Single language pathway

If you are taking one of our degrees with a single language option, we would like you to confirm your language and level using the form below. 

Single Language pathway

This includes all single language degrees (e.g. BA German Studies) plus single language Joint Honours degrees (e.g. BA Jt Hons English and French)


Multiple language pathways 

If you are taking one of our degrees with the option of multiple languages, we would like you to indicate your chosen language or language combination now. This will help us for planning and timetabling purposes, and help you in making informed module choices.

Use the link below that corresponds to your chosen degree programme. Information on specific languages and combinations can be found in the form that the link will take you to.

Please complete the form for your degree programme by 4 September 2023.

BA Modern Languages (two languages)

BA Modern Language Studies (three languages)

BA Modern Languages with Translation

BA Modern European Studies

BA Modern Languages with Business

BAs Language with Contemporary Chinese Studies

Includes French; German; Russian or Spanish with Contemporary Chinese Studies


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Faculty of Arts

Modern Languages and Cultures (inc. Language Centre) (CLAS)

Email Us

Faculty of Arts

Modern Languages and Cultures (inc. Language Centre) (CLAS)

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