Postgraduate Taught (MSc) Courses

Department of Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering

  • MSc Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing H790
  • MSc Advanced Materials J501
  • MSc Bioengineering H674
  • MSc Human Factors and Ergonomics J921
  • MSc Mechanical Engineering H303

We are very happy to welcome you to the Department of Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing (M3). We look forward to seeing you for the Welcome Week, which commences on Monday 23 September.

Below you will find your induction timetable. Your induction is a programme of activities and events to introduce you to your school and course. It's important that you attend each induction activity to give you the best start to the year.

Save this page to your favourites, and check back regularly as timetables can change.

You may find the University Map useful in helping you find your way around. Some of the Welcome sessions are being delivered online through Microsoft Teams. Please use the joining links to participate on the day.

In addition to department sessions there are university welcome sessions, Students' Union Freshers Fairs and International Student events you may wish to take part in. Please see the University's Welcome Week events calendar for more information.

There are also a number of online academic skills and introductory study skills sessions you may be interested in. Please see the Faculty Education and Student Experience SharePoint for more information.

If you have any queries or concerns, then please get in touch at

University card collection times and locations: Please visit the card collection webpage to find out when and where you can collect your card.


Monday 23 September

There are no department or course specific sessions scheduled for Monday 23 September but there are some online study skill sessions that we would encourage all students to attend.

Welcome activities on 23 September


Learning at postgraduate level with the Library Learning Development team

Led by the libraries team, these three one-hour sessions will explore.

  1. the transition into University as a postgraduate student
  2. tips on managing your time
  3. effective note making strategies

Online using MS Teams via this link

You can attend all three sessions or join later as required.


Tuesday 24 September

Welcome activities on 24 September


M3 Postgraduate Taught welcome and introduction

Introduction from the Head of Department and the PGT Director

Pope Building, A14

10.30am-12 noon

Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing induction

An introduction to the Additive Manufacturing MSc from the Programme Director. 

Pope Building, A24

10.30am-12 noon

Advanced Materials induction

An introduction to the Advanced Materials MSc from the Programme Director. 

Physics Building C29

10.30am-12 noon

Bioengineering induction

An introduction to the Bioengineering MSc from the Programme Director. 

Coates Building C27

10.30am-12 noon

Human Factors and Ergonomics induction

An introduction to the Human Factors & Ergonomics MSc from the Programme Director. 

Coates Building, C24

10.30am-12 noon

Mechanical Engineering induction

An introduction to the Mechanical Engineering MSc from the Programme Director. 

Physics Building, B13

12 noon-1pm

Meet your Tutors

Get to know your Course Directors, Tutors and fellow students. Collect your department hoodie.

L2 Building, B108 Design Studio


Tour of the facilities and PGT Hub

Take a tour of the PGT facilities and your new working environment.

Leave from L2 Building, B108 Design Studio


Digital and Technology Services IT induction

Learn more about the IT services available here at the university. This session has been specifically designed to help you get started and thrive in our digital learning landscape.

Online using MS Teams via this link or the following details:

Meeting ID: 336 357 343 976
Passcode: 9Cozvi 


Wednesday 25 September

Welcome activities on 25 September


Welcome to your University libraries

Find out how to get started with your in-person and digital library services and how we can help you to achieve your study goals.

Online using MS Teams via this link.


Introduction to the Students' Union – academic representation

Each course has its own academic representatives who speak on behalf of other students on all issues surrounding their academic experience. Find out more about the student voice and why you might want to be a Course Rep at this session run by the Students Union.

Online using MS Teams via this link or the following information:

Meeting ID: 377 689 725 608
Passcode: f3c252 



A session from the Careers and Employability Service outlining support and guidance offered to postgraduate students seeking future employment. 

Pope Building, C15


Thursday 26 September

Welcome activities on 26 September


PGT Design and Build challenge

A team-building activity for all new Postgraduate students in the department of M3. 

Pope Building, A14


Health and Safety talk

Compulsory for all new students. Students are required to attend this talk and need to arrive at the stated arrival time of 3pm. You will then be given PPE once you have attended the talk should your course require it.

Coates Road Auditorium (Number 51 on the University Park campus map)


PPE collection

Only for MSc students studying:

  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Advanced Materials
  • Additive Manufacture and 3D Printing

Following on from the Health and Safety talk, those MSc students requiring Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) will be guided to the collection point.



Friday 27 September

Welcome activities on 27 September

10am -12 noon

PGT study skills

Essential study skills to successfully complete a postgraduate taught programme at a research-oriented university.

Physics Building, C05



Elective module information for all PGT students who have not yet decided on elective modules, including Language Centre Optional Module Information.

Engineering and Science Learning Centre, B1/B4/B5/B7 Design Studios


Faculty of Engineering

Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering (inc. Aero)

Visit our contact us page to find the most relevant contact details for your query