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A Life's Work – a podcast on the latest evidence around shift work and how it affects family life


Dr Afshin Zilanawala - who has recently joined the icPSP – is the host the podcast called ‘A Life’s Work’. In each episode, Dr Zilanawala talks to “researchers, family focused charities, and policy makers about the latest robust and meaningful evidence on the opportunities and pressures that shift work brings to the challenges of combining work and family life”.

You can follow the blog on Twitter (@A_Lifes_Work) or on 

The latest episode (January 2021) is ‘Think Dad! Why fathers are key to successfully juggling work and family life’; a conversation with Adrienne Burgess from the @fatherhoodinst about the need to pay closer attention to the role of fathers in ensuring that parents can successfully juggle work and family life.

Posted on Tuesday 26th January 2021

International Centre for Public and Social Policy

School of Sociology and Social Policy
Law and Social Sciences building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

+44 (0)115 951 5234