


... 2 Table of Contents Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................ 7 1: The Region – empowering the local ........................................................................................ 9 2: L...


...semantic shift from ‘portals’ to ‘platforms’ (Sherratt...2013), whereas a portal took you somewhere else


...STEM CELLS AND REGENERATION RESEARCH ARTICLE Pluripotent stem cells related to embryonic disc exhibit common self-renewal requirements in diverse livestock species Masaki Kinoshita1 , Toshihiro Kobayashi2,3, Benjamin Planells4 , Doris Klisch4 , Daniel Spindlow1,5, Hideki Masaki6 , Susanne Bo...


...Report Support for disabled staff at the University of Nottingham Final review report Sarah Sharples. Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, August 2019, Panel Chair Toni Pickering. Review Project Manager, August 2019, Review Coordinator Esther Akanya. Senior Project ...


...  Leadership and Management Academy...


...University of Nottingham Faculty of Engineering Gold Award November 2019 This is a REDACTED document Redaction statement: Data are presented in graphs and tables. Numbers and % are both included, however, some data where there are small numbers (generally <5-10) have been redacted and the ...


...The 21st-century University: Sta Feedback Introduction In developing the next University strategy, engagement with sta and stakeholders is critical in producing a strategy that both re ects and drives the work of us all at the University – and that engagement with University sta ...


...Report Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Annual Report 2020-2021 Table of Contents Introduction.......................................................................................................................................1 Section One: COVID-19 Support for Staff and Students 2020-21 ....


...of Statistics Malaysia Official Portal. 2021. Available online: https://www.dosm...


...1 University Strategy Consultation Comments received in the Green Paper consultation online questionnaire – Part 2 2 Contents Which facilities for students should be our priority for future development? - Other (please state)....3 Thinking about the University in 10 years’ time, describe ...
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