Sustainable Use of Mining Waste Dumps (SUMAD)
Project Progress and Achievements
The SUMAD project will disseminate the work and progress in several ways. These include public deliverable reports, journal publications, and engagement workshops
Deliverable Deliverables description
D1.1 |
D1.1.1: Report on opportunities and limitations to sustainable revitalisation of spoil waste dumps within Europe |
D1.2 |
D1.1.2: Site selection criteria for the installation of solar power plants |
D1.4 |
D1.3.1: Report on the identification and viability assessment of sustainable revitalisation activities |
D1.5 |
D1.3.2: Requirements for the SUMAD Risk Management Tool |
D2.1 |
D2.1.1: Interim experimental data report: Spoil characterisation |
D2.2 |
D2.1.2: Final experimental data report: Spoil characterisation |
D2.3 |
D2.2.1: Interim report on design and centrifuge testing of foundation systems for sustainable revitalisation techniques |
D2.4 |
D2.2.2: Final report on design and centrifuge testing of foundation systems for sustainable revitalisation techniques |
D2.5 |
D2.3.1: Experimental data report: Centrifuge testing of foundation systems and index testing of remediated spoil material |
D3.1 |
D3.1.1: Report on validation of numerical simulation tool and interface behaviour modelling |
D3.2 |
D3.2.1: Experimental data report: Interface testing with spoil material |
D3.3 |
D3.3.1: Report on numerical simulation of alternative design scenarios |
D3.4 |
D3.3.2: Comparison of experimental physical modelling, numerical modelling and site monitoring including specific case study site |
D3.5 |
D3.4.1: Report on application of numerical tools to specific case study site |
D4.3 |
D4.2.1: Report on viability of ground improvement techniques |
D4.6 |
D4.4.1: Geotechnical probabilistic reliability assessment and application to specific design case study |
D5.1 |
D5.1.1: Project overview |
D5.2 |
D5.2.1: Minutes of kick-off meeting |
D5.3 |
D5.2.2: Minutes of second progress meeting |
D5.4 |
D5.2.3: Minutes of third progress meeting |
D5.5 |
D5.2.4: Minutes of fourth progress meeting |
D5.6 |
D5.2.5: Minutes of fifth progress meeting |
D5.7 |
D5.2.6: Minutes of sixth progress meeting |
D5.8 |
D5.4.1: Case study paper published in industrial journal – social and logistical aspects |
D5.9 |
D5.4.2: Case study paper(s) published in industrial journal – technical design and implementation aspects |
D5.10 |
D5.4.3: Stakeholder workshop – focus on authorities, policy, developers & design |
D5.11 |
D5.4.4: Sustainable use of mining waste dumps handbook for post-mining land developers and managers |
D5.12 |
D5.5.1: First presentation to TGC1 |
D5.13 |
D5.5.2: Midterm presentation to TGC1 |
D5.14 |
D5.5.3: Third presentation to TGC1 |
Project Progress Meetings
- Kick off meeting/ Progress meeting 1 – October 2nd, 2019
- Progress meeting 2 – March 31st, 2020
- Progress meeting 3 – October 8th, 2020
- Progress meeting 4 – April 15th, 2021
- TGK1 meeting – April 22nd, 2021
- Progress meeting 5 – November 4th, 2021
Progress Meeting 5
Engegement Workshop
Research Outcomes/Publications
Bednarczyk. Z., 2020. Wstępna analiza zakresu badań geologicznoinżynierskich i problemów związanych z posadawianiem turbin wiatrowych na zwałowiskach nadkładu kopalń odkrywkowych węgla brunatnego- przegląd literatury. Preliminary analysis of the scope of geological-engineering investigations and problems connected with wind turbines foundation on the spoil dumps in lignite open-pit mines- literature review, Górnictwo Odkrywkowe, 3, p. 17-25.
Bialas, A., 2020. Risk Management Approach for Revitalization of Post-Mining Areas. In: Zamojski W.; Mazurkiewicz J.; Sugier J.; Walkowiak T.; Kacprzyk J. (Eds.) Theory and Applications of Dependable Computer Systems: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Dependability of Computer Systems DepCoS-RELCOMEX, Brunów, Poland, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1173.
Rogosz, B., Szczepiński, J. and Bajcar, A., 2020 Projekt SUMAD „Zrównoważone wykorzystanie zwałowisk górniczych”- cele i założenia/ Project SUMAD „Sustainable use of mining waste dumps”- goals and objectives. Article submitted for the The 11th International Brown Coal Mining Congress.
Szczepiński, J., Bajcar, A. And Rogosz. B., 2020. Projekty badawczo-rozwojowe realizowane przez Poltegor-Instytut w ramach Funduszu Badawczego Węgla i Stali/ Research and development projects realized by Poltegor-Institute within the Research Found for Coal and Steel, Górnictwo Odkrywkowe, p. 4-11
Szczepiński, J., Rogosz. B. and Bajcar, A., 2019. Projekt badawczy: Zrównoważone wykorzystanie zwałowisk górniczych” (SUMAD)/ Research project: Sustainable use of mining waste dumps "(SUMAD), Węgiel Brunatny, 4(109), p. 32-34.
Theocharis, A. I., Zevgolis, I. E. and Koukouzas, N.C., 2020a. Validation of constitutive models for spoil material of brown coal mines, Proceedings of the 3rd Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences.
Theocharis, A. I., Zevgolis, I. E. and Koukouzas, N.C., 2020b. Probability distributions of geotechnical parameters of a silty spoil material, Proceedings of the 3rd Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences.
Zevgolis, I., Theocharis, A., Deliveris, A., Koukouzas, N., Roumpos, C. and Marshal, A., 20XX. Geotechnical characterisation of fine-grained spoil material from surface coal mines. Submitted for publication