Maternal Health and Wellbeing

Early Prediction and Prevention of Obesity in Childhood (EPPOC)

Project Duration

April 2008 – October 2009


Burdett Trust for Nursing

Project Staff

  • Dr Sarah Redsell (PI) 1
  • Philippa Atkinson 2
  • Dr Judy Swift 1
  • Prof Cris Glazebrook 1
  • Dr Dilip Nathan (DN) 3
  • Prof Aloysius Niroshan Siriwardena 4

Staff Institutions

  1. The University of Nottingham
  2. Nottingham CityCare PCT 
  3. Nottingham University Hospitals Trust 
  4. University of Lincoln


The aim of this research project was to examine primary care health professionals' (health visitors, nursery nurses, general practitioners and other nurses) practice in relation to the identification and management of infants who are at risk of becoming overweight or obese. 

The study also aimed to explore parents/guardians' beliefs concerning their infants' size and growth and their receptiveness to early intervention aimed at reducing the risk of childhood obesity.


Survey, focus groups and interviews.

Outcomes and Findings

The following data were collected. 

  1. ORK surveys completed by health professionals (n=118) 
  2. Interviews with healthcare professionals (GPs, Health Visitors, Registered and Nursery Nurses) (n=48) 
  3. Six parents' focus groups (n=38 participants across the six groups)

Report available on project website:



Redsell SA, Swift JA, Nathan D, Siriwardena AN, Atkinson P, Glazebrook C. UK health visitors’ role in identifying and intervening with infants at risk of developing childhood obesity. Maternal and Child Nutrition, 2012, Published online 2 July, DOI: 10.1111/j.1740-8709.2012.00427.x 

Redsell SA, Atkinson P, Nathan D, Siriwardena AN, Swift JA, Glazebrook C. Preventing childhood obesity during infancy in UK primary care: a mixed-methods study of HCPs' knowledge, beliefs and practice. BMC Family Practice, 2011, 12:54 Open access publication - highly accessed status. 

Redsell SA, Atkinson P, Nathan D, Siriwardena AN, Swift J, Glazebrook C. Parent’s beliefs about appropriate size, growth and feeding during infancy: implications for the prevention of childhood obesity. BMC Public Health, 2010, 10:711 Open access publication - highly accessed status. 

Conference Abstracts in peer reviewed journals 

Redsell SA, Atkinson P, Nathan D, Siriwardena AN, Swift J, Glazebrook C. Primary prevention of childhood obesity: views from primary care. Paper presented at the Royal College of Paediatric and Child Health Annual Conference, Warwick UK, 5-7th April 2011. Abstract published in Archives of Disease in Childhood, 2011, Suppl 1, 96, A9-A11. 

Redsell SA, Atkinson P, Nathan D, Siriwardena AN, Swift J, Glazebrook C.UK parents' beliefs about infant growth and feeding in relation to obesity prevention. Poster presented at The 3rd Congress of the European Academy of Paediatric Societies (EAPS) Copenhagen, Denmark, October 23-26, 2010. Abstract published in Paediatric Research, 2010, 210, 409. 

Published Abstracts 

Redsell SA, Atkinson P, Nathan D, Siriwardena AN, Swift J, Glazebrook C. Early years’ prevention of childhood obesity: the challenges facing UK health visitors. Poster presentation at the International Conferences in Community Health Nursing Research (ICCHNR) Biennial Symposium, Edmonton, Canada, 4th-6th May 2011. 

Redsell SA, Atkinson P, Nathan D, Siriwardena AN, Swift J, Glazebrook C. Early Prediction and Prevention of Obesity in Childhood (EPPOC study). Poster presented at SAPC, National Conference, Norwich, UK, 7-9th July 2010. 

Redsell SA, Atkinson P, Siriwardena AN, Glazebrook C, Nathan D, Swift J. GPs’ and practice nurses’ role in the prevention of childhood obesity in primary care: balancing knowledge about risk factors and practice. Paper presented at the London Regional SAPC conference, Cambridge, UK, 4-5th February 2010. 

Atkinson P, Redsell SA, Glazebrook C, Swift J, Siriwardena N, Nathan D. Recruiting nurses as research participants - what are the issues? Paper presented at the RCN conference, Cardiff, UK, 24th-27th March 2009.

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Contact for further information

Sarah Redsell




Maternal Health and Wellbeing Research Group

The University of Nottingham
School of Health Sciences
Queen's Medical Centre
Nottingham, NG7 2HA

telephone: +44 (0)115 823 0820