Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

DBS Check

This information is for students who will be joining the University of Nottingham or Lincoln Medical School in September 2024 who will require a DBS check.


DBS clearance

The following teams will contact you with instructions on how to apply for a DBS check. Please add the appropriate email address to your save senders list:

If you are a current firm offer holder you should expect to hear from them early June 2024

If you are still to accept the offer or will go through clearing you will be contacted soon after accepting the firm offer


Frequently asked questions

Applying for a DBS

How do I apply for DBS

You will be sent information to apply via Know Your People. Please only use this DBS provider.

What will I need to complete a DBS check

The email you receive from Know Your People will receive all the information you need.  If you cannot find the answer you can ask questions via telephone or using their online chat service

What is the deadline for applying for a DBS
All DBS checks must be clear prior to the student commencing the course
I have an existing DBS. Can I use that?
NO. All firm offer holders are asked to obtain a new DBS check with our provider Know Your People


Payment & Renewal

How long does the University of Nottingham DBS last?

The DBS check will cover you for three years’ study. 

Who pays for the DBS check?

School of Medicine - Firm offer holders pay for their own DBS check when visiting the Post Office to have ID verified. School of Medicine students will need a second check later in their course. This will be funded by the school if their initial check is not registered on the Update Service.

School of Health Sciences - Firm offer holders are not charged for the DBS check but must pay for a second check if one is needed if their initial check is not registered on the Update Service.


Update Service

What is the update Service and do I need to join?

We strongly recommend that you register your new DBS on the DBS Update Service. This should be done within 30 days of the certificate date.



Overseas/International students

I am an international student, when do I complete the DBS check?

Overseas and EU students are required to undertake an international DBS check. We'll send you details of how to do this via email. 

If you're already currently living in the UK but have lived in other countries for more than six months in the past five years, since the age of 18, you'll be required to complete both a UK DBS check now and also international DBS checks for each of the countries you've lived in. 



Completed DBS checks/Criminal convictions

Do I need to send my DBS certificate to the university?

No. This is not necessary as we can see the outcome of your check on the Know Your People system. 

What do I do if my DBS certificate shows cautions, criminal offences?

We'll need to see your DBS if it contains information on cautions, offences, etc. as the system only shows us if a check is clear or not.



Advice and support

If you have a general question about your course or application, please email our enquiries team. As a student based at the University of Nottingham or the Lincoln Medical School, you'll benefit from a range of advice and support.

Nottingham Medical and Health Services support 

Please visit our support webpages to see the support available.

If you have a disability or specific learning difficulty, please contact our disability support services.


Lincoln Medical School support

Please visit the University of Lincoln website to see the support available.

If you have a disability or specific learning difficulty, please contact the student wellbeing team at the University of Lincoln.


If you have any questions about the DBS check, please get in touch.

Please include your full name, course, and student ID on all emails.



Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

University of Nottingham
Medical School
Queen's Medical Centre
Nottingham, NG7 2UH

Contact us