Work & Stress. 18(2), 179-185 LEKA, S., GRIFFITHS, A.J. and COX, T., 2004. Organisation du Travail et Stress Geneva: World Health Organization.
LEKA, S., GRIFFITHS, A.J. and COX, T., 2004. La Organización del Trabajo y el Estrés Geneva: World Health Organization.
LEKA, S., GRIFFITHS, A.J. and COX, T., 2003. Work Organisation and Stress Geneva: World Health Organization.
POTTER, R.E., DOLLARD, M., LEROUGE, L., JAIN, A., LEKA, S. and CEFALIELLO, A., National Policy Index (NPI) for worker mental health and its relationship with enterprise psychosocial safety climate Safety Science. 172, 106428