
Electric machines

To make a significant difference to fully integrated generation systems and advanced propulsors, it is critical we develop advanced onboard power generation plants for future propulsion platforms.

Explore our projects 

Power hardware in the loop (PHIL)

Lead researcher: Michael Galea

Power hardware in the loop is a research programme on our China campus. Our aim is to analyse and develop high performance electro-mechanical systems and components for enclosed, smart power systems including power amplifiers, DC-AC converters, flying probe testing equipment and other related technologies.

The facilities will also serve as a research and development testing station for the reliability and life-time consumption of such systems. 

Electrical Fan (E-FAN) phase one

Lead researcher: Paolo Giangrande

By supporting the research and demonstration activities of FAN motors, we will enable the development of new insulation systems and the understanding of their characteristics under representative operating conditions.

Electrical Fan (E-FAN) will be able to test the steady state and transient loading performance of electrical fan motor drives, especially during load and power supply transients. It will also be able to assess insulation and impregnation goodness on the motor itself. 

This project represents an important example of large hardware and partnerships with industry.  MW facilities based in the new PEMC building are due to complete in early 2020. The longer-term vision is the development of a second phase of E-FAN.

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