Nottingham Centre for Geomechanics

The SUMAD project hosted a joint conference with RAFF Project

International Conference on

"Sustainability, risk assessment and revitalization of post-mining pits and spoil dumps"

RAFF and SUMAD projects achievements

Held on 6 - 7 October 2022 Wrocław, Poland.

Starting with the achievements of the RAFF and SUMAD RFCS/EU projects, this conference will provided an opportunity to discuss and disseminate how best to rehabilitate and transform the areas where coal was formerly mined on a large scale.

RAFF ("Risk assessment of final pits during flooding") and SUMAD ("Sustainable Use of Mining Waste Dumps") are European Commission Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS) funded projects. The RAFF project deals with issues related to pit lakes, which are one of the most common uses of post-exploitation areas, while the SUMAD project aims at optimizing the sustainable use and long-term management of mining spoil dumps. Both projects unite European experts to investigate the future use of coal post-mining areas with a focus on geotechnical, sustainability, safety, environmental and socio-economic challenges. 

The Conference connected European stakeholders of different disciplines interested in coordinating efforts towards a better future for coal regions in transition. The official working language of the Conference was in English. The event was open to all the contributing authors and attendees without contribution with no participation fee.

Workshop programme available to viewConference presentation can be found here

Nottingham Centre for Geomechanics

Faculty of Engineering
The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD