Centre for Research on Cuba

What exactly is happening now in Cuba?

B2 The Hemsley, University Park Nottingham
Tuesday 28th May 2019 (11:00-16:00)

Please contact crc-enquiries@nottingham.ac.uk


The Centre for Research on Cuba is pleased to announce a special full-day workshop as part of its ‘Understanding Cuba’ series:

What exactly is happening now in Cuba? Update on the current situation and immediate challenges

If you are thinking of engaging with Cuba, or are already working with Cuban entities, this is an invaluable opportunity to find out from specialists not only what is going on in Cuba right now, but also how best to understand the whole culture of Cuba and the workings of an often misunderstood economy.

The Speakers

  • Professor Antoni Kapcia (Director of the Centre for Research on Cuba) has been researching since 1971 on modern and contemporary Cuban political, intellectual and cultural history and politics. He has published extensively, including seven books, and is regularly invited to speak and give his views on Cuba, on British and international television and radio, and in interviews in a range of newspapers
  • Dr Emily Morris is a Research Associate at University College London’s Institute of the Americas. She has previously worked as an economist at the Inter-American Development Bank and Economist Intelligence Unit, as well as a lecturer at the School of Oriental and African Studies and London Metropolitan University. Since completing her PhD thesis on Cuban economic performance and policy in the post-cold war period, she has published, presented and consulted widely on the subject. She is currently engaged in multidisciplinary UK-Cuban research collaboration as coordinator of a ‘UCL-Cuba Research Network’.


  • 11.00 Arrival, registration and tea/coffee.
  • 11.20-11.30 Opening Words - Cuban Embassy to the UK
  • 11.30-12.15 Professor Tony Kapcia (University of Nottingham): Understanding Cuban politics and assessing recent political developments.
  • 12.15-12.45 Questions & Answers
  • 12.45-1.30 Buffet Lunch
  • 1.30-2.15 Dr Emily Morris (University College London): Understanding the Cuban economy today and updating on the latest picture.
  • 2.15-2.45 Questions & Answers
  • 2.45-3.00 Refreshments
  • 3.00-3:45 Open Discussion - Sharing of views about the problems that have been, and might be, encountered in working with Cuban entities.
  • 3:45-4.00 Closing Remarks 

This event costs £100 (including lunch, refreshments and parking) but places are very limited, so please confirm your attendance as soon as possible.

Book your place online


For any questions, please contact crc-enquiries@nottingham.ac.uk

Centre for Research on Cuba

The University of Nottingham
Department of Spanish, Portuguese & Latin American Studies
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 5800