Events for Business

The Future of Your Business: The Road to Growth

Wednesday 27 October 2021
7:45am - 9:30am

Join us in person at Lakeside Arts, University Park, University of Nottingham


Watch the live stream online - your choice!

About this event

Successfully managing an SME through growth is hard and the path to success can be fraught. Business growth can contribute to business survival, but it can also place great challenges on businesses and their leaders. 

Being equipped with relevant knowledge and being able to apply this in your business could help you to prepare for, achieve and cope with growth. The Business Network has teamed up with the Government’s major new Help to Grow course to consider what it takes to grow an SME. 

In this special Business Network session, we’ll consider the opportunities and challenges of growth as well as hearing from those involved in the programme in terms of how Help to Grow can make a difference. Join us as we embark upon a series of events relevant to growth, looking at topics such as the changing nature of customers, the opportunities of automation, financial technologies, leadership skills and more. 


Professor David Park - University of Nottingham

David is currently a part-time Professor in Entrepreneurship & Innovation at Nottingham University Business School where he lectures and mentors in entrepreneurship, IP commercialisation and innovation. He is also Associate Dean (External Engagement) and Director of Executive Education. He has first-hand experience raising start-up funds, growing effective, multi-disciplinary teams, and completing $multiM licensing deals with a FTSE100 plc. Although his degrees are in engineering and artificial intelligence, he has set-up/run start-ups in a variety of sectors ranging from satellite navigation and geospatial engineering to professional CPD.

Dr Robert Wapshott - University of Nottingham

Robert is Associate Professor in Entrepreneurship & Innovation at Nottingham University Business School. He is also Programme Director of Help to Grow at the University of Nottingham. Robert’s research focuses on employment relationships and practices in SMEs and is characterised by an emphasis on collaborating with SMEs to tackle relevant problems. He is co-author of Managing Human Resources in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (Routledge). External to the university, Robert is an editor at the International Small Business Journal and a Network of Experts member for the Better Regulation Executive at BEIS.


TimeAgenda item
7.45am – 8.10am Breakfast and networking for those joining us in person
8.10am – 8.15am Welcome
8.15am – 9.00am Keynote presentation
9.00am – 9.10am Question and answer session
9.10am – 9.20am Elevator pitches
9.20am - 9.30am onwards Close

Book your place

State Aid

This event is part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund 2014-2020 and is part of Productivity Through Innovation. This event is classed as State Aid to participating businesses, the value of which is up to £100.00, but is delivered completely free of charge to participants.

European Regional Development Fund logo

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