Maternal Health and Wellbeing

The experience of women who combine full time paid employment with motherhood

Project Duration

2011 – 2013/2014


Internal funding

Project Staff

  • Alison Edgley 1

Staff Institutions

  1. The University of Nottingham


To explore women's experiences of combining full-time paid employment with motherhood.


Semi-structured interviews.

Stage of Development

Study Complete

Outcomes and Findings

Even when established mothers are holding working roles that could be described as ‘career devotional’, the ideology of ‘intensive mothering’ continues to pervade some of their assumptions, thinking and behaviour. Intensive mothering naturalises the notion that ultimately a child needs a mother’s care, thereby trapping women with unnecessary anxiety and self-blame.


One journal article ready for submission to the British Journal of Sociology.


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Contact for further information

Alison Edgley




Maternal Health and Wellbeing Research Group

The University of Nottingham
School of Health Sciences
Queen's Medical Centre
Nottingham, NG7 2HA

telephone: +44 (0)115 823 0820