Photo of Dr Anne Touboulic

Striving for Sustainability Workshop

Wednesday 25 November 2020
8.50 - 11.30am
Online workshop via Adobe Connect

About this event

When you hear the words ‘sustainable business’, how does it make you feel? Excited? Hopeful? Entrepreneurial? Or perhaps it conjures up less positive feelings; a sense of burden, worry, or not knowing where to start?

Instigating any kind of change within a business always brings challenges, but change usually starts with a vision of what we’d like to become and in this workshop we’ll be helping you to explore that.

We’ll start by discussing what sustainability means to you and how you feel about it. By understanding why change feels difficult, we put ourselves in a better position to deliver the transformations we want to see.

We’ll look at what sustainability means from an economic perspective (sustainable livelihoods), a social perspective (minimising negative impacts on wellbeing) and an environmental perspective (minimising negative impacts on the natural environment) and what this could mean for our individual businesses. And we’ll each work towards creating a sustainable vision for our own companies.

Our aim in this session is not to ‘tell’, but to give each business – however large or small – the space to think about where they’d like to get to. Because when you know where you’re heading to, it’s a whole lot easier to find your way.

Join us to:

  • Think in creative ways about sustainability
  • Learn about sustainability research, and some of the things you can take away for your firm
  • Consider what being a ‘sustainable business’ means to you
  • Share best practice with your peers in business and learn from one another

 This workshop is now fully booked. However, if you wish to add your name to the waiting list, please fill in the form below. If a place becomes available, a member of the team will contact you.


Dr Anne Touboulic - Associate Professor, Nottingham University Business School

Anne's research has largely focused on investigating different facets of the sustainable development agenda and its implications for organisational practices. Her approach to research is collaborative, seeking to drive practice and make an impact for positive change. She has worked with a range of stakeholders including large multinationals as well as small family businesses.


TimeAgenda item
8.50am – 9.00am Online registration and welcome
9.00am – 11.30am Live workshop: detailed agenda will be published closer to the time of the event

Book your place

State Aid

This event is part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund 2014-2020 and is part of Productivity Through Innovation. This event is classed as State Aid to participating businesses, the value of which is £155.54, but is delivered completely free of charge to participants.

European Regional Development Fund logo

Privacy and your data

We will add the data you provide on this form to our customer relationship management (CRM) system for the purposes of administrating this event, communicating with you about it and facilitating your company’s relationship with the University. We may also contact you about similar events in the future.

We are required by our funders (the European Regional Development Fund) to report which companies have attended our events as part of Productivity Through Innovation, so your data will also be used to comply with the reporting and monitoring requirements of our funders.

Read our privacy policy for more information on how your data is used and stored. If you have any questions about registering for this event, please email