WasteNott — the plastics challenge

Reducing hot drink cups

Each year 1.1 million hot drink cups are binned on our UK campuses. Help us change that.

You can ask for hot drinks to be provided in your reusable cup at any of our catering outlets. If you don't have a reusable cup, and you'd like to pick one up on campus, you'll find them for sale at various locations.

We've also introduced a new pricing structure on our coffee to help reduce waste.

From Monday 24 September 2018 if you use a disposable cup at campus cafés you'll be charged an extra 20p. However if you bring a reusable cup, you'll get a 20p discount.

Hot drink pricing — example
Reusable cup £2.05
University crockery (where available) £2.25
Disposable cup £2.45


Proceeds from the levy will be reinvested in our Environmental Initiatives Fund to help reduce waste on campus.

Find out what we've done since 2018 to cut down our use of single-use plastic and disposables:



Why get involved?

Although coffee cups can be recycled, it's not always a simple process. You can learn more about this on our FAQs page.

The University of Nottingham has a high recycle rate and continues to encourage recycling. By using reusable hot drink cups we can help reduce the amount of waste generated in the first place.

In the survey:

  • 94% of you pledged to use a reusable hot drink cup instead of disposable cups
  • 1 in 5 of you asked us to sell reusable cups at campus catering outlets


Sustainability Team

Estate Office
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

email: sustainability@nottingham.ac.uk
