Responsible Busines: Modern Slavery speaker, Dr Akilah Jardine and Mike Carter of Chariot Office Supplies

Responsible Business: Modern Slavery

Thursday 25 March 2021
9.00am - 10.30am
Online event via Microsoft Teams

About this event

The past decade has seen a seismic shift in consumer and workforce interest in responsible business. The customers and employees of today want to buy from and work for ethical, society-focused, purpose-led businesses and the pandemic has only accelerated this trend.

When allegations of exploitation and modern slavery in Leicester’s garment factories hit national headlines in July, with sweatshop conditions blamed for a spike in Covid-19 cases, there was public outrage. But what is modern slavery, exactly, and what’s it got to do with us?

Modern slavery is a hidden crime, covering a range of exploitative practices such as slavery, human trafficking, debt bondage, forced labour and sexual exploitation. There are an estimated 13,000 victims in the UK alone. Most of us wouldn’t entertain such practices within our own companies, but you might be surprised by how much your business can do to help tackle this in your own community.

This year, we’ve grown closer to the communities on our doorstep than ever before and there’s a rising sentiment within business to give something back. What’s more, government, public sector and other tenders increasingly expect SME suppliers to demonstrate an understanding of the issues around modern slavery. If you have never engaged with this subject before, now’s the time.

In this informal, conversational event, we’ll hear from Dr Akilah Jardine from the Rights Lab, University of Nottingham and Mike Carter, Managing Director of Chariot Office Supplies Ltd – an SME that has passionately engaged with the anti-slavery agenda. You’ll leave with an understanding of what modern slavery is, what your business can do to help address it and how engaging with this issue could actually mark your company out as exactly the kind of responsible business people want to work with.


Dr Akilah Jardine – University of Nottingham

Akilah is a research fellow in antislavery business and communities at the University of Nottingham’s Rights Lab. The Rights Lab is the world’s largest group of modern slavery researchers, providing rigorous data, evidence and discoveries for the global antislavery effort, with the ambition to end global slavery by 2030.

Mike Carter – Chariot Office Supplies Ltd

Mike is Managing Director of Chariot Office Supplies, a home and office stationery supplier based in Manchester. Established in 1977, Chariot employs 13 members of staff and takes great pride in its role as a local employer. The team at Chariot are passionate about Corporate Social Responsibility, upholding ethical principles and practices across everything they do. Whether promoting Fairtrade and environmentally friendly products, minimising their carbon emissions, forging charitable partnerships in the local community or working to prevent the exploitation and abuse associated with modern slavery, Chariot want to achieve a positive impact through all aspects of the business. 


TimeAgenda item
8.50am  Join the webinar when you’re ready
9.00am - 10.00am  Keynote presentations
10.00am – 10.20am Question and answer session


Book your place

State Aid

This event is part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund 2014-2020 and is part of Productivity Through Innovation. This event is classed as State Aid to participating businesses, the value of which is up to £87.50, but is delivered completely free of charge to participants.

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