liz such

Liz Such

Rights Lab Anne McLaren Fellow in Modern Slavery and Public Health


Dr Liz Such is an Anne McLaren Fellow and an NIHR Knowledge Mobilisation Research Fellow in the School of Health Sciences, and part of the Rights Lab's Health and Communities Programme. She has developed a public health approach to modern slavery through research with Public Health England and the UK Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner. Her expertise includes the upstream prevention of modern slavery and a more equitable approach to research. She is Research Advisor to the UK Black and Minority Ethnic Anti-Slavery Network and is the Public Health lead for the health and modern slavery network VITA. Her Anne McLaren Fellowship focuses on modern slavery and maternal health and wellbeing.

Research Projects

Improving Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) within publicly funded modern slavery research in the UK


World-class research at the University of Nottingham

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