

Hope at Home

Release from Trafficking, United States

Rights Lab project lead: Kate Garbers
Funder: Hope at Home
Duration: August 2022 - November 2022
Programme: Health and Wellbeing

The research project aims to explore; clarify and understand the motivations behind people volunteering to use their homes to host Ukrainian refugees and how this understanding could assist hosting schemes for refugees across the UK in the future. The research study will 

•Utilise the insights of those who have chosen to host and those who have registered but chosen not to host/ are yet to host Ukrainian refugees,  

•Explore themes related to cultural attitudes, financial benefits, support and training, the impact of media and practical considerations that have impacted decisions to host Ukrainian families in this instance  

•Identify the process of how the participants identified and sponsored those that they hosted 

• Identify the practical processes involved with hosting and any issues the hosts have encountered 

•Review demographic data about the hosts and information regarding the number of people hosted, if the guests came directly from Ukraine or via a third country, and the length of time the hosting has been occurring 

• Produce a report that will be shared amongst relevant sectors and organisations in order to deliver positive impact as set out in the initial brief provided. 



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