Combustion and Cleaner Coal Technologies
The research programme on ‘Combustion and Clean Coal Technologies’ mainly focuses on the study of combustion fundamentals, CO2 capture, control of NOx and SO2 emissions and the removal of multi-pollutants such as mercury etc. Past and current research projects encompass both pulverised fuel combustion and fluidised bed combustion of coal, biomass and co-firing.
In addition to a full range of analytical facilities for fuel characterisation, we also have a number of laboratory-scale research facilities including three Drop Tube Furnaces which can be used to study pf combustion and particle ignition and Small Pilot-Scale Fluidised Bed Combustors.
Past Projects
- Ultra-Supercritical (USC) steam power generation technology with Circulating Fluidized Bed (CFB): Combustion, Materials and Modelling
Funder: EPSRC
Total value: £1033k
Principle Investigator:
20kW BFB Biomass Combustor (air and oxy-fuel combustion)
Experimental investigation with PACT facility and CFD modelling of oxy-coal combustion with recycling real flue gas and vent gas of compression and purification units
Funder: EPSRC/UKCCSRC, £255k
Principle Investigator:
Project Partner: University of Sheffield
Associated Publications: (1) A. C. Sarroza, T. D. Bennet, C. Eastwick, H. Liu, ‘Characterising pulverised fuel ignition in a visual drop tube furnace by use of a high-speed imaging technique’, FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY, 2017, Vol. 157, pp 1-11 289; (2) X. Bai, G. Lu, T. Bennet, A. Sarroza, C. Eastwick, H. Liu, Y. Yan, ‘Combustion behavior profiling of single pulverized coal particles in a drop tube furnace through high-speed imaging and image analysis’, EXPERIMENTAL THERMAL AND FLUID SCIENCE, 2017, vol. 85, pp 322-330
DTF for particle ignition study
Avoiding the Sintering of Coal-Fired Shallow Fluidised Beds
Funder: Biomass and Fossil Fuel Research Alliance (BF2RA) (AB Sugar)
Total value: £230k
Principle Investigator:
Project Partners:
- Ashwell Biomass Ltd
- Glosfume Ltd
30kW BFB Combustor (Coal or Coal/Biomass Co-firing)