Picture of Dr Matthew Duncombe and Steve Hobbs

Clearer Thinking for Better Decisions

Thursday 27 May 2021
08:15am - 09:30am
Online event via Adobe Connect

About this event

As business leaders, our beliefs and decisions have a profound impact on the success of our companies. Every day, the choices we make can propel us towards achieving our goals - or get in the way of them!

Good decisions result from clear thinking, but as human beings, it’s easy to fall into the same reasoning mistakes that have been tripping us up for thousands of years; a new mindset is required if we’re going to do things better, especially in uncertain times. What’s more, decisions are rarely made alone; we discuss, persuade and reason with others, be they staff, suppliers, investors or customers. Understanding the hows and whys of disagreement can be the first step to building consensus and getting things done.

Join us for this webinar, which will offer practical tips to help you think more clearly, including:

  • how you can get into the right mindset for clear thinking in the first place;
  • techniques you can use to improve your approach to reasoning that have stood the test of time from Ancient Greece to the present day;
  • how to avoid making common mistakes;
  • how to have more productive discussions with others.

Could clearer thinking help you make better decisions?


Dr Matthew DuncombeUniversity of Nottingham

Dr Matthew Duncombe is Assistant Professor in Philosophy in the School of Humanities at the University of Nottingham. He was awarded his PhD by the University of Cambridge in 2012. Thereafter he worked at the University of Groningen and latterly Durham University, before joining the University of Nottingham in 2016. His research focuses on ancient Greek philosophy and logic, especially ancient ideas of how to conduct reasoning, alone or in discussion. He teaches undergraduate modules on Ancient Greek Philosophy and reasoning, argument, and logic.

Steve Hobbs Asking Better Questions Ltd

Steve Hobbs has been working as a facilitator, coach and mentor for over 20 years after a similar amount of time as a business owner and leader. As a designer and deliverer of workshops and 1:1 activities he has worked with thousands of business executives, entrepreneurs and enterprising individuals across the private, public and third sector, with a focus on the mindset and the behaviours that get things done. He is fascinated by – and a student of – tools, methods and approaches that help people make their own sense of complex problems, leading to better choices and outcomes.


TimeAgenda item
8.15am – 8.30am Join the webinar when you’re ready
8.30am – 9.00am Keynote presentations
9.00am – 9.15am Question and answer session
9.15am – 9.20am Elevator pitches
9.20am - 9.30am onwards Close

Book your place

 Please contact georgia.ames@nottingham.ac.uk to register

Elevator pitches

After the main presentations, we will be offering a few short slots to those who want to make an elevator pitch to the audience. If you'd like to take a one minute slot to promote your business to the network, share your news, ask for feedback or recruit partners for a collaborative project, then contact the team. These slots are open to anyone, whether from a business, another organisation, or the university itself.

State Aid

This event is part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund 2014-2020 and is part of Productivity Through Innovation. This event is classed as State Aid to participating businesses, the value of which is up to £50.00, but is delivered completely free of charge to participants.

European Regional Development Fund logo

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We will add the data you provide on this form to our Customer Relationship Management system for the purposes of administrating this event, communicating with you about it and facilitating your company’s relationship with the University. We may also contact you about similar events in the future.

Read our privacy policy for more information on how your data is used and stored. If you have any questions about registering for this event, please email rebecca.drysdale@nottingham.ac.uk.