Centre of Evidence Based Dermatology

Image of Carron Layfield

Carron Layfield

Senior Research Manager, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences



Following a degree and a PhD in Biochemistry, Carron spent three years in academic scientific research here at the University of Nottingham. She then undertook a career in life science sales and marketing, working for a variety of companies, before returning to the University and joining CEBD in November 2006. Carron is now a Senior Research Manager at CEBD with her primary role being Network Manager for the UK Dermatology Clinical Trials Network (UK DCTN). She is also lead for patient and public involvement activities and is Programme Manager for the NIHR RAPID Eczema Trials programme grant.

Centre of Evidence Based Dermatology

The University of Nottingham
Applied Health Research Building
University Park, Nottingham

telephone: +44 (0) 115 84 68631
email: cebd@nottingham.ac.uk