

Russian and Contemporary Chinese Studies BA Jt Hons

...languages Employability  - Access job opportunities in Russian and Mandarin-speaking...

Philosophy BA Hons to live good lives and have good jobs. Our unique Communicating Philosophy module...

Pharmacy MPharm

...discovery medicines manufacture Job prospects Average starting...

History and Contemporary Chinese Studies BA Jt Hons

...sources Employability - Open up new job opportunities by studying a foreign language...

Electronic and Computer Engineering with a Year Abroad BEng Hons

...renewable energy technologies. Job prospects Average starting...further; assisting with job or course applications, searching

Health Sciences with Foundation Year BSc Hons

...and Public Health Job Prospects Average starting...further; assisting with job or course applications, searching

History of Art BA Hons

...when applying for jobs and during interviews. From...after in the job market. This module is

French and Philosophy BA Jt Hons uni? Employability Open up new job opportunities by studying a foreign language...

Nutrition BSc Hons a graduate job. Our students have a graduate job. Our students have been

Civil Engineering MEng Hons with us Job prospects Average starting...further; assisting with job or course applications...doors for other jobs, not just civil
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