Picture of Dr Holly Blake, Dr Louise Thomson, Dr Juliet Hassard and Dr Fehmidah Munir

Wellbeing at Work: 8 Months Post-Covid, Where Are We Now?

Tuesday 17 November 2020
8.15 - 9.30am

Webinar via Adobe Connect

About this event

Join us for our final 'business breakfast' webinar of the year, as we take a step back to look at the impact Covid-19 has been having on our wellbeing at work and what we can do to address this. We'll be hearing from University of Nottingham experts on what the most recent data is actually saying about the impact on our mental health. They'll also be showcasing some of the resources that are available for business leaders and line managers as they seek to support their staff through the ongoing impacts of the pandemic and beyond.

As restrictions will to continue to be a feature of all of our lives for some time to come, we must take a longer-term view on how to look after ourselves and support our people. Don't miss this opportunity to discuss this important issue with your peers and put your questions directly to our experts. 


Dr Holly BlakeAssociate Professor in Behavioural Science

Holly sits on the Work, Health and Wellbeing Executive Group at the University's Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. She is a Chartered Health Psychologist, Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society (AFBPsS), and Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA). Holly has secured numerous Wellbeing at Work awards for her institution. She is the recipient of a Vice-Chancellor’s Achievement Award for sustained and substantial contribution to employee health and wellbeing in the NHS and the University and sits on the Staff Wellbeing Steering Group at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust. Her work has contributed to the development of health and wellbeing services in the public, private and third sector, in the UK and internationally. She is currently leading several COVID-19 rapid response studies around the impacts of the pandemic on mental health and the implementation of interventions for employee wellbeing.

Dr Louise Thomson

Dr Louise Thomson is a Chartered Psychologist (CPsychol) and HCPC-registered Occupational Psychologist specialising in psychological, social and organisational issues in occupational health and job retention. She is currently the Course Director for the MSc in Occupational Psychology at the University of Nottingham and Lead Academic for the Institute of Mental Health’s Research Support and Consultancy Service. Louise has extensive experience of working in the health and social care sector but has also worked with other public and private sector clients, as well as the third sector. She has been an expert member of three NICE committees developing guidance on: return-to-work after long-term sickness absence; mental well-being at work; and workplace health quality standards. She is currently part of the British Psychological Society’s COVID-Response group developing resources for the Working Differently workstream.

Dr Juliet Hassard - Associate Professor of Occupational Health Psychology

Dr Juliet Hassard is an Assistant Professor of Occupational Health Psychology in the Centre for Organisational Health and Development, University of Nottingham. Prior to joining the University of Nottingham she was the Deputy Director of the Centre for Sustainable Working Lives, Birkbeck University of London. Her research examines the design and development of psychologically healthy workplaces through working systems, management practices and organisational policies. In particular, she has expertise in the management and prevention of work-related stress at the organisational level. She has consulted on such issues for the European Parliament, the United Nations, the World Health Organisation, and the European Work Council. Her research was used a as campaign materials for the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work’s Healthy Workplace Campaign: “Healthy Workplaces Manage Stress” (2014-2015).  

Dr Fehmidah Munir - Reader in Health Psychology 

Dr Fehmidah Munir leads Loughborough University’s Mental Health Research Network as part of the University’s Global Challenge in Health and Wellbeing. She is a Chartered Health Psychologist and Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society. Fehmidah leads on large research programmes and consultancy work on workplace health and wellbeing involving public, private and third sector organisations. She chaired the 2019 Enhancing Mental Health and Well-being: Promoting Mental Well-being and Preventing Mental Ill Health at the Workplace event on behalf of the Public Policy Exchange in association with the Centre for Parliamentary Studies, presented roundtable discussion on Work, Health and Ageing at The House of Commons. Her research on return to work has influenced practice both nationally and internationally. She is currently leading a large return to work pilot study during the COVID-19 pandemic, open to public, private and third sector organisations  based in the Midlands.



Session agenda
 Time Agenda item
8:15am – 8:30am Join the webinar when you're ready
8:30am – 9.05am  Insights from our speakers
9:05am – 9:15am Question and answer session
9:15am – 9:25am Elevator pitches
9:25am - 9:30am Close

Book your place

Elevator pitches

After the main presentations, we will be offering a few short slots to those who want to make an elevator pitch to the audience. If you'd like to take a one minute slot to promote your business to the network, share your news, ask for feedback or recruit partners for a collaborative project, then contact the team. These slots are open to anyone, whether from a business, another organisation, or the university itself.

State Aid

This event is part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund 2014-2020 and is part of Productivity Through Innovation. This event is classed as State Aid to participating businesses, the value of which is up to £87.50, but is delivered completely free of charge to participants.

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Read our privacy policy for more information on how your data is used and stored. If you have any questions about registering for this event, please email rebecca.drysdale@nottingham.ac.uk.