Studying Effectively

Finding journals

Many journals and journal articles are available in print or electronically. You can use a range of resources to search for them. The resource you use will depend on what you're looking for:

  • a journal title
  • a specific journal article
  • journal articles on a topic

Finding a journal title

You may want to read or browse a specific journal title to keep up to date in your subject. Your lecturer may also recommend you read specific journals to support the learning on your modules.

To find a journal title:

  • Use your online reading lists [UK, China, Malaysia] to find the location of print journals and access electronic journals recommended by your lecturers.
  • Use NUsearch [UKChinaMalaysia] and go to the Journals tab to browse or search for print and electronic journal titles.
  • Use BrowZine (students in the UK and Malaysia only) to find, read and monitor major academic journals and keep up to date in your subject area. You can access the full text of many electronic journal articles directly from NUsearch [UKMalaysia].

Finding a specific journal article

Your lecturers may also recommend you read specific journal articles to help with your studies. You may also want to follow up references to specific articles you find through your wider reading.

To find a specific journal article:

  • Use your online reading lists [UK, China, Malaysia] to link directly to full text articles or the location of print articles recommended by your lecturers.
  • Use NUsearch [UKChinaMalaysia] to search for print and electronic journal articles. You can access the full text of many electronic journal articles directly from NUsearch.

More information on the Finding a specific journal article page.

Finding journal articles on a topic

You may need to find journal articles on a specific topic for an assignment. To search for these:

  • Use NUsearch [UKChinaMalaysia] to search for journal articles across a wide range of subjects. You can often link to the full text of a journal article.
  • Use your subject databases. These are subject based collections of published research, mostly from the journal literature. Many also include conference proceedings and book chapters. The library subscribes to a wide range of subject databases which often link to the full text.

More information on the Finding journal articles on a topic page.

Studying in the Pope Building



Library access online

Reading lists

Further reading


  • Using Library Lending Services
  • Online research & information skills: Malaysia

Reading and interpreting sources and data


People who can help

Talk to someone in your school or a specialist support service


Studying Effectively

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Nottingham, NG7 2NR

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