Centre for the Study of Subversion, Unconventional Interventions and Terrorism

CST travel bursary for Francis Domingo

The Centre for Conflict, Security and Terrorism has awarded a travel bursary to doctoral candidate Francis Domingo to support his fieldwork in New Zealand.

Francis' research project explores the conditions that are necessary for the development of cyber capabilities in small states in the Asia-Pacific. The project aims to understand why Singapore and New Zealand have developed capabilities for computer network operations while Brunei has not. States are wary of revealing capabilities for computer network operations therefore interviews are necessary to corroborate the substance of official government documents and secondary sources on the subject. During fieldwork, he intends to interview government officials, private sector experts, think tank analysts, and journalists.

Posted on Thursday 26th May 2016

Centre for the Study of Subversion, Unconventional Interventions and Terrorism

School of Politics and International Relations
Law and Social Sciences building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

+44 (0)115 74 87195