Cyber Security event speakers

Cyber Security for SMEs

Thursday 3 December 2020
Webinar via Adobe Connect

About this event

Cyber attacks pose a serious and very real threat to all businesses. Are you aware of how a cyber security breach could affect your business? Do you know what the impact and cost might be, and have you taken the necessary steps to protect yourself?

In collaboration with DCMS and Ipsos MORI, the University of Nottingham is hosting this free webinar to look at some the challenges facing small businesses as a result of cyber attacks. We’ll explore the nature of some of the cyber incidents SMEs are facing and help you to understand what the cost of a breach could be, particularly with the increased exposure to cyber risk arising from the pandemic and moving online. We’ll also look at what good practice guidance is already available to support you, so you can reduce the risk of your business falling victim to an attack.

After the presentation, there will be an opportunity to put your questions directly to our expert panel. There will also be an opportunity to register for a follow-on workshop that will go into even more depth, should you wish to learn more.


Laura De Hann - Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport

Laura is a policy lead from the Cyber Resilience team in the Cyber Security and Digital Identity Directorate. For over two years she has been focusing on how to encourage organisations to manage cyber risk, from ensuring the right cyber resilience foundations (advice, guidance and standards) to creating market incentives across the economy. Laura has extensive policy experience across the UK and New Zealand Civil Service, from departments at the centre of Government to regulators and front-line policy delivery agencies.

Steven Furnell - University of Nottingham

Steve is a professor of cyber security, with interests including security management and culture, usable security technologies, and cybercrime and abuse.  Steve is also the current chair of Technical Committee 11 (security and privacy) within the International Federation for Information Processing, and a board member of the Chartered Institute of Information Security.

Jayesh Navin Shah - Ipsos MORI

Jayesh is a researcher at Ipsos MORI. He has directed several recent studies focused on the UK cyber security sector and wider tech sector. This includes five waves of the ‘Cyber Security Breaches Survey’, two cyber sectoral analyses, three waves of research on the UK cyber security labour market and the development of a tool to make it easier for businesses to assess the costs of cyber attacks.


TimeAgenda item
8.15am – 8.30am Join the webinar when you’re ready
8.30am – 9.00am Keynote presentations
9.00am – 9.15am Question and answer session
9.15am – 9.20am Elevator pitches
9.20am - 9.30am   Close

Book your place

State Aid

This event is part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund 2014-2020 and is part of Productivity Through Innovation. This event is classed as State Aid to participating businesses, the value of which is up to £87.50, but is delivered completely free of charge to participants.

European Regional Development Fund logo

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