BSc International courses
Before you arrive
Below you will find all the guidance that you need to start your BSc International Pharmacy (TUTCM) course and your BSc International Pharmacy Practice (SWU) course.
International Pharmacy (TUTCM)
Before you arrive, you need to complete the following:
Request a Certificate of Good Conduct
Read and follow the important DBS/Certificate of Good Conduct section on the MPharm pages.
Pre-order your lab coat
Please use this form to order your lab coat and submit your requirements by Monday 2 September 2024. You must complete this form before you start your studies with us.
Order your lab coat by 2 September 2024
International Pharmacy Practice (SWU)
Before you arrive, you need to complete the following:
Request a DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check
Read and follow the important DBS section on the MPharm pages.
Complete the pre-placement occupational health questionnaire
Read the important occupational health questionnaire information on the MPharm pages
Ensure vaccination requirements are met
Follow the vaccination information on the MPharm pages
Prepare for Your Science Degree
Begin your university journey with our 'Prepare for Your Science Degree' MOOC on FutureLearn. This free course introduces you to Faculty of Science staff and students, presents essential academic skills, and explains how university study differs from school or college. Self-guided content is released weekly and can be completed at any time before you begin your studies. Get ready for success in your science degree!
Register for the Prepare for your Science Degree course
Pre-order your lab coat
Please use this form to order your lab coat and submit your requirements by Monday 2 September 2024. You must complete this form before you start your studies with us.
Order your lab coat
Professional dress code
Read the general information regarding dress code while of placement.
Additional course costs
You may have to pay for some additional course costs that are not included in your tuition fees.